Did they?
Did they?
Did they what?
Did they what?
Scissor sisters
holy fucking YUM
No, but it may as well be yes after Ragyo, Junketsu, Senketsu, and Nui did both.
Junketsu and Senketsu didn't fuck them
Senketsu seemed to play the role of an older male mentor, not the type who'd try any shit with a student. Junketsu was just pure sperg and rage, too much to attempt anything other than destruction. Also, Sistercest best pair.
I know I did!
>shit la shit threads 4 years after it aired
enough is enough
The first meeting of Ryuko and Senketsu was Ryuko pushed to the ground, stripped, then a lot of gasping, thudding, and yamero.
>9/10 anime
>cut out everything that isn't Ryuko and Satsuki fighting.
>10/10 anime
but the first 9 episodes that focused solely on the school theme were the only good parts of the show ya bozo
The best battles were during the school scenes but yeah you agree with me the rest is not as good you hobo.
more like
>9/10 for the first couple episodes
>6/10 for everything that wasn't a fight scene
KlK is okay, but highly overrated.
TTGL is much better
newfags and Sup Forumsermin have watched 10 shows in total, they don't have a whole lot to discuss. Given how KlK is babby's first animu, I am not surprised to see so many threads about it.
I swear Sup Forums is inherently shitting up the entire site.
There's a JoJo thread on Sup Forums right now where some guy stubbornly claiming that Joseph is the single best protagonist in all of anime
Its because of crossposting Sup Forums faggots. They avatar and post animes on the shit boards then little faggots start thinkng its a new meme and come here.
even the plot and characterization was great in everything pre-battle royale. anything concerning depth about the characters was thrown out the window as soon as the tri-school raid started and it never came back
what the ding-dong diddly fuck was her finna problem?
Please have sex.
Yes, both in fact fucked Gamagoori
Establish pecking order? Yes.
>that retarded anatomy
you just know
>What are you?
>I don't know
>What should we do?
>I don't know
>Let's find out together
For being an older mentor, Senketsu didn't actually mentor and only matured as a person by watching and mimicking Ryuko. I think you're just confusing the fact that he's the cool-headed one of the pair (usually).
More like Enough la Enough.
Is this the new season of keijo?
Someone get this hothead outta here
Lost out on the subject of her lesbian crush to said crush's long lost sister.
Nonon was the first to fist Satsuki's ass though, she should be happy with that.
>I'll never be the first to fist Satsuki's ass
why am i even alive
Nah, Ryuko already has a boyfriend
He's stuck in space though