Taking pictures of food

>taking pictures of food
Absolute millennial cancer. I thought Aoba was better than this.

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Asians were doing that before it was trendy

You're a millennial you retard.

You sound frustrated

I'll never understand how people get upset over seeing other people do something as harmless and good natured as taking a photo of their meal.

>yeah, let's just put A WHOLE FUCKING CRAB ON IT

Shut up fag I'm gen z. Kill yourself.

This is an 18+ website kiddo.

Not him but people born in 1999 are 18 now.

What's with azusa's face in this?

It's this entitled assumption that other people care about something as mundane like what you are eating that grinds my gears. In that regard, it is very representative of today's youth. They can't stand not being the center of everyone's attention, like the special stars they are.

But oher people do care. Those pictures always get a shitload of likes and comments, especially those with shitty Instagram filters.

Why though? What is there to say about food? Is it just an endless deluge of "Oh, looks tasty"?

But she took the picture for herself. I doubt Aoba is the kind of person that would post on social media. Also, what said, Japanese are known for taking picture of everything when they go on vacation, they like to have memories of the smallest things.

How does crab and spaghetti at the same time taste like anyway? Japs sure love to make their dishes exotically.

>Is it just an endless deluge of "Oh, looks tasty"?
Pretty much.

pasta goes with anything

We actually make crab spaghetti in Italy.

I never ate spaghetti with crab, but pasta with seafood in general is god tier.

I see where you're coming from. It just pisses me off since I won't be able to eat good food like that anytime soon. Seeing them enjoy themselves just reminds me of all the nothingness I have, so I guess I'm just too self-centered to enjoy things like that.

In that sense, I don't think they do things like that out of egoism, but because they want to share a good experience they had with other people.

>people hanging out with their friends and making memories and wanting to encapsulate and cherish those memories by taking a picture and possibly sharing them with other friends too
What a pathetic existence. I hope your parents didn't live long enough to see their child turn into this miserable piece of shit.

I feel other trends today are way worse than food pictures now.

Listen. If I owned a restaurant and people were taking pictures of the food I'd find that flattering and as long as they tagged the restaurant I would be happy.

food presentation is an art, ask any high-class chef
nothing wrong with appreciating art, even minimalist art like "lonely crab hugs long noodles"

Way to miss the point.

My parents are still alive, and while I'm not sure whether they are aware that photos of meals are a thing, they do have their misgivings with this self-cenered attitude of today's kids as well.

That doesn't make you a "miserable piece of shit", it just means that you can get through life without constant affirmation of your consumables by the rest of the world.

You're gonna want to look up what "projecting" is. What you learn may shock you.

Crab pasta is the most delicious thing in the entire world

that crab is hugging its spaghetti ;_;

>likes and comments
Oh god. The delusion

says the guy praying for (you)s

>It's this entitled assumption that other people care about something as mundane like what you are eating that grinds my gears.
Why do you make the assumption that, just because I am taking a photo of my meal, that means I must share it on social media?
Photos are primarily supposed to be memories, and only secondarily meant to be shown off to other people.
>They can't stand not being the center of everyone's attention, like the special stars they are.
Everyone wants to feel like a special star. Everyone, yes, you too, and our mothers and fathers too. My mom who is nearing 50, acts like more of a millenial than me. We went to the zoo together, and she kept taking these selfies of herself to share on Facebook.
You assume that just because smartphones and social media had a boom in 2007-ish, that means that only young people are like that? That makes literally no sense.

This. Nips have been doing it before Social Media was even a thing.

Their life literally revolves around food. Watch Japanese TV? It's about food. Talk to a Japanese person about travel? All they talk about is the food (travel mags/brochures are literally pictures of the food you can eat at the place).

I like looking at pictures of food way more than I like looking at selfies and baby pictures. Maybe I could stomach facebook if everyone just put pictures of their hobbies.

I thought that's what the cool kids do with Instagram.

Dude, life revolves around food. Hunting is all about getting food. So is foraging. The reason why humans switched from being semi-nomadic hunters and gatherers to living sedentary lifestyles was precisely because of the development of agriculture, which means growing your own food.
Agriculture has been the mark of a civilized society ever since the beginning of civilization. History is all about food. The spice trade was one of the first trans-national trade systems, which linked small islands over in Southeast Asia with large, rich empires and kingdoms like China, India, and Rome. Governments go to great lengths to avoid famines - widespread scarcities of food, which cause thousands of people to die.
Maybe you don't realize it because you take it for granted, but food is literally everything. It has shaped the course of history, and it has shaped many of our habits and rituals.

I take pictures of food but I don't use social media, unless Sup Forums counts. I just like having an album of stuff I've eaten.


>Why do you make the assumption that, just because I am taking a photo of my meal, that means I must share it on social media?
I do not assume that that is always the reason people take photos, but it often is.

>You assume that just because smartphones and social media had a boom in 2007-ish, that means that only young people are like that? That makes literally no sense.
It's not exclusively young folks, I have friends and family who are like that, too. But I do feel that it is more prevalent among youngsters, which makes sense because they are usually at the forefront of social and cultural changes.

Mind you, when someone complains about the behaviour of (mostly) young people that is not a criticism of the people per se, but rather of the general direction that society is headed in.

A large portion of the world has entered an era where securing your next meal is not a concern for most people. Travel mags here contain pictures of beautiful landscapes, beaches and list the fun activities you can do.

Japan's techological advancement is on par with ours, give or take a few dollars of GDP. His point about Japan's obsession with food being an odd quirk still stands. Maybe it is still like that there because it only caught up with the rest of the world in the 60s and 70s?

when you really don't want to be in a photo but you don't have the courage to backflip and run away

Gen Z starts in the year 2000

>It's this entitled assumption that other people care about something as mundane like what you are eating that grinds my gears.

And yet you out yourself as a sniveling entitled shit for caring sooooo much about someone doing something so innocuous that doesn't involve you. Harden the fuck up and realize no one gives a shit about what grinds your gears.

Fuck off you "born in the wrong generation" prematurely old curmudgeon faggot.

guess this is the answer. OP and all the other snowflakes in this thread are just tired of being alone and are overly rationalizing an innocent aspect of life diminishing it and lying to themselves. you are seeking this kind of carefree life that make people do useless things on the spur of the moment without thinking about the overly complicated superstructure you made to justify your loneliness

that is about publicly posting those photos, not about taking them...

>born too late to explore space
>born too early to explore the seven seas
>born just in time to watch animated chinese cartoon guys get NTR'd by their animated chinese cartoon girlfriends

But it does involve me. Obviously not every photo taken has a directly measurable impact on my life, but society as a whole becoming more self-centric does. I don't think it is desireable for anyone to live in a world where all people care about is themselves and how important they are.


A lot of people are positing that condemning this behaviour would be a sign of loneliness or isolation. I don't see how you would reach such a conclusion - people had plenty social interaction before food photography became a thing. And they still do. Or are you yourselves so isolated that you think the only form of contact one could have with other people is via online discussion of your restaurant order?

>a whole crab hugging spaghetti
what the fuck

That's worth a photo though right?
OP, would you seriously not take a quick shot of something this goofy looking? This goes right in the folder with funny looking dog I saw at the train station once, for instant portable smiles.

>photography doesn't exist
>people don't take photos
>photography exists
>people take photos of stuff
What does this have to do with anime again?

But people do care, it sparks conversation easily and can lead into invites and discussions for future social outings. Of course you wouldn't know that because you're a friendless NEET.

This thread is like the worst of Sup Forums, /ck/ and /soc/ rolled up into one.

if i went to a restaurant and got a crab on a plate of spaghetti i think id take a photo as well.

I like food. Eating tasty food puts me in a good mood in a way that eating a mediocre meal cannot.

A love for good food attests to importance being placed on sensory pleasure. The Japanese just care about enjoying the physicality of life. Nothing wrong with that.

Wouldn't the meal have to have been prepared in an empty apartment with only a cardboard box for furniture then?

You'd have to add in /fa/ too then.

>Travel mags here contain pictures of beautiful landscapes, beaches and list the fun activities you can do.

Yes, and Americans spend their lifes shoveling prepackaged sugary sludge down their throats. Really makes me think.

why do they care so much for this "food"? it is simple nutrition.

A better question is where the fuck did this super conceited and snobbish attitude towards photograph come from where every picture in the world has to be a very specific kind of photo or it's fucking stupid bogus bullshit?

It's very impressive that as a species we have the ability to capture moments at anytime into a single picture. You see a picture of food you ate 5 years ago and suddenly you remember who you were eating with, why you were out, what you were wearing, what you saw on TV that night, what you shitposted about that day, etc etc. It is a mostly harmless piece of technology that cost little resources, why not fucking use it?

She's in fact stealthily taking a picture of Hifumi's hifumis.

>which means growing your own food
and especially making more booze, son

Not everyone can be a lizardman wearing borrowed human skin like Zuckerberg

What gets me most furious is someone sending a photo of object/landscape and stuffing their face on it.

I would love to own my own still to make brandy. I'm not sure if purchasing a shit load of wine and making brandy from it is illegal. I know moonshine is but brandy?

Autism in it's finest form.

You sound like those kids that always say that you were born in the wrong generation you autist. Please kill yourself and hope to be born in another generation then

Makes sense.

The ones who don't literally get shit on for it constantly.
>be vegetarian
Nu-male faggot.
>buy produce from farmer's market or grocer
Hipster faggot.
>enjoy cooking food from other cultures
Cultural appropriation cis-scum.
>buy expensive meats/chesses/alcohol
Pretentious yuppie faggot.

American's are genuinely awful about food. Working at a restaurant here is painful.

>uses "REEE"
>accuses other people of being pathetic

You know, when you complain about someone caring about what other people think, aren't you just getting your panties in a twist about what they (as an 'other person') thinks?

Nope its just hard to enjoy things when the people around you interrupt every moment to take a picture. Whats the point of capturing an experience if you ruin the experience by capturing it?

Breaking apart the crab to get the meat without any nearby tools (and even with) is annoying

Do you truly believe that Aoba ruined the experience of her meal by taking a photo?

Why do lesbians like eating crab so much?

They are the brides of the devil and as we all know eating shellfish makes you go to hell