ITT: Just the stupidest shit
ITT: Just the stupidest shit
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why wouldn't he have died? the old man's plan wasn't based on medical reasoning. the obvious outcome is him dying from some untested procedure. i'm actually surprised the author had the gall to go with the obvious outcome
>Translator adding their own asinine comments on the page
I'm livid
>Translator treating the page as their personal chat room/blog post
How can anyone think this is a good idea is beyond me
Eh, I also found it a bit annoying but then i realized this dude TLed this thing so i can read it for free and didnt mind anymore
He was just saying what we were all thinking.
Did he fuck him to death or something?
This was the only gook shit that I liked, I like the drawing and the porn is good.
yeah, the gook know how to draw their hot bitches,
but the story, on the other hand is meh.
if i'm reading a story and i see a t/n like that i immediately drop it. its unfortunate but i legitimately lose all interest immediately and i can't explain why. anyway thanks for reading my blog
Yes, it's obnoxious. Yes, it's pure faggotry. Such is life when you're an EOP.
Props to the guys who re-release these scans without the gay notes.
Household Affairs isn't that bad either.
Livid doesnt sound like what it means
Aku no hana's translation made me drop it.
Like holy fuck, the emotional climax of the first arc, and every other page there's some fucking garbage that absolutely knocks the wind out of my emotional investment every time.
Fuck this
Wew lad.
Is it me or are these kind of notes more and more rare nowadays?
fuck off
>MC has the magical power to make any girl want to fuck him.
What other series have this sort of thing? There's that other korean series with the magical glasses, Kono s o mi yo, Hime Kishi ga Classmate and that's all I can think of.
Somebody post the cardcaptor sakura ones
A while back a group translating an ecchi manga, Satan something or other, had notes. Some guy edited them out and they got so butthurt they dropped the series
What a hero.
The guy's a huge fucking faggot. But what pisses me off more is that this douche's antics didn't spur me to learn moon.
>Tfw reading
>Tfw at first glance can tell there's a faggy tn there
>Try my fucking hardest to skip it over and continues reading the actual content
>Never archive so
Why in the fuck lads.
I know there's a manga where the MC gets the magical power to make all delinquent girls want to fuck him.
Don't remember the title though.
Mostly those kinds of stories become hentai though, which is why you don't see a lot of non-H manga in that theme.
You would have a point if only people would give a single shit about it. If you don't like it you can always learn japanese, korean, chinese, or whatever.
Just flipping through this again: the tl notes before this were stupid, but this shitting on what should be an iconic panel was the first real sign of trouble.
>MC gets the magical power to make all delinquent girls want to fuck him.
Please remember.
I think I'm going to buy the physical volumes. Just the thought of this faggot's notes on my HDD is annoying me.
Someone please post those pages from The Breaker New Waves when they translators were so butthurt about people re uploading that they startid putting pictures of real tits on the pages
you can just google "delinquent harem manga" to find it in less than 5 seconds
They aren't all delinquent girls like you think, it's mostly gyaru types with the main ones being yankii type
This shit annoyed the fuck out of me. It's sad because AnH turned out to be one of my favourite manga ever, if only this insufferable cunt would shut the fuck up. I remember it was someone from Sup Forums too, fucking piece of shit. If you're reading this , fuck you.
>I know there's a manga where the MC gets the magical power to make all delinquent girls want to fuck him.
Sounds like Roba-chan from Jagaaaaan, though he's not the MC
In retrospect I'm so fucking glad that I read AnH via physical volumes, these seem awful and I had no idea of them beforehand.
For any flak that official translations get, at least the bare minimul of professionality and respect for the work is maintained. Fuck translators that do this shit, people aren't reading the translations for the translator's shitty play-by-play comments, they're reading it for the manga itself.
Nothing really happens in it romantically though, it's used more as a device to have a geeky guy suddenly get involved in gangs
Forgot the name, but it's korean
>Its a fandub with random words not translated, with a translators note on the top
Thank god professionals took over and now we don't need to suffer weebs attempting to teach us Japanase.
Yeah, those superfluous notes are extremely disrespectful to the mangas' authors. These TL'ers have such an ego problem that they don't see that adding unnecessary notes is defacing an artistic work.
By the way, how nice are the physical books, user?
Dude just go to Wikipeda lmao
The art is super familiar but I cant put my finger on it and google gives me memes.
Use Yandex.
A shame nobody here's proactive enough to go through and erase every one of these eye sores.
Overall good, as far their physical properties they're pretty standard as far as manga go, I don't have anything noteworthy to say there.
I'm not sure what word/phrase Nakamura uses to describe all of the normal people around her in most translations, but the official translation uses "shitbugs" which never ended up feeling natural, although I learned to just take it as Nakamura being a retard who can't properly verbalise how she feels about the world, which is true regardless of the translation quality.
There was THIS standout page which I'm still unable to really parse what the fuck they're trying to say on it, but this is honestly the only example of the translation being bad enough to notice (and boy did it ever stand out to me when I read it). I've checked fan translations and they managed deliver this dialogue in a perfectly understandable way (if you want to see for yourself, it's chapter 27, page 15), so it really was just the localization team dropping the ball out of nowhere.
So aside from that ONE page and the shitbug thing, the translation was completely solid the whole way through.
Sorry for sideways image, it showed as right-side-up on my desktop, which is where I uploaded it from.
Thanks for input, user, I really, really appreciate it. I'm probably going to buy them now.
Seems stupid, but your attempt to make sense of it is on point.
>that page
Yeah, that's just awful. First, I don't think Nakamura would ever use "sored." The last time I've read that word was in some tome. And the rest of it is phrased as if the TL'er was having a stroke. So odd.
who cares? Just ingore the notes if they bother you.
you guys get upset overr the littlest of things
Low-tier trash shouldn't spout off.
>manga is bad
>who cares? just ignore the bad parts lmao
This is probably you.
fuck you.
To be fair with the guy, che started putting shitty t/ns and comments after people started sharing and uploading "his" work without the credits page. Also, it's not like that manga really deserve a better tl.
t. the translator who plastered his shit on these pages
Let me guess: you're part of Death Toll, right?
It's still boggles me that Aiko was waiting for that fatass punpun without realizing he's one coward piece of shit that makes the worst possible choices. Oh no! Instead she's dying for a trash like him. Despite all that I still like Aiko. Fuck punpun
Aiko should've poked his eyes out so he could nag about his pathetic shitty choices with his god
Why is her torso so fucking long
her bf is a bird.
Rokudou no Onna-tachi Harem
she's a true virgin alley
a dedicated long slut
>manga is good
>sperg off for a couple of lines in between the panels that are easily ignored
mand you guy's have prolbems
>four mistakes in five words
Confirmed for being a scanlator.
This was fun
99% of the people dont care its just that the people with autism are really really vocal about the things they dont like. Like ACK.
>it's broadly accurate
That's how you how it's a parody
>Hey, let's go to an onsen!
>TN: Onsen means a hot-spring (/^▽^)/ !
You translate it and do a completely unnecessary note about it. You just did extra work, asshat.
This shit drives me up the fucking wall.
This series ruined sex scenes in manga for me, stuff like Parallel Paradise don't cut it, even worse that they don't show nipples in most manga.
I always try to put at laest a tyypo in my posts
This is even worse when anime fansubs use to do this shit years back, making dumb unrelated comments. I think it was GG subs or some fansub group.
The one with the guy with the weird eye is basically that, Adam something. It has NTR and trap-fucking though.
Narakarana is probably my favorite gook shit. Good art, good characters, good story. I was really surprised
Yuricam is similar. It's all Yuri though, and super heavy on the comedy.
As you wish
I can't hate someone for pointing out the flaws in a story. Though I have to wonder why it was translated if it was so flawed.
Doesn't it ruin the immersion?
I don't need to read some translators hot opinions as if they matter, fuck those translators
This is the one manwha where I allowed it.
is this thing still being translated? I stopped reading after he found someone immune to his touch.
It's finished.
I just ignore it
Did he get together with the office lady?
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are TL Notes Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Don't Read Them Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
I completely forgot this existed. Is the author still dead?
this entire chapter
>Translator adds ZA WARUDO above the panel whenever a timestop occurs
I like this
>Gook shit
fuck off
>Being elitist over chinese comics
Manga is Japanese you retard
Oh, user...
The series was probably Satanofani, and the group was Death Toll. The obnoxious notes were there from the beginning.
tl note: wahahahaha hahahah