nice rules
Nice rules
Other urls found in this thread:
posting in ebic thread =DDD
This is a good one.
God I love loli cunny
stop it user
mods kill this board so pol can spam it
I hope they kill themselves
I wish loli slut like this existed in real life.
all girls are sluts, lolis especially
How do I get a loli gf?
Tsubaki Jushirou
just be yourself
you know what to do
I'll get arrested
Jewcob start releasing uncensored loli tanks?
that's just the risk of dealing with women in general
Either be rich or move to a third-world country (it's also good to be rich there).
Fuck you loli are cute and cunny is cute word.
ayy lmao i got warned but this shitty hentai manga dump user is still here
Good thread
Do they say cunny a lot over there?
janny can't delete threads iirc
Must be the famous case of the janitor waiting the mods to wake up so he's up to fap while regulating stuff.
>cunny is cute word
Your sense of cutesthetics belongs in the garbage bin.
That's where the term got popularized.
Sup Forums - lolicons
Sup Forums - pedophiles
Know the difference, it could save your life.
I learned the word cunny from 2D loli.
Not my fault if you browse 3DPD shit board.
Your opinion belongs in the trash bin.
I thought they could, but just couldn't ban anyone.
I'd guess there's an autoban for asking for source posts, as we've all seen the mods don't give a shit about this board
Get raped by a nigger Sup Forums scum.
Step back.
Lolis are pure shit
>I learned the word cunny from 2D loli.
Way to out yourself as a newfag then. I bet you learned about normalfags (or "normies" as they are called over there) from facebook memes too.
This ticks so many marks. Why is it always pedophelia with this shit.
And you are outing yourself as a crossboarder. Sorry I don't browse 3D board.
Saucefag gets deleted before the porn-dump. Priorities.
Why are you not a pedophile yet?
>mods don't give a shit about this board
Did they ever other than Modcat and Kinomod?
And you should step onto a high traffic road. If you use "cunny" you really should die.
They can, but only on their assigned boards. They can't warn or ban people, so it means one (1) mod at the least is aware of this thread.
More info:
great thread!
fucking inuboshi is writing a novel here what the hell
Better a cross-boarder than a newfag. Though I don't browse Sup Forums, I'm more of a /trv/,/ck/,Sup Forums,/d/,Sup Forums person. But it's not like you have to browse /r9k/, Sup Forums or Sup Forums to know about their cancerous memes, just being anywhere on Sup Forums for more than a summer would be enough.
>it means one (1) mod at the least is aware of this thread
And this thread isn't dead? Weird. I guess mod gotta fap sometimes too.
well my reply to the sauce asker got deleted too, remember kids, don't spoonfeed!
the sound effect there ぽふ is actually pomf, it is the same artist after all
Is there actually a bot being used for mod/kanitorial purposes? That explains a lot as to why random threads get deleted so often these days.
I like this artist. The one where MC goes into different parallel universes and fucks his sister or friend is great.
Almost 50 minutes later still up
inuboshi is such a good artist
I want to be able to draw just as well as him but I doubt I'll ever be able to ;___;
what do you call a fat loli with a rape whistle?
You know nothing happens if the thread doesn't get reported right?
So assume that very few people reported this thread, and more people reported other things.
he's come a long way desu, if you look at his earlier works then you'll see how janky his drawings were
What's supposed to get reported more often than this?
I'm still thinking.
Why loli?
Well, I just added a new artist to the list, so thank you anyway.
Sauce requests, hopefully.
dragon ball super threads
but we know that Janitors and kinomod are tsundere for dbs threads
I think a ban request results in a 15 minute timeout (i.e. short-term ban) as well (unless the request is denied before 15 minutes are over). So no janny here
>Why is it always pedophelia with this shit.
Are you really complaining? Stop posting
>cup ramen