ITT: Anime that give you feels and sadness
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M-M-Michael Jackson? Is that you?
The fact that Anohana was trash made me pretty sad
>thread doesn't get deleted
>that post does
This was good but I really struggled to stay interested in any of the characters. Eventually Sup Forumsssholes spoiled me on the ending and I just dropped it after having it idle in my backlog for a year
Very true, Anohana was hyped up to me for weeks and it turned out to be utter bullshit. Menma was way too annoying to sympathize with, Jintan was a massive cuck, and none of the characters were even remotely interesting. The character development was so shaky and not nearly in depth enough to make me feel an ounce of emotion for any of the characters. Maybe the manga is better but if so the anime did it no justice.
On the other hand, one incredibly feel-y show for me was Aku no Hana, which wasn't intended to be sad but fucked me up regardless. Each character was flawed in some way and made me realize how much of a fuck up humanity is. Manga was even better. 11/10
Only 12 year olds would get """"""feels"""""" from this tripe
Mari Okada's upbringing.
That word actually means something, you know. Don't just mindlessly repeat the trending catch phrases. Actually think about what you're saying.
Sometimes you just gotta force yourself to feel something. It makes life more fun you know
Anons are right. The show suffers from weak characters. It's just that none of them are very relatable, likeable, or interesting.
Wow, someone with no taste.
Welcome to Sup Forums friendo, you'll fit right in.
What has that to do with my post?
I felt pretty much the same way on all counts
I'm a huge pussy and I cry at almost everything. The last one was this. I sometimes even cry when I think about it.
Use your imagination
I cried when Rolo died
>says i have no taste
>op calls anohana sad
I cry to literally anything even remotely emotional, even fucking bnha made me cry in the earlier episodes. This shit is garbage though
I cried my eyes out when I read the manga but I felt the movie was too boring. I'm sure it's better for anime-onlys but I thought it was pretty mediocre.
Throughout the show, Jintan rarely speaks out for himself and allows others to control situations while passively watching and then victimizing himself. Maybe he isn't the literal definition of a cuckold but he definitely fits the stereotype.
I just can't handle anything suicide related well. I remember watching welcome to the NHK a few years ago and the scene where satou wanted to jump off the cliff made me cry for like 3 days straight.
Taking any depiction of someone who isn't assertive and twisting it into a reference of a niche jewish fetish is perverse. It's amazing how far that shitty Sup Forums meme has (((spread))) in mainstream youth politics
This just made me angry. Why did that guy fuck with her so much? If he was in America he would have gotten the shit beaten out of him for picking on a deaf girl. And that stupid jealous bitch.
I'm with you, friend, I just think it was way more impactful in the manga.
I'll maybe give it a try since I want to know if they finally get together at the end. That's probably the thing that angered me the most.
Then don't, it's implied they got together but they only ever hold hands. Makes sense KyoAni would animate it.
That's a shame. I really wanted for her to be happy at the end.
crying is for the weak and the gay
how do i return to feeling feelings unironically bros :(
i can't remember my last genuine action or thought
Not anime, but this one was a real surprise
I never cried to an anime, lol
there was a scene in an anime though, that did have an impact on me. pic very much related.
Nope, not emotionally prepared to watch that right now
Just listening to the song makes me cry without fail
I found the part when Hanayo started to cry to have the most impact on me. Seeing someone shift from happiness to sadness so quickly always makes me feel really sorry and upset
I literally watched this exact video ~4 hours ago
Doesn't do the scene justice though since they build up to that moment over multiple episodes
I've seen it so many times and I still cry on every rewatch