redpill me on dick size
Redpill me on dick size
They're not politics. Fuck off redditfag
I will talk to you after you change it to the international system.
haha I am in group A. Not by much though. 7.25 x 6.5 inches
I have a 5 inch benis and the girls Ive been with may or may not have faked their orgasms.
no need for sure things user. just multiply by 2.54. It will make you feel bigger too.
>been with girls
>on Sup Forums
meh,i'm at 16 never cared about size that much,do i wish i had a 22cm one? hell yeah,but hey it's what i got.
Females are retarded, if you tell them it's 7", but in reality it's 5", they believe you.
5 inches is about average. Dont worry so much
ey fuck you anglo
Here's the redpill:
Women have a lot less spacial awareness than men and can't judge sizes well. You could tell your girlfriend you have a 7 inch penis if you have 5 inches and - more than simply believe you - she wouldn't even know the difference.
The chart is easily skewed up 2 inches, not because of women, but because men exaggerate to women who don't know any better.
Fags who measure their dicks.
I have a redzone penis and copulation is more often than not painful for the ladies. You might be on to something here bub
That pic is incorrect
Anything a women says -2
This. Haven't ever measured.
You're clearly a tiny dick virgin.
6.5x5 here. Never had an issue with women.
I measured mine because I thought I was average, but I bought some Trojan BareSkins and my dick looked like a sausage filled far too full. It was also painful. It turns out I am significantly above average. Jews and their porn had me believing I was average for many years.
It's absolutely the case, women can't judge size or distance. They can't track moving targets well either. Men are the hunters, we have larger vision processing centers and better kinetic vision.
5 inches is the average for a biological reason. Everyone forgets that, thinking that bigger is better and getting super self-conscious about dick size. The average vagina is designed for 4-6 inches of dick.
Calm down dicklet