Who are the Aryan + Honorary Aryan nations of the modern world?

I have a thought about this today. I'm talking about nations that resides highly intelligent and cultured people, without counting race. So far i think:


So it can't be British or Americans..
It couldn't be Russians because they're too uncultured.
Chinese and Koreans are insectoid plastic soulless people so they're out of the list.
What else should be added? Remember that this is regardless of race because the Japanese has some ugly as fuck people but they're still cultured people that can grasp complex human emotions.

Armenians. Theyre ethnic trolls who trigger turks like no other

Wow you guys really do have free time

who is this beautiful man

Why is the website full of fucking weebs?

Almost every country has noble people. As a norm, probably only Japan. If Nihon Kaigi is any indication, the zipperheads will save us all.

If i was a weeb i wouldn't call the japs ugly as fuck.

Aren't Aryans based on Arjuna from The Bhagavad Gita?

Arya becomes Orja in Finnish language. Aryans was defeated and enslaved by the ancient people of Finland and arya = orja in Finish means slave.

Guy from Schindler's List.


Russians are uncultured?
They produced the pinnacle of modern ballet, western literature, and are the only ones that kept the art of writing classical music alive.

The masses may be dumb, but so are the masses of Europe and America, plus, what do you expect communism to do to a country except hamper economic and cultural growth?

Almost all inventions were created in England, Germany or France. Netherlands are just a bunch of greedy traders. Italy has lost its people. Japan is on the come up, we are still going to have to see about it. Australia? What the fuck is that


That's why i specifically mention the "modern world". The Soviet Union era destroyed much of the Russian culture that when normal people think of Russians they come up with an image of a man in a tracksuit, squatting while holding a vodka in hand and saying cyka blyat

>Republic of Croatia
>Ante Pavolich
>Devout Catholics

Khazari jews are technically Aryan, as well as other middle eastern subraces

Um, how about no.

four chan


Poland does not belong on that list.

Creole Cubans


>never actually met someone from Croatia
