After watching that Ex CIA videos

I dunno what were going to do bro's. I hate what they turned out country into.. The US is fucking terrible.

And if they are going to kill Kennedy they sure as hell wont hesitate to kill Trump. If the people dont rise up and revolt, this is never going to end.

They will keep doing mass shooting psy ops until the 2nd amendment is gone.

The constitution is hardly even a thing anymore. Our government has gone rogue aside from the elected side.

What the fuck do we do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody's going to do shit until it affects them personally

>>take away the porn
>>take away the gibs
>>take away the internet
>>take away electricity for a week

Then you'll get the change we so desperately need . . .

But otherwise . . . Nothing will happen. The degree of comfort and amusement is too high to jeopardize action against degeneracy.

The individual is ALWAYS capable of action, but the group is difficult to convince in times of plenty.

Amen senpai

they literally use our tax dollars to form terrorist groups that turn arount and kill us..

what more could it possibly take? do they have to come to your house and shoot your 8 year old daughter in the head?


you have no idea how bad it really is

I'm not trying to preach or act like I know what's going on 100%. But I do think I have enough of a basic grasp of human nature to understand that when you've lived in THIS degree of comfort most/all of your life, the way most people view things isn't . . . 'human'.

When pleasure and content stability are the norm, then the only pain you know is discomfort. Everyone I meet at work, socially, my family, my girlfriend, the way people talk about things online -- they all think what's going on is horrible. But they all admit that they don't do anything or organize because it's part of the same systemic comfort and convenience that they're addicted to.

And it might just take someone coming to their house and making it personal for them to care, because when the degenerate is faceless and supplies you with amenities not dreamt of even 100 years ago, you're more than willing to stick the needle in your arm.

No way to organize a movement with so much infighting. We are plebs and the investment in destroying us is monumental

What videos?

>ex-CIA videos

amendment #2

>>>take away the internet
Do it government! RELEASE Sup Forums ON THE WINDS OF THIS EARTH. Ruin will surely follow an d Kek will finally awaken in his earthly form.

I actually think this will happen during the next, even bigger, recession. A year or two ago a pipeline malfunction in Alabama, I think, and six states in the southeast had critical gas shortages., It made me think it wouldn't take much infrastructure sabotage to create the conditions you describe.

If this place were gone tomorrow I'd just play video games more often. I'm pretty sure that's the case with everyone else here, too.

These gun bans will push so many people over the edge that there will be an armed revolution. CIA niggers will be rounded up and shot without trial. They've had it a long time coming.

long but good, spread them around before they're taken down.

I know the thumbs up/down voting is disabled.

err on the first video anyway

Ted Kaczinsky, my friend. The only problem I see is that the elites/globalists might be trying to sabotage this very event so that they can inaugurate an even more oppressive regime.

If you think of the conditions that the Weimar Republic was in before the Nazis were in control, there was so much in-fighting and a near-disastrous Communist takeover of the German government. All fringe groups move in for the kill when the beast is weak.

Aren't they preparing for a civil war?

>These gun bans will push so many people over the edge that there will be an armed revolution.
Along with a coup from the military. Remember, barring the faggots, freakshows, and political appointments of the Obama era, our military is still mostly right winged and 2A loving.

>our military is still mostly right winged and 2A loving
Sadly not true anymore. The majority of them are pozzed beyond belief. I think that we can still expect a solid 30% to defect though.


Would taking away the porn do it though?

I dont think so, it would be bening and actually positive enough to try and do it while blaming (((them)))


I've always said that it would only take a group of about 12 people to do what's necessary. Split the group into three main divisions:

. -- The Hollywood Elite
. -- The Banking Elite
. -- The Political Elite

Each group is tied to the main body, in terms of goals and ideas, but acts independently. They move in during big events, (Academy Awards, State of the Unions / Congress votes, and big banking meetings) kill everyone there without discretion, and leave evidence that says they were doing it on behalf of Americans.

I totally agree, and that's why I find that era, 1900-1930, so fascinating. I don't, however, think the globalists are going to initiate the collapse in order to install a more oppressive regime, I think they learned that the best way to consolidate power is to coax the drugged mass of mongoloids to hand it to them willingly, which is exactly the kind of soft totalitarianism hillary, obama, and the marxist/bureaucratic left represent. Trump is not the answer but is hopefully a transitional figure who can maintain some semblance of real civilization until some opportunity arises

If a coup was to come up and the Right won, who would lead? One of someone like us, or some kike loving libertarian?

The answer is still all of them.

I think removing porn would stop people from fapping everyday.

cumming saps your energy,so you remain on the couch/chair. Unmotivated

Good points! Much more 'Brave New World' than '1984' if I'm reading you right. And I totally agree about what you're saying about Trump too: I'm wagering that he was not the messianic figure that most of Sup Forums claimed during the election cycle, but is a brief respite in (((their))) plans.

Not to meantion..

if Trump does run in 2020. They are going to make DAMN SURE he or anyone else who isnt part of the club make it into office.

Who really knows. Sometimes the strangest people step up the plate and becoming heroes in history. I think, if all things go right, the JQ is going to hit mainstream in a minor (or hopefully major) way before the real gun grab happens.
What we should be more worried about is what happens after the dust settles. I bet after the right wins in this hypothetical, the major factions that make up the resistance would start skirmishing among themselves.
Also this is hoping the world doesn't get involved in our war. Those faggots probably will. I bet the kike-puppet leaders of every country will push for intervention in our war. I bet NATO nations would stand down too and not prevent them.

Taking away porn is an important step in creating a more realistic idea of sex and gender relations while also preventing the individual from having that constant comfort of the sexual release whenever and however they want.

This guy gets it - the modern man has too much to lose to risk fighting back. We need to get people to realize that they do have a lot to lose - their entire culture is at stake. We also need a more cohesive and organized movement. We'd lose our advantages of decentralization, but people don't really like to rally to "ideas", they want charismatic leaders - they want heroes.

Hopefully if S does HTF here the Euros will follow suit and rise up against the EU. Multiple uprisings at home makes it difficult to support an ally.

Also, everyone participating in this thread probably got moved up in the FBI's watchlist lol

This weekend Hamilton, tomorrow the world. Fuck you nazi trumptards

idk man the whole thing with the UN giving our tax dollars directly to Robert Mugabe up until very recently is pretty blackpilling

>what is their endgame?
Jewish world domination. All capital in the hands of a handful of kikes
>how will they do it?
By brainwashing the power brokers in every major country through freemasonry.

Im gonna get flogged by the Hogg

Being heroic is VITAL to human nature, but it's been manipulated and twisted into meaning something that only benefits those at the top. Nowadays being heroic means buying things: brands, ideas, rebellion. You can only be creative if you're consuming something that lets you be creative within its template. You can only be free to express yourself if that expression is socially acceptable. And you can only be heroic if it does not break that status quo -- everything else is terrorism.

But it's like when I was talking with my gf the other day. I was explaining how whites would be a minority before we had grandchildren and she just shrugged. I was shocked. I tried to convince her of the great loss of Western culture that would come with the loss of the race that created it. She told me that she hasn't identified with that culture since childhood citing slavery, etc., etc.

School has killed identification with Western culture

its ALL blackpilling..

these fucks shat all over this country.

So much red and black and white, always antifa strike me as having some really bad Nazi envy. Like a really gay weak version of Nazis with awful ugly crayon propaganda.

I watched the videos too. Only until bread and circuses disappear shall change be made. It scares me and makes me question whether I should have a family here, but to not would only ensure the downfall more quickly.

there's a little part of me that wonders if I should try to move to another country because of this shit.

I most likely wont,but if it gets even worse? who knows..

Pence is worse than Trump, they have to kill both.

Pence would go full deus vult if Trump is killed. 4D chess starts when the VP was selected.


>days without suicidal thoughts
the blackpill is a mistake user

its true. for the time being he is contained to this board because we have been selfish and kept him here.

Yea I think Pence is fucking terrifying.

Kek is not here because we willed him to be here, heathen. He is here for us, waiting for his children to move.
Chaos cannot be given order.

what do you do after the blackpill?

I predict sometime around 2025.

wish for the end?

emulation of the cartels/ethnic mafias
1) stop working
2) blackmarket economy
3) boycott (corporations))
4) blackmail/entrapment/extortion...
5) flood ivy league (future globalists) with narcs/heroin
6) riot like the 1960s civil rights rioters

What is this meme? Direct me to this cia/Kennedy redpill

>Pence would go full deus vult
Pence is one of them you fool. He's establishment. Just because he's terrifying to mentally ill gays/trannys and atheists doesn't mean anything at all.

> Be Kennedy
> say you wish you could "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds."
> Die

As Yuri Bezemov said, America has been culturally subverted since the '50s.

The situation isn't about Politics, but the mind of the people was hijacked.

They don't understand Politics anymore, but only "racism", "sexism", "homophobia", "inequality", etc.

It would take 20 years to fix the situation.

>what do you do after the blackpill?
take the redpill
Truth IS the redpill
Truth is not the blackpill

Truth is Truth
how do I deal with Truth?
do not take the blackpill

Victim/ victimiser oppressed /oppressor. Critical Theory

>useful idiots
identity politics is marxism

you mean the military which went around and disarmed people on camera while pointing ARs in their faces during hurricane Katrina?



They will take your video games too.


Give up yr guns nazis


we defund the cia which is being funded through nasa


Trump will die of a little heart attack after drinking poison unwittingly, shame seemed like a nice guy but he was old and heart attacks happen

I feel like we will be in indefinite destabilization until technology gets to the point we’re people can no longer be autonomous due to technology and the cyber fascism takes over.

Go mad and prepare for the eventual happening. And I don't mean some silly little thing, but WW3 or ACW2

blowing glitter into someone's face amounts to a murder attempt via glitter lung caused by inhalation. this warrants gunfire in self defense

i haven't seen a high energy thread like that in some time

where are the videos?

If they took away internet id be happy again and pick up a book, hang out at the lake fishing again. The internet ruined civilization


We bump until the morning comes.

>sure as hell wont hesitate to kill Trump
they cant -- there is so much protection surrounding POTUS these days that there would be absolutely no way to do it without it looking like an inside job

Look at JFK -- dude was cruising around in a fucking convertible basically asking to get his face blown out and even still something like 60% of Americans think it was an inside job.

Wait until you take the esotericism pill and realize that their end game is to mass sacrifice us in the ultimate ritual in an attempt to usurp God. It's fucking ridiculous.

Do other countries hate the average civilian of the United States?

>all superficial "evidence"

Pretty sure that was the National Guard.
Those guys are retard weekend soldiers.

Yeah but this is the first thing every super villain thinks. So unless you fully succeed like the Dr Manhattan hoax it doesn't go well.


2/3rd of the worlds population will die due to wormwood


cool AP opinion article, but let me ask you, do you REally want Israel to fail?
What are you going to do with these Jews you dont like? why not send them to Israel?

heres what I have to say... We ride the Q wave and when it turns out to be a grand LARP then those curious people will turn angry and demand action. If no action comes we boycott money itself and take over our infrastructure if they shut it off on us

how long are they going to keep getting away with it lads?
it's all too much

Q's not a larp hes a nothing

instead of a protest... we should have an assembly. i know everyone is scared but we need a /pol meet up. If enough of us choose to do it we can identify any and all CIA niggers. They scare us into doing nothing but complain.

Yay let us all meet up so we can then be outed and have our faces spread everywhere.
Go back to Tumblr

Our strength will always be anonymity and when this place falls the shadows will be where we lurk, cloth will be our user ID, and the streets will be our board. Shitposting will carry on.

Are you a fed?

herbaceous if rue

that's not true. If shit really hits the fan we will instantly organize and shit will start exploding

we're talking civil war though, that's not likely to occur