So I just started watching s3 of yuru yuri

So I just started watching s3 of yuru yuri

Something feels "off". The voice actors sound entirely different. Did they change animation studios or something? This is strange

It feels like an entirely different anime

yes. It is a different studio.

DULL colors.

you are now aware that Akari no longer does her opening in season 3. Her presence is so lacking, that you didn't even notice until right now.

Yes they changed the studio, it went from a colorful yuri comedy to some shitty yashikei

s3 wasn't funny at all but at least it still had yuri

S3 is objectively inferior to S1-2, but still okay. I dislike the increased focus on yuri and relationships, because I just want comedy and cute lewdness. But Hanako pits.

How does it feel knowing that S3 literally killed the franchise?
Even the manga stopped publishing because BD sales were so shit.


>The VAs sound different.
I wish people would stop saying retarded shit like this. dislike season 3 all you want, but don't lie about shit.

Kyouko definitely sounds different. Her voice sounds deeper or something.

Yeah my favourite aspect of the show was it's use of parody. Made for some hilarious gags

I'm getting a bad feeling already

I literally looked up whether the VAs had changed because they sounded so different to me. Both Kyoko and Yui's voices have been changed for the worst.

I had no pre-existing bias to expect that either, it is something that I perceived immediately on my own volition

Who the fuck is Akari?

I just pretend that S3 doesn't exist, it's really like a a spinoff by a different studio and director.

It's not even the same show.


I know most of you are memeing faggots, but I unironically hated S3 and am still mad to this day.


what hit me the hardest was the soundtrack change. its so damn boring in S3

Yeah I wasn't knocked out by the op or ed 2bh

S3's color palette is so awful you can't even make reaction pics with it, it's literally worthless as entertainment.

I don't know, man. Fuck Google. Let's just act like a retard on Sup Forums.

how is godakobo so good at that stuff

I like every season of Yuru Yuri

God I would kill to get naizuri from Chinatsu. I wouldn't last a second inside her but I may be able to last about 10 seconds getting naizuri from her.

We don't talk about season 3.

Why are you mad? There is more substance to the discussion ITT than in most threads

I want Chinatsu's warm and fragrant pussy literally PRESSED into my face.

>you will never have chinatsu suck your dick by telling her it was in yui's pussy

Nachuyachumi > S3 > S2 > S1

There's no reason to watch the anime anyway. The manga is way better, just for the art alone. The girls look so much softer.

>you will never have chinatsu suck your dick by telling her it was in yui's pussy
I love this trope in H manga

I think she used to run Sup Forums or something?

The entire 3rd season sounded like they used some really shit audio recording hardware

The writing in s3 feels so forced and unfunny

How do you fuck up a show like yuru yuri?

The OVAs were pretty okay though.

I'm tired of bitching about S3 already, but you're not the only one who noticed the different sounding voices. It's partly because the audio quality was worse in S3. I'm not sure whether they used lower quality mics or whatnot, but their S'es sounded noticeably muffled using headphones.

It's also partly because some of the seiyuus did sound somewhat different. Kyouko sounded deeper and she seemed to resort to using her falsetto more often which made her sound more annoying, sadly. Also, Ayano sounded squeakier at times, but she wasn't as bad as people make her out to be.

That said, S3 wasn't a bad season though. It's nowhere near Minami-ke Okawari levels of fuckery.

S3 wasn't that bad.

I'll be taking this blank image thank you very much.

What name are you talking about? It's just a blank there after "is".

Would sex with Chinatsu be an awful experience unless she was incredible sick, in which case she'd annihilate your balls of their sperm?


the real question is where is season 4

Yes, different microphones or something. I originally thought it was a bad audio stream from the raw source...