What makes Inuyasha noteworthy and unique as an anime? Why was it so big despite being mostly filler?

What makes Inuyasha noteworthy and unique as an anime? Why was it so big despite being mostly filler?

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was it even that big in japan?

americans like it because toonami

Watched Inuyasha solely for Kikyo, Every night waiting for her to show up.

>Wading through weeks of filler for a 5 minute romance scene that was ultimately inconclusive and redundant
I can't believe I gave up having a social life for this. Gucking fooks. But Kekyo wasn't as good for romance. Cold, angry shrews aren't as romantic as needy teenage girls.

Noteworthy, the author. Unique, nothing. They tried it again with Kyoukai no Rinne which is closing in on 75 episodes already, and nobody outside of Japan gives a shit.

The cinematography definitely isn't as atmospheric, and the romance isn't as angsty. But other than that yea, clearly an attempt to capitalize on an established money maker. Even the dog shit. So silly

Those OP and EDs though, hot damn are they a nostalgia trip.

90's anime seem to have had a way of making themselves seem way cooler, more introspective, more serious, and more meaningful than they actually were


never finished so o wannaknow too

Search for "Inuyasha The Final Act" and finish it.

Is there an anal scene?


Every time I see a ferris wheel lit up at night I get sad and nostalgic because of fucking Inuyasha.

Same, ferris wheels are literally the inducers of ultimate childhood nostalgia and lonely adolescent angst, thanks to Inuyasha

>fantasy setting
>Rumiko Takahashi was still big at the time

Does this still hold up if I were to start reading this now? I never watched this back then.

God I miss being an angsty, isolated, confused, miserable tweenage shithead. Fugging jap cartoons

Is it just me or does IY still not look dated? Am I just biased?

It already looked dated when it was new, since it was just a shinier version of the old Rumiko character designs.

It's not bad looking for a relatively early digital show. Main issue is reused animation.

MAMIYA SAKURA is Rumiko's best protag in a long time though