Praise Trigger.
Other urls found in this thread:
>praise A-1
>Altair as a mecha pilot
mite b cool
God I am sucker for this kind of uniform.
You know the shitposter game on this show is going to be if it turns out to be shit blaming trigger entirely and if it turns out to be good ignoring trigger and praising only a-1 as if trigger had no role.
Looks good i'm interested.
It is nice to see the key visuals and CMs but there is a staff interview in that fucking magazine too. I wish somebody would scan that shit already or do a write up of it.
I thought she turns into a robot but she's piloting one instead?
A-1 is saving anime
I'm actually excited.
They will make sure Trigger don't use their amateurish animation. Kiznaiver was really well produced
>staff interview in that fucking magazine too.
Sadly, it's not with some people who could spill many beans on the subject.
>Mecha pilot in a double breasted military uniform and skintight thighs
Muh dick
This is such a poor attempt at plagiarizing Evangelion.
They're not even hiding it. The teaser material might as well be Evangelion fan fiction. Tons of pointless sexual euphemism.
If they really wanted to follow in Evangelion's steps, they would first create a fun robot show, and only after they've succeeded in that, begin to stir in some meaning.
Shit bait post. Go back
I don't think she's the pilot, I think she's the mecha.
Darling will be the pilot
I feel like this anime is gonna be fun to watch with Sup Forums
Ha! Get that shitty OC out of here. I'd jump in front of a train if I were you.
>Praise Trigger.
Generic male schoolboy MC.
No thanks.
I'm gonna pass on this at least in GL Simoun was interesting.
Back to your LWA general
>Another stronk female character in military uniform made to pander to masochists
Fuck this shit, I'm tired of this meme.
It's going to attract the most pathetic crowd imaginable like sdeathfags and make threads just absolutel garbage.
What a retarded way to ruin a perfectly good premise.
Dunno. Trigger still has Gridman (pure /m/) and Promare (Imaishi madness, everyone loves Imaishi mandess) set up for now.
This is going to be a robot show like Kuromukuro, Macross or whatever. Can be extremely popular but doesn't necessarily have to be.
Promare will most likely be the endless action trip that so many people wish for with Trigger shows.
And obviously, we're going to see endless shitposting brigades going both ways as to why theirs is the AOTY and the opposite one is the dredge for imbeciles/normies/reddit/...
Promare AOTY I'm telling you.
So what is A1's involvement in this? Production? Animation? Writing? Design?
It's Goripon who have half of creative control in this project.
But yeah...he already sell his soul to A1 so that's it.
None of the new trigger anime are going to be as good as even shit like KlK because they're all cooperation with other studios.
We'll just get watered down versions of previous trigger anime.
Director: Atsushi Nishigori (Idolmaster, Gurren Lagan)
Assistant Director: Toshifumi Akai (Magi, Granblue Fantasy The Animation)
Series Composition: Naotaka Hayashi (Steins: Gate, Plastic Memories)
Character Design, Chief Animation Director: Masayoshi Tanaka (Your Name, Anthem of the Heart)
Mechanical Design: Shigeto Koyama (Rebuild of Evangelion, Big Hero 6)
Action Supervision: Hiroyuki Imaishi (Kill la Kill, Gurren Lagann)
What the shit? It's been confirmed as completely 2D you moron.
Which makes it completely different to KLK, which was chock-full of pretty amateour 3DCG.
Trigger anime have never been good
Now they have a chance to be half good because of the cooperation
Altair would make an awesome mecha pilot
She has to be filled with rage all the time though.
>Shigeto Koyama
>big hero six
>not diebuster
>not star driver
ok user
Whenever there's a Trigger anime airing Sup Forums shits its pants. Whatever the quality is the shitposting will be fun. This same OP image has been reuploaded for like 3 times in 2 days already.
>What the shit? It's been confirmed as completely 2D you moron.
XFLAG is a studio specializing in 3D.
KlK was at least a genuine attempt at making a good anime. It didn't turn out perfect, but instead of trying meme projects, they should have tried to make a better anime than KlK.
nope. that will be Imashi's show.
>but instead of trying meme projects, they should have tried to make a better anime than KlK
But KLK was also a wacky meme show
Only serious show they have done is Kiznaiver
KlK was trying to be fun, their other meme projects are just joke projects made ironically.
Kiznaiver was trying to be wacky and introspective on the nature of relationships, and it just ended up a failure like 99% of okada anime.
>Only serious show they have done is Kiznaiver
That was serious show?
Sorry I thought it was comedy seeing how the characters acted in it on some relationship drama.
Gurren Lagan was more serious than Kiznaiver which was very cheaply written show for dramafags.
Dont know why you are bringing up GL into this
Because its a legitimate show unlike everything Trigger has done
Shut up about your seasonal waifu please.
Okada is a melodrama writer.
That style of writing is about exaggerating the comedic and dramatic aspect as much as possible. One episode its a masochist jizzing in his pants and the other is ITAI.
It tried to be both serious and comedic basically.
>XFLAG is a studio specializing in 3D.
Literally who? That doesn't confirm how their CG is going to be used regardless (because newsflash, every anime use "CG" now)
I hope the mecha are 3D (because Imaishi is just better as a CG action director than tweening master, let's be honest, not to mention the absolute death of every good 2D mecha animators) but there's no way to know right now if it's going to be full CG/part CG/only CG for post-processing and cars
LWA was pure shit so no
>Literally who?
You tell me. Promare is a XFLAG/Trigger anime.
You can watch what they worked on, on their youtube channel.
The key visual looked like CG render to me, but who knows.
Well, it doesn't looks awful, but I doubt they'll make everything with CGI exclusively. What would Trigger even do, then?
Investigate harder. X-Flag doesn't produce anime, X-Flag is a game company. It's Mixi's game division. They do Monster Strike, the current biggest smartphone game in Japan. What you see on X-Flag's YT is the Monster Strike anime adaptation they produce, they don't animate it.
>game company
even more worrying desu
He got it wrong. Because XFLAG is a game company. XFLAG's presence in Promare will be putting in tons of money, having some degree of creative control and making serious game tie-in content. Like Bandai Namco with the Idolmaster adaptations except this is an original.
Maybe. It means it will be high-budget as fuck, but who knows if they will impose some creative constraints on Trigger. XFLAG definitely wants Propare to be a big franchise sorta deal.
Actually Xflag pictures animated the second season.
There is some sort of relationship between Sanzigen, Ultra best pictures, Trigger and Xflag. I'm too lazy at the moment to look very deep into it but I think Good smile is at the core of it somehow.
>Promare (Imaishi madness, everyone loves Imaishi mandess)
I don't know, he made the claim during KlK production that he was tearing up scripts because they didn't "make the drill in his heart spin" and it turned out lackluster in the end. Around the time of the reveal at AX and the statement that fans of TTGL and KlK would enjoy it, there was apparently a similar claim about the script. For all the hype building he does, he better deliver something spectacular. It'll be fun to watch either way but I want it to be incredible.
Gridman I'm sure will be great, given the Animator Expo version and how /m/ it is. I don't know what to make of DARLING in the FRANXX as every new bit of information we get makes it look completely different from the last but it's been a while since we had good, original mecha series.
X-FLAG had some amazing CG on the shorts they produced as advertising for the Monster Strike movie, but I doubt a show would look that good. Bonus points for Diana's VA on Lucifer:
That's impressive and way better than Polygon pictures.
I'm betting they realized that the Dragon strike brand is over shadowing them and they wanted to produce an original anime to show off their talents.
>both have pilot suits
So she's the main pilot? She better be
Where did you get it? Because I think you downloaded the small version.
At least he doesn't seem too beta.
She "is" the Robot. It's like if she was Yui/Asuka's mom for the EVA except she doesn't need to die to and can go back to normal afterwards.
But why the pilot suit? She also sits in a robot here
Looks like he got it off facebook
Promo art
>Code002's bottom right face
She sits in the robot. And merges her consciousness with the robot. She feels everything that the robot feels. Together with the guy, who just has a normal control pit, they pilot the robot. Every FranXX works like this. The pilot that fuses their consciousness with the robot can only be female, the other one can be of any gender.
>It's literally just Asuka and Shinji
When they said this anime will appeal to classic Gainax fans, they should have just said we're letting the imas staff rip off Eva.
my photo from facebook
characters detail
She's really cute
The girl looks a bit younger than she looked in the first promo art. Maybe 1 or 2 years older than the guy at most I like younger girls so it's fine, but I'm kinda disappointed because maybe it might have been good to get some /ss/:
He doesn't look like Shinji and she doesn't look like Asuka. You're stupid.
>Hiro and Zero
Not the most inspired names.
So far the description itself doesn't seem super inspired basically being "boy meets girl with incredible will power and is amazed by it". I am keeping with it because of the Trigger touch but we will see how it pans out.
This anime will be bad.
bad anime knower
Had the same thought with G-Reco but it's more because 002's outfit is similar to Aida's and 016 is wearing shorts like Bellri. The rest of the uniform isn't so similar.
Some art of the girl actually gives me more of a Misato vibe than an Asuka vibe. Probably the hat, though. How are we supposed to call her, anyway? Her name is literally Zerotwo.
feisty dominant robopilot bitch who wears all red and is designated "02"
As long as it's not boring
>Praise Trigger.
never. and why haven't they gone bankrupt? fucking die already.
That only depends on your tolerance for cowardice in directors.
Why faggots keep praising this mediocre studio?
Tell me one anime series that will make me change my mind or else this is just a bandwagon
Madhouse and Bone are much better yet the meme is TRIGGER SAVES ANIME. How the fuck Little Witch Academia will "save" it?
They're going to be revealing more characters in the upcoming 5 weeks. I wonder if they will have a yuribait pair. Here is a blurry picture of the cast.
They will stay afloat as long as they get to make animu shows and weird animu clips for their clients, be they nips or gaijins.
i'm bad in english so i type in japanese
設定によると、彼らは名前もないですよ。ヒロはヒの1、ロの6。 02も zero two と呼ばれているじゃないでしょうか。
1 or 2 cour?
You're right.
>Adult Nonon
The classic fridge body type, where there is no such thing as a waist. Just more slab of midsection.
I got it!
That's interesting. Hopefully they have real name then.
>studio bone
are they related to NUT?
They're supposed to have no name because they are expendable kids that are just meant to pilot the FranXX. They're going for the edgy child soldier angle. One of the dialogue in the PVs was "Let's run away, together."
They're called nameless children and they are assigned numbers instead of real names.
They somehow have a way to farm kids who can pilot the devil mecha. The mecha most likely ends up consuming the kids somehow.
Evauranonaiver no Neverland
Madhouse has been a studio for 44 years while for Bones it's 18 years.
You cannot just compare a studio with only 6 years behind its back to those 2. Sure it was part of Gainax doesn't mean it has the amount of staffs, animators or funding that those 2 studios have.
So it's just bandwagon
If their next anime isn't AOTY fuck this retarded trigger meme
I will watch inferno cop and ninja slayer though, already watched kill la kill
Imagine being so stupid you take the "saving anime" meme seriously.
'Trigger saves anime' has always been a meme. It was never serious. Have you ever seen 'saves anime' associated with anything else other than Trigger, or anyone meaning it seriously? Well, ignore that last part. Some take that seriously, but they are mostly retarded.
Do watch Inferno Cop though.
I hope they get actual names over the course of the series, or rather, choose their own. It's going to suck if the translators don't pick up on obvious meaning that would be lost in such a moment, like, if one of them takes the name of a bird. This is why TL notes should have remained a common practice.
That's Nonon crossed with Anemone, you shitty seasonal fuck.
Producer (Trigger X A1 X Aniplex) Interview:
>Nishigori had been wanting to do an original since he finished with the Idolmaster movie 2 years ago
>Nishigori wanted everyone that had worked with him on TTGL, PSG and IMAS so he personally recruited everyone. Nishigori himself went to both Trigger and A1 and suggested the collaboration. Nishigori said that he wouldn't have gone along with the project if he didn't get both studios on board. Masayoshi Tanaka got involved via the A1 producer.
>Originally, Wakabayashi from Trigger was worried because it felt like the methodology of Trigger and A1 conflicted with each other but he felt that such combo would create something interesting.
>A1 is actually letting Trigger handle most of the creative process. Planning, design, concept, content; that is all handled by Trigger. A1 focuses more on making sure the vision gets to the screen.
>Aniplex Producer: Trigger is wild. Nishigori is inexperienced with action so he is letting Imaishi and the guys at Trigger handle that. A1 will make sure that the work delivers solid and consistent animation. Imaishi's crew creates exciting action sequences while Tanaka as Chief Animation Director works on the depiction of the characters.
>The entire work is basically Nishigori's wet dream. Everything about the work is Nishigori.
>The hardest part of the work was the logistics between the collaboration, but they've already sorted that out and have good organization.
>Trigger's culture is heavily driven by "design" that A1 does not have. In Trigger, the design process is probably what takes the most.
>Nishigori was all "if Imaishi doesn't do it we can't do this" and left the action sequences to to Imaishi's imagination. Nishgori wants people to watch the show and realize that nobody other than Imaishi could have done the action scenes.
>A1 focuses more on making sure the vision gets to the screen.
This is how it's always been, they are linemonkeys.
Sounds like bullshit
Did you come up with it user?