Walk around in the sun for a couple hours

>walk around in the sun for a couple hours
Why are japs so weak?

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Because the only reason they stop Ganbatte!!-ing in work/school way past their efficient hours without proper rest and go home to get that rest from their overworked and underpaid jobs is because there's is a last train that they need to catch to go home.

If there wasn't an last train and most lines would be 24hr lines, I bet you 2 zimbabwe dollars that housing prices would get really cheap, because there would be an population decrease from all the overwork related deaths, and everyone else still alive would be almost there sleeping on their desks with sleeping sacks like the characters in New Game!! so no one would even need houses, because adopting new ways of thinking that could benefit everybody is too asinine to Japan.

Robo is a ginger, everybody knows gingers can't handle the sun.

I laughed my ass off from the last page. That's an absolute bullshit shot. Isn't that final game material instead of first? This is a great comedy manga.

>get flu

I was surprised he won his first match.

Aren't MC's supposed to lose their first games so they have rivals and final bosses to look forward to? This emperor guy and his elite team jobbed on this MC's first game. How are they supposed to recover from that?

Foreign golfers.

At least it's not as one-sided as basketball or
American football. No amount of friendship and superpowers can make me believe a bunch of Japanese manlets can beat 6'3 Tyrones at their own sports.

Why do they work so hard?

It's to establish the MC's potential as a legitimate threat.

Anyway, the MC's team is already made up of Sues so he fits right in.

It was nice to see Robo aquiring emotions.

This is neither about robots nor laserbeams, nor even about robots with laser beams.

Golf is full of bullshit.

I can confirm.

Having him yell at the ball was worth having him be the most bland MC for the first few chapters.

>Robo beats the final boss in the first arc

Now I'm curious where it's going.

did this actually get good? I just remember the first couple chapters being very lame

None of the characters from Emperor's team are top tier threats if I'm remembering correctly. They're mostly fresh blood like that really tall first/second year guy. All the manga has to do is introduce the for real real club regulars.

I wouldn't call it 'good' per se but I do find it really silly and fun in how comically seriously it presents itself. It reminds me of early Prince of Tennis more than Kuroko did to be honest.

>dark skinned qt is team girl

I did it and I ended with a fuckig swollen lip, it looked three times its size, and it was just two hours.

New Prince of Tennis is where the series jumped the shark over the moon.

I guess the justification here is that he still got by far the worst score, his achievement here is not dragging his team down far enough that they'd lose.

Sun burn?

Because sucking the dick of senpais is the absolute law, even if they do not deserve it because they're shit at the job and/or disrespect everyone 'lower'/kouhais than him. So even then you're supposed to suck up and just keep going at it. If senpai didn't leave at the specified time for going home why should you?Keep at it doing your 30% way into the night with unpaid overtime because you're really tired, even tho 8h doing work at 100% is way better than 10~12h at 40%, fuck that, boss/senpai-kouhai BS is always right and never to be questioned.

That's why an cold/being drenched in water is an serious killer, you don't have any immune system in this shit system. That's if you don't have an heart attack on your desk while being 'perfectly healthy'(at least compared to something like a stereotypical fat american) at 30.

Yeah, Prince of Tennis was great. It struck that blend of camraderie, hot-bloodedness, and mundane made terrific that I love. The ending was also incredibly satisfying. New Prince of Tennis takes the already ridiculous point of the ending and cranks it up even further to its detriment.

Not that day, but after four days walking 7 kilometers under a sun on 3000 m above sea level I got a nightmare sunburn, a guy told me my swollen lip wasn't a normal thing and I should go to see a doctor about my skin reaction to the sun, I am not the whitest guy but neither black. Anyway, some people react shit to sun but really, golf shouldn't be the case.


It's not quite good yet, but it's been getting better.

I can't wait for the ultra magical bullshit to kick in full gear.

yeah, I really wanted him to lose or at least pass out. He improved his score to get into the camp and that was the main goal, but winning here is too early in the story. Some anons were making the argument that technically his team won collectively and he lost individually.

I dropped it when the dude was making black holes to stop shots and still couldn't win, how much crazier has it gotten

In the beginning everyone and their moms were wet for the 'rising shot'

It basically feels like what Kuroko no Basket would've been if it kept going. Worse but still pretty entertaining in a funny way.

It was getting better, but now it's getting worse again, and I mean "boringly bad".
Wasn't it a par-four hole? Hole-in-one on a par-three aren't that rare, but scoring an albatross in a par-four is absolutely ridicolous.

>walk around in the sun for a couple hours
>shoot an Algerian

Why are Frenchies so weak?

He didn't win tho. He's 5 or 6 points behind.

I dropped it about 10 chapters so I could not tell you.

>Tezuka Zone
>Shots that don't bounce


underrated comment

i like the extra chapter where the mangaka shows that he is self aware of the faces he gives to his characters.

that said, i am surprised at the last chapter, but its better than kuroko so far since kuroko got massively overshadowed in his own manga by OP as fuck characters.

What's worse is that they are all middle schoolers. MC was a 12 year old doing fucking miracle shots.

WSJD user here. Didn't realize MS was doing this. Gonna stop ripping it. Waste of time.