The UK will block online porn from April

How age verification will be deployed

>There are multiple ways that age verification could work under the new plans, but the government is very much leaving this up to the industry to decide. It has been mooted that a system that uses credit card authorisation, such as gambling websites do could be introduced.

>MindGeek is one of the companies developing a "solution" for age verification on pornography websites. On its website it delivers a "world-class portfolio of entertainment experiences and IT solutions". It does not mention it owns some of the world's biggest porn sites, including Pornhub.

>For age verification, MindGeek has developed AgeID. The company says it expects to sign-up 25 million people in the UK its system. According to Sky News, people will be able to login to AgeID with an email address and password, then use a third party system to check their age. AgeID will log which pornography websites are visited and store them.

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>he doesn't download porn

They don't seem to care when a thousand children get raped, why they care about them now?

it's a strange one. This law was passed very secretly and nobody in media spoke up about it.

We have "dummy" bans on some websites, it can be overruled by changing DNS from ISP's one to Google DNS. And plenty of browser extensions that'd help, like FriGate

If they go as far as to ban CDNs then it sucks.

>UKucks unwillingly go no fap
>Start out raping Mohammed’s

Brown people are above the law.

Online PROTECT THE CHILLEMS is a big deal here. Noncing is by far, the #1 most hated crime and porn is seen to encourage childhood sexualisation, so most people support it.

>This law was passed very secretly and nobody in media spoke up about it.
It's been in the headlines dozens of times. If you see most posts on social media, people tend to agree with it for reasons stated abve and also because people unironically say/believe

>What the fuck is wrong with kids these days? I was still playing with toys when I was 16 and didn't hold a girl's hand until I was 21. Now kids are looking at porn? The world is getting worse.

>If you've got nothing to hide, there's nothing to fear. So long as it protects kids, I'm all for it. I wouldn't want my kids watching some of the porn they make these days.


porn is degenerate and is ruining an entire generation. I approve of this.

Hitler would have banned porn as well.

Mummy knows best :-)

>muh freedumz, we have the right to be degenerate
Anyone who opposes this will get the bullet.

This seems like kind of an advertisement for Mindgeek.

For once I dont find anything wrong with one of the laws your country is passing. I think this needs to happen everywhere. Porn straight up destroys kids sexual development.

>hurr durr dis is gud becuz muh degeneracy
Who decides what constitutes a porn site retards?
Is Sup Forums a porn site? I guarantee plenty of the retards in government (many nonces themselves) would think so.

It's only a small leap from there for them to decide that absolutely any website that allows the exchange of images can potentially be a 'porn' site.


It's basically lipservice without the talking

it's just to track people, the UK is obsessed with tracking everything it's citizens do


BRUH. You cant even post "right wing conspiracies" anymore without getting hauled off somewhere. You're a few small steps away from being lined up against a wall and shot to death anyways.

Rape will go up 300%

he was also autistic and would probably have banned the internet too

>it's just to track people, the UK is obsessed with tracking everything it's citizens do
Ding ding ding.This guy gets it. The UK are world leaders in citizen surveillance. The public broadly supports it.( and the porn register is basically a potential sex offender's register.

Some kiddo gets raped within 10 miles f where you live? First people getting a dawn raid are porn consumer

the UK should distribute porn to all the migrants. maybe then they will stop trying to rape everyone

When I saw v for vendetta I thought it was an extremely cringy faggot ass movie, then I learned more about the U.K. surveillance laws & now I understand

UK in a nutshell

Unironically welcome this, it will only aide my nofap

What is pol's opinion on hentai?

I think they have claimed they are blocking porn for like past 10 years
Still hasnt happened

You realize Sup Forums is a porn website, right?

UK is about to be banned from Sup Forums unless they give their identities away to the government to post here.

I wonder who could be behind this...

>Agree with you
>Also fucking love porn

Fuck me I hate stuff like this having control over me. I need to get stronger.

Prepare for a lot of angry men to be walking about.

And people called me crazy for downloading porn. I'm gonna be jerking for years, boys. I'll give you good prices on my stash.

On the one hand I think this post 9/11 trend of trading freedoms for so called 'security' is dangerous and leads us spiralling ever closer to a distopian 1984 future.

But on the other I agree that free streaming online Pornography is an attack on the sexual development of our youth, and therefore an attack on the institute of family.

This is a tough one.


Good. it's ruining our society. people should be forming meaningful relationships instead of indulging in degrading acts of pleasure.

Although i see where this 'verification' thing is going. It will be a permanent log of activities/websites which are visited (no way to deny that it was you). wouldn't be surprised if they try to block 'hate' websites in the future.

Well. Might as well try this nofap fad whilst the government decides to ignore bigger matters at hand to ban sex movies.

>bring in a bunch of savage 3rd worlders
>rape goes up (((20%)))
>act clueless as to why
>ban porn
>rape skyrockets

british just cant genocide themselves fast enough can they?

This is one of those laws they'll repeal within a month or so once peoples identities start getting stolen and it all becomes a big mess.

Fuckin ay.

wtf pol is always right and ahead of the curve

Getting ready for that sharia law i see.

You realise the government is so fucking ignorant of the internet they want a user to sign in to a third party website to view restricted content but that very same third party software is actually a very easy target for everyone

Brown people raping children = enrichment
"Children" Masturbating = self rape.

Stupid goy.

>"this is about porn and not about censoring political speech"


Fucking ace.
Nice step forward, porn is peak degeneracy.

>a system that uses credit card authorisation,
surely no paedo employees of the state will think to exploit this and spend UK tax money on porn via the Economic Affairs Committee, or whatever godless socialist hog-trough the bureaucratic swine over there feed out of.

Isn't mindgeek like some jew organization or tied to google or something?

you guys are fucking morons

british people are being enslaved in their own countries with practically no right to even criticize it, and you fucking retards act like banning porn is even on the fucking radar of things that would improve their situation

you are such clueless fucking cuckold retards "oy vey the problem is men arent being forced by their sexual frustration to go ruin their lvies with child support and divorce because god knows im not going to do anything about this whole mess but shit out a white kid with some "tradcon" slut and pretend im anything but another useless white cuck enslaved to the state and women

kill yourselves tradcon larping cuckold faggots, you're a joke

t. someone who didnt come here in the 2016 election from fucking reddit

you newfags are fucking clueless

>turn a blind eye to thousands of gang rapes
>ban porn


In-person organisation is growing in the UK far right anyway. I wouldn't be shocked if you were the first one to flip over to ethnat fascism honestly.


that goes to every one of these faggots in this thread defending this as if it fucking matters at all

i just cant be assed to link to a bunch of spergs who dont even care about the stupid shit that spews out of their mouths


Porn is degenerate. Go sperg somewhere else.


It's like romance novels for men, but without all the BS and just the good parts.

It's a good thing because
A. Most men are addicted to porn
B. Taking away the porn will cause mass social unrest that will destabilize the country

If you have to legislate rules to prevent people from doing bad things, perhaps there's an underlying problem that isn't being addressed. This is no different from bill c-16 where threat of government violence looms over the silent majority of law-abiding citizens for not abiding by newspeak.

t, muhammed from london

>people not using the mental wank bank

Wow so the U.k. will literally have a backlog of all the porn you view with your name attached and that isn't bothersome to these "people"?

heh that's where you're wrong kiddo

> Ban porn
> Ban prostitution
> Still be surprised when young men become violent.

yeah he was a good lad

fuck it im moving to Australia.
how easy is it to get in there @aussies?
(not a NEET, WILL look for work and integrate + Im white) thx

Either you spineless faggots uncuck yourselves or we'll come over there and deliver some MUCH needed liberty. Cunts.








I will literally find out how to break this on day 1 like last time.

liberty has it's flaws too. although statism is a bit of a gamble. Hard to decide what is better for the well being of society.

This, UK gov. can now blacklist you as a Sup Forums user. They'll probably go further and designate sites like this as "dangerous" or "criminal activity hubs" or something like that justify notifying any of your potential employers.

so this means every britbong will be tracked when visiting Sup Forums?

>AgeID will log which pornography websites are visited and store them.

For what possible purpose? Even in the abstract the only way this makes sense is a simple pass/fail check. Storing what porn sites you visit can't be defended in any way.

nigga the CIA have been tracking this site for YEARS, at this point they are catatonic from all the shit they've seen.
corroberated by literally who (moot)

>So long as it protects kids, I'm all for it.

It doesn't and they'll figure out how to circumvent it before their parents do.

This just goes back to something a lot of people, because they're idiots, don't get about the dichotomy between Brave New World and 1984. Brave New World was an open critique of American culture and its focus on empty entertainment. 1984 is firmly steeped in British culture and applies the harsh totalitarianism of Marxism to it. And as Britain becomes ever more Marxist, it starts looking more and more like Orwell's imaginary world.

Cambodia has very strict pornography laws

In fact, a group of tourists were arrested and charged for "posing pornographically" in public. (they were fully clothed just goofing around).

This is your future UK. Enjoy.

Yeah but they can't openly admit to raping your privacy, they have to pick and choose who to fuck over. With this bill the U.K. can and will be as trigger happy as possible.

>indeed you'll never be aware of all the things those agencies are doing

It's fucking mindboggling that this is accepted as a normal thing for a politician to say. And it's amazing how so many gullible idiots believe that the people watching over them will always be clear-cut, fair people presiding over impartial law. I mean, it's not like people are being arrested for saying mean things, but only if they're a certain ethnicity, while others get free reign to say the most horrible shit, right? Oh, no, wait, that's exactly what's happening.

The leftist scum is actively creating a totalitarian society with a contradictory system of rules so you, the private citizen, will never truly know whether you're being law-abiding or not. Cracking a dick joke could be considered sexual harrassment. Revving your engine could be considered racism. In fact, both of those are real life examples that got people put through the wringer. And the result? You'll be always on your toes, always with The Ideology firmly lodged in the back of your mind, because if you don't have it there, it'll only be a matter of time before the redshirts bust down your door and drag you off for committing the crime of not being a good, little slave for two seconds.

And that's how a totalitarian state functions. Europe is heading there more rapidly than I care to admit, and sometimes even ardent leftists seem to realize it and speak up. That's usually right before they get executed by the circular firing squad.

Cucks cant watch cuck porn. Sad.

Does that mean I can just wack off to all of the good accounts that I've followed on >tumblr?

It seems very oppressive, matriarchal & puritanical, they won't be happy until we can only access a specially made government version of the internet consisting of nothing but BBC style propaganda.

>the eternal ""

do I need to remind everyone that the NHS was hacked by randomness because their system is so outdated it runs on windows xp and was only stopped by sheer luck (debugger accidently found the domain)
they wouldn't know how to impliment this if you did it for them.

Don't worry anglos, your nightly pleasures are safe. I'll sell you all the porn you want in DVD format for a bunch of £s or some scholarship fund

I'll get you all the weird jap stuff you want

This. I mean look what happened when they just fucked with the video games. They actually ban porn...fuck. that's the literal last line for keeping men docile and distracted. Without the bongs constantly being able to release to fakes of the queen, all their rage is just going to build up till even the eternal anglo goes out and kills jews and niggers.

>mfw never shitpost with Hitler and Gobbles.