He was a good boy

He was a good boy

He didn't deserve that horrible third season

I like tomato boy in all those josou seme doujins.

he was a good protagonist handled by a bad director

yuya a shit


Defend him now.

Third season

Doesn't count

>spend 3 years setting him up with the MG
>do absolutely nothing in the finale
What a fucking waste

>didn't do that at all before season 3
>didn't say it every 30 seconds against jack

Somewhere, Kotori is laughing at Yuzufags.

>Friendship Cup finals
>finishing the cup against Jack
>Jack scolds him for relying on someone else's style and not making his own dueling style
>Yuya reaches Nirvana
>Yuya finally drops Yusho's style and will use his own dueling style
>Yuya beats Jack
>Go to next dimension

>he tightens the grip
Hnnng. How did the gayest MC end up with a girl while Yuya fucked it all up despite the eyefucking and hugs? Yusei to an extent too.

i want to lick Yuya's balls while he is pinned like that

Yuzu please, aren't you busy being irrelevant?

the thirst for each other is one of the few reasons why I enjoyed Arc-V

>gayest MC
Judai's 2 main love interests are a guy and a tranny, you can't be gayer than that

Likewise, but it never paid off

hermaphrodite but your point stands.

that confession was miles better than anything other YGO did, almost close to Jono and Mai during Battle city finals

Almost forgot about that, you're right. But I stand by my words, what excuse do Yuya and Yusei have?

Leave Vrain to us

I wouldn't be surprised if Akira runs Burakkowingsu

Worst Yugioh MC
>inb4 Yuma
It's just a testament to how awful he was


Aren't they black feathers in the ocg?

With other anime, people simply get to the point and call that a shitty MC

I don't care anymore, it's inevitable

I seriously hope we don't get to see more BURAKUFEZZA
Give us something else

I am disappointed at the lack of doujins that use that line.

>Tfw the best Yu got no screentime.
I'm also mad Greedy Venom got such a lame and boring effect. hat a waste of a great boos monster design.

It felt like a wannabe Silent Honors DARK, but with a convoluted Banishing cost. But Starve Venom still got the worst of it.
>Can OTK against OEPD and trounce Dark Rebellion, Clear Wing, and Crystal Wing
>Yuri only uses it properly once, to rip off Shun and sweep a bunch of students

What's your favorite card Sup Forums?

only the proudest cards have a special place in my heart


First card I ever pulled. Still have it, too.


there were some really cool level 5-6 vanilla monsters

Exarion Universe. First Tin I remember getting and the card still holds a place in my heart. Also personally i think ARC V was a great series except for those part where they went full edgelord darkness mode. I would personally like to have a more Slice of Life Yu-Gi-Oh series since that was one of Arc-V's best parts. Hopefully the manga adds more scenes like that.


Even Vrains still uses that, as soon as the very first duel. It's inescapable now.



Too bad he ended up being a Messiah and whiny with very little development of his own. It's even worse when Yuma arguably ended up as a better character than Yuya and he's a year younger than him.

I miss her ;_;

s-she'll be bak r-right guys?