Made in abyss.
A masterpiece.
This would be the best Anime/manga ever!
Thoughts and opinions of the episode of today.
Made in abyss.
A masterpiece.
This would be the best Anime/manga ever!
Thoughts and opinions of the episode of today.
Are the shit posting normalfags gone? Is it safe to come out?
as long as you don't give them any (You)s they'll leave. remember that.
Not really much else to say, just hoping with the direction this one took that they don't end up censoring stuff like Mitty and Prushka
Do you think they could get another season done? Or will they need to wait for the current manga arc to sorta finish? They seem to be going quite slow.
there is no reason they'd censor mitty's farewell. reg's dream of losing riko is similar enough that i'm not worried at all.
nope i'm still here except i'm not shitposting and also i fap to people being turned into rocks so i'm not a normalfag
The drama in last episode was ham-fisted as hell.
Through whole show, it was said Abyss is extremely dangerous place. So Riko getting fucked over was long due. And the fact she survived it is nothing more than bad Deus Ex Machina.
And anime doesn't have that spooky artstyle that manga has.
The CGI in this show ruins it completely. Just dull and uninspired copypasted backgrounds.
Is the Praying Hand Geyra Pruskha's biological father?
Well, not just the farewell but the whole collapsing inward transformation scene was pretty grizzly, reg's dream was super quick and you'd had to have paused it to see the details, so I'm kind of hoping it doesn't go 5x speed when she's transforming, but I could understand if they did take that path
The state of the CGI makes the "anime is dead" meme come to life, because it's literally devolving compared to what anime used to be. Just terrible.
The narrative is also contrived, because everything is given with no substance to back it up. For example, why do they refer to creatures of the Abyss as "squid-looking" instead of as Abyss-looking? How do they even know what a squid is?
>How do they even know what a squid is?
They had biology class in orphan school.
>t. samefag
its not even that bad compared to other shows. seems like you're really just looking hard for something to complain about .
Isn't the world of the series normal at the surface, I mean, they talk about foreign invaders and such, and this takes place on an island, so I'd presume being surrounded by ocean they'd know what some sea life looks like atleast
Normal animals exist, no?
Why they shouldn't know what a squid is?
Cite your evidence.
I don't particularly give a shit, but just saying to the retards who were arguing with the giga autist in the other threads
your argument of "well you gotta show the audience the stakes are REAL" only works if you've experienced essentially zero works of fiction in your life, as you will realize that an event like in today's episode essentially guarantees safety in the near future, absolving all tension
Don't be genre-illiterate
What's ultimately pushing me to drop the show is the artifacts and "it's magic, you ain't gotta explain shit" narrative. Pic related is what 100 feet of 1/2" rope look like. Two of these somehow fit into Regu's body. And not even that, Regu's extensible arms are easily over 1" in diameter, and possible over 100' in length. So the wound up size would be even larger, and yet somehow he's able to magically fit two coils of wire each nearly as large as his body into some compartment. Suspension is disbelief is completely ruined for me - why couldn't the mangaka have made it at least somewhat believable?
i'll take a wild guess that they have squids in the normal areas of the world too
Why reply to shitposters?
not going to argue logic in a show w/ abyss monsters and robot shotas
That image is literally only 1200 by 1200 pixels, it fits on my screen easily, why couldn't it fit in his arms?
It's most closed Praying Hand to Prushka
When Bon isn't around he is the one next to her and also carry her on his shoulders
Maybe because they look like squid?
They would need some sort of resolution to the current arc to work a second cour out of. Bondrewd arc would require an OVA or movie to do, but it couldn't really be stretched out into a full 13 episodes.
I would prefer they did an OVA for Bondrewd, then waited for the manga to make enough material for a full season after that.
>why couldn't the mangaka have made it at least somewhat believable?
because the story is fiction, and not a hard science fiction either.
Normal animals exist outside the abyss user, are you retarded? Pretty sure their town is on an island too, they probably have beaches and shit.
If you READ THE MANGA you would know that the Abyss is centered in an island that was discovered and considered "the last unexplored place on the planet". Reg skirts suspicion of his robot arms by saying they're "foreign technology". They don't publish the White Whistles' unique artifacts because they are the city's trump card against invasion.
Orth is a third world shithole, an island nation of exactly one city, that exists alongside a developed world that only doesn't storm the island and take it because weird, horrific magitech and people that know how to use it keep its borders nailed down in spite of it being the singular source on the planet of what appears by all rights to be magic.
Nobody's surprised over common terrestrial fauna.
But that's not given at all. They're basically given as being trained into divers like on an assembly line and the curriculum thus pertaining solely to the abyss and anything related.
It should be explained better instead of just name dropped. What's the purpose of even including squid-like creatures in the first place?
They showed it was on an island surrounded by ocean in the first fucking episode
Stop replying to shitposters and get on with the discussion.
Yes, the death curse, the creatures in the abyss and the existence of the abyss itself are all totally plausible on their own. The show was utter fantasy from the start.
>Orth is a third world shithole
nah, it has its rich and poor areas, just like any other metropolis
They say this in the first episode though
Except it looks like shit. Anime made 20 years ago looks better. Then, why is it anime made now, where technology and animation techniques should have improved, has somehow devolved?
>They're basically given as being trained into divers like on an assembly line and the curriculum thus pertaining solely to the abyss and anything related.
Which includes these squid-like creatures, so why wouldn't they have a lesson that goes "these creatures resemble the squid that live in the nearby ocean"?
Maybe there's some magic mumbojumbo going on here, like the cables can compress into paper flat form when they retract beyond his joint and are inflated by what ever resource he uses for the incinerator, kind of like those hoses you buy that deflate to fit into small spaces and inflate when you turn on the water.
you really shouldn't try to bring actual logic into a series like this or you'll just end up with a headache though
Because it's the most logical comparison given what they look like? If you see a dog-like creature, are you going to call it dog-like or say "a hairy creature with sharp teeth that walks on 4 legs and runs really fast", abyss creatures obviously does fit the bill a little better given it's a more broad term, but I think using above-world creatures as comparison for creatures of the abyss can help to show the contrast between the two
>They're basically given as being trained into divers like on an assembly line and the curriculum thus pertaining solely to the abyss and anything related.
it is cheaper to get imitations/lookalikes of abyss creatures in order to teach them about the fauna of the abyss, since it does not risk as much to get them
>What's the purpose of even including squid-like creatures in the first place?
Of all the things to get hung up on in this show you choose squids?
The premise isn't even original. Kill yourselves.
this anime takes place on earth, other than the abyss, this is earth retard
Haiti has 'rich' and 'poor' areas too. But the fact that foreign countries have robotics while Orth is still relying on wooden windmills is kinda telling.
They go a bit more into it in the manga. You can even see a foreign country's flotilla off the coast, and it looks much nicer than anything in Orth.
Yeah I'm just saying animeonly is no excuse for not knowing the setting.
Suspension of disbelief still applies. Fictitious elements like the Abyss don't exist in our world, and thus a degree of creative freedom is given. But Regu's arms are physical objects that interact with the physical world, and as such 100 +feet of them coiling up magically don't make sense. Is his body some kind of black hole that swallows them up?
The rope is 1/2" in diameter, the hole in the middle is 1". This should give you reference to size.
just so you know, the leader guy wasn't really tricked by reg's story.
the US has access to power plants of great complexity, but still likes to dabble in inefficient technologies as well.
It doesn't have a diameter user, it's a picture, it's 2d, it's flat.
They are too close to the Bondrewd arc to make a dedicated 12 episode season. Hell even an ova would be kind of awkward to do as it feels a lot more like a movie in its structure (intro: flower field burning, arrival at Idofront mid: Prushka and first fight end: second fight, white whistle and elevator).
>But Regu's arms are physical objects that interact with the physical world, and as such 100 +feet of them coiling up magically don't make sense. Is his body some kind of black hole that swallows them up?
why not? there's a fucking bell that stops mother fucking time!
I'm pretty sure if you analyze the creatures in this show most of them and their abilities are both physically and biologically impossible. Also it's probably still too big to fit but rather than being 100 feet of straight up metal coils I'm pretty sure they're a bunch of metal shafts that fit into each other and can extend out.
>muh squids and rope arms
It's fucking anime dude, it's fictional, of all the things to point out, why some goofy shit like this? are we just going to ignore people turning into furry creatures and getting ebola from trying to climb out of a hole too?
> Regu's arms are physical objects that interact with the physical world
They're also fucking indestructible, how does Reg function at all? How Do the flying monsters like the snake fly when they'd most likely be heavy as shit and don't even have wings?
Again, it's fucking magic, now quit your autistic shitposting.
If you can't wrap your head around the fact that this is a completely fictional story that doesn't need to make perfect sense, then that's YOUR problem.
>implying 2d isn't real
You just outshitposted yourself.
His weapon, which is named "Incinerator" only for some kid's lack of comprehension, is capable of annihilating matter and rewriting the reality of the Abyss itself, slaying immortals by unmaking them. The incendiary explosion is a mere side-effect of its operation.
Fitting too much cabling in his arm is so far down the list of "what the fuck" that I don't know why you bother to mention it.
I kinda shat on the anime ever since the beginning but not even I am stupid enough to let my autism go wild over something that is basically magic. I mean fuck, there's a Relic that can slow down the aging process and give immense strength and durability to a person, how the fuck does this work? Does it refreshes your telomeres' end and basically reinforces muscle, bone and living tissues? Where the fuck does it get the enormous amount of energy necessary to do this?
Yeah, I know. But nobody bat an eye at the story either, and he spent months just going along with it. Either the technology really exists somewhere, or the entirety of Orth has God-tier poker faces and were in on the whole thing.
This, nothing about Reg's function or construction makes any sense, it's been stated he's literally a relic so you can apply the "magic" excuse to him anyway
I was thinking regs arms were made of some sort of stretching metal or something. I was imagining like the Chinese finger trap but can squish into a lot smaller size.
so, how the fuck did Lyza and Ozen carried the Resurection Box past the 3rd layer?
>Rest and let Ozen get her strength back
>Lyza hops on the box
>Ozen picks the box up
>Ozen jumps back to the surface
>All of them vomit and hallucinate for a while until they land somewhere in Orth
Quick and easy.
You're assuming his arms remain cylindrical and uncompressed in their retracted state. Imagine just the outer sheath of climbing rope (pic related), but able to become rigid after being compressed/wound up/folded. That's not even outside the realm of our current technology.
But I'm pretty sure given the massive flying snakes, magic force fields, and curses you're overlooking you're just fucking with us.
>But Regu's arms are physical objects that interact with the physical world
You could apply that most of the artifacts. The pins are physical objects, how do they boost someone's strength? The cube is an object, how does it make zombies? The abyss and the things inside it are straight up magic, they get more and more blatantly magical the deeper you go, and Reg is from a very deep point.
It sounds like the ancap village would make you blow a gasket.
They've been doing about one chapter per episode, and Bon's arc is around 12-14 chapters depending on exactly where the anime ends. IF they did an s2, they could easily end it on the last dive.
Ozen's armor protects her from the curse to some extent. I don't know how Lyza toughed it out though.
I think it was mentioned somewhere that travelling up at an angle reduces the effects of the curse, travelling in a spiral, rather than going straight up, given that they're both some of the most battle hardened durable white whistles, it was probably pretty manageable for them
This was also mentioned in the manga. Riko mentions that the "metal-looking" material on Reg is actually flexible, and his skin feels distinctly like latex.
>ancap village
I really hope this gets an S2 simply for harvesting reaction videos from secondaries. Any doubt of the Abyss' conscious ability to involve itself in its confines gets put straight to rest there.
Are people just making shit up now? Is this what's happening in these threads?
>Either the technology really exists somewhere, or the entirety of Orth has God-tier poker faces and were in on the whole thing.
it probably does exist, but there's no reason it needs to have every building fitted with the best relics. Orth is an trading port and outpost not a nation that needs to worry about showing off
pretty sure they actually explore your EXACT question about his arms in the manga on the 5th level, basically some scientists express your exact same sentiment and wonder "yo, how da fuck you got so much arm length in there, what makes you work robo boy" and then grimdark happens again. WELCOME TO FANTASY WORLD!
no I mean, that thing is masive heavy and 3rd layer is a fucking 90 Degrees cliff
>Ozen throws it all the way up with her massive strength
This is actually a good point. How do you carry that massive thing up a literal vertical cliff face?
Why is the author allowed to make the manga up but we as the audience are not allowed to even speculate? "Canon" is worthless when you consider how many long-running manga have been ruined by the mangaka's own bullshit.
If I remember it took all her being just to carry that shit
> that thing is massive heavy and 3rd layer is a fucking 90 Degrees cliff
Ozen's REALLY strong.
Really though, it's possible that they were able to find some animal shafts that were big enough to rest the box/themselves in for a while before heading off again.
Ozen was the one who told Riko about some shaft at the start of the third layer that they could go through, and there was all that shit about taking 'the weaklings path' so again, yeah, maybe there are side passages adults can take in the third layer too.
if i had the strength of 120,000 men, i would think digging a tunnel would be rather easy
1. Strap cube to back.
2. Punch something pointy into the wall.
3. Use the pointy thing for leverage to pull yourself up.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3.
Alternatively, have someone go through the mole-holes and through a rope down.
Make that 1000.
and then you climb up,
then you pull it up with you,
White whistles have been up and down the depths so many times and they got so many weapons to deal with the creatures and prob paths and plans for this shit, they are literal heroes to humanity at their level and the artifacts at their disposal lets them do some crazy shit, climbing a vertical wall isnt outside the realm of possibilities for them. even with heavy shit like that.
I wonder how strong she actually is. She can apparently get worn out, even with the pins. They're called Thousand-Man Wedges because one gives you the strength of a thousand men. She has 120 of them, so she should have the strength of 120,000 men. But we don't really see her exert that kind of force, even when she's actually really trying to break Reg. If she actually slammed the floor with him like she did with the force of 120,000 men who were 'way too into it', the bottom of the damn building would have blown out.
Maybe you get diminishing returns with them.
>1000 man pins
>~120 of them
Math is hard.
she has 120 of those pins, bro.
>making shit up
Which part?
They're the most durable, one is known for killing people and the other has unrivaled physical strength, wouldn't they be the most likely to be able to do something like that?
If you mean travelling at an incline rather than going straight up, the effects would be reduced and more paced, wouldn't they? That's shown quite a few times
Yeah, that's true, this is the most arguable point, I didn't even think about having to take it straight up, so you'd then have the curse and the ridiculous incline, maybe that'll be explained later on, or they'll find some tunnel or something they made before
More than likely, there's a way up through caves. It's probably a slow route that takes a wide berth to minimize the impact of the curse on delvers. Riko and Reg, being in a rush all the way down, were probably given a short-cut by Ozen that wouldn't work for returning to the surface.
As Riko has no real plans to return to the surface, such paths are not important to the story, so are left out. However -as unsatisfactory as it may be- while they might not be prominent in the story itself, a path of return is necessary for the world to have any coherence, so we can only accept that a path exists, but isn't brought up.
>IF they did an s2, they could easily end it on the last dive.
Very true, but it would suffer from the same issue that this current season went through which is its pacing. The fights with Bon are relatively short bursts of intense action so they would have to draw out those like they did with the Ozen fight. The only way I could see them doing this without messing up the pacing would be expanding on the experiments at Idofront (which they already did with Nanachi's past) or exploring the 5th layer some more because after they met Nanachi the manga wasted no time getting them to Idofront.
> That bladed fork
Pisses me off every time I see it, especially when Riko is casually ripping the thing out of her mouth without any caution.
I find it hard to believe she has that much strength. Do people actually realize how much "120,000 men" means? That's pretty much Superman level.
>last thread had 721 posts
Slow down holy hell, was all of this shitposting like this one?
We have no idea what Ozen's armor does, other than being capable of withstanding the force of her beating someone. Extrapolating that into saying her armor protects her from the curse is a hell of an unsupported mental leap, especially since they only thing we've seen that protected a human being from the curse was a blessing.
>If you mean travelling at an incline rather than going straight up, the effects would be reduced and more paced, wouldn't they? That's shown quite a few times
This has zero evidence whatsoever; all we know about how people are afflicted by the curse is what we learned from Nanachi in True Nature of the Curse. You're welcome to try to find a page or quote anywhere in the manga or from Tsukishi that says otherwise. Spoilers you won't be able to.
People got scared by the "edginess" and redditors started complaining. Nothing out of the ordinary.
>Do people actually realize how much "120,000 men" means?
"she's really strong". i think that's the only thing that needs to be known
Yes we do.
Yes it is.
It was worse, this one is rather tame.
I know, I read the first 2-4 threads, but I didn't expect this shitposting to continue for so many posts.
Exactly, when outside his body they are actually hollow and rigid, when inside they collapse.
Or they're up his asshole, stop complaining about this inane thing.
That's what it says, user. I highly doubt she'd have stuck 120 of them in herself if the strength gain wasn't at least somewhat cumulative.
I'm not the one who said Ozen's armor did anything, I merely stated that they as people were durable as fuck and that travelling at a lesser incline logically decreases the effects of the curse
They could also spend more time with Prushka before Bon makes shit hit the fan.