>call show "Gamers"
>95% of it has nothing to do with gaming
why do nips like to lie?
Call show "Gamers"
It's about gamers not gaming, retard
Tendou a best.
it's about people who like games i.e. gamers
The truth lies within:
Maybe it's based on American gamers
>play games
>be gamers
>have retards, beta orbiters, fauxchads, and literal autists in your gamer group
>devolves into a fucking shitshow
The most accurate portrayal of "gamers".
>being so tired after just some light exercise
wow it's just like my NTR doujins, so hot.
Needs a doujin where she's actually getting pegged from behind while answering the door.
C O M I K E T 9 3
What are you talking about?
It's all about mindgames
i'm completely sure that with the amount of harem animes that were always in schools, they now need to add something extra to stop it from being that boring, like eromanga sensei was an obvious harem but with that retarded story
she's a girl, user.
I want to impregnate Aguri.
>its another dumbass that is confused when a work of fiction is about comedy or drama related to characters, and not non-fiction shit like games or music
>its another dumbass that doesnt understand the difference between fiction and documentary
Her sister managed to be the sexiest character
cum in this iko nigger
Ask School Rumble
Ain't worse than Candy Boy.
I LOVE video games.
>call show "Bleach"
>95% of it has nothing to do with Clorox
> japanese
>watching trash
>unironically expecting anything but trash
Can you PriPri fags just fuck off? You're getting more annoying than them jojo queers
>call show "Stupid Girl"
>she's actually the most cunning character, but exclusively uses her intelligence for self-entertainment
That's what happens when you're suddenly frightened when you're in the middle of it.
You lose your sense of balance.
When will A-kun begin to understand her greatness?
not him but that's an index char
The show told you up front it was a romcom, you're the one at fault here, OP.
>watching trash
>unironically expecting anything but trash
>call show "Gamers"
>95% of it has nothing to do with gaming
That's mostly accurate about gamers, just take a look at .
It's sad when that trash series is more enjoyable than Gamers, but I still watch both of them because I have acquired a taste for trash.
is this show better than d-frag
Fuck no, D-Frag was actually funny
so I should I watch classroom of the elite instead this season?
It's more enjoyable than Gamers, for sure. The MC is fun to follow and recent episode was 10/10 just because of a single character
>Not posting the Chad Stride in motion
cool, thanks for the heads up
Chad really is /ourguy/
because Life is like a videogame but there is no second chance
100% of the show is to do with gamers though. Why do Sup Forumsfags come and whine about games when the show is about the people playing games?
I am certain CERTAIN that is not what happened
You will not trick me into downloading this show
It's just like the Smsrtphone anime from this scene. The title is just an excuse and not really the focus.
Smartphone has the isekai part done right at least.
C'mon user, why dont'cha download the anime? You'll love it! Especially if you love seaweed/are not a pleb.
>call anime kaiji
>95% of it has nothing to do with writing
>call show "the wire"
>95% of it has nothing to do with cabòes
question, what was the card Chiaki was hiding from Keita and why was she worried for Keita not to see it?
>call your movie Cidade de Deus
>it has nothing to do with godliness
That was his transit pass. She didn't want him to leave immediately so she hid it to pretend to look for it.
>Finally the moment Keita finds out who is Mono
>lmao, is actually my sister
what a forced curveball
I really fucking thought we were going anime original. So blueballing.
Worst thing is that this isn't a misunderstanding anymore. This was a lie and there is clearly now a person to blame.
everything is one big forced misunderstanding that only takes for everyone to sit together and clear it out without any complicated explanations
Will fags not be satisfied unless there's no plot and the whole anime is just a let's play of Mario?
They wouldn't be satisfied even then.
If this was actually about gaming we would just call it Sup Forums: The Anime and tell ourselves to fuck off back to Sup Forums
>95% of it
People who got the false impression would be satisfied if the MC actually joined the club and the relationship drama was centered around there. There'd be a lot more video games then.
I've actually enjoyed this last two episodes. The SoL comedy feel focus instead just feels more interesting. I can't get into the MISUNDERSTANDINGS LMAO
the whole chad stride vs virgin walk thing seemed like a meme but it's so true, it's everywhere
who the fuck calls themselves gamers
>look guys I'm an animer