"Oneechan came" what did they mean by that?

"Oneechan came" what did they mean by that?

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>S2 Never.
>Full Episode serialization never.

Im suddenly want to listen it's ending then see this thread.

>>S2 Never.

Who cares? Literally every episode was the exact same thing

Well, It's fun.



I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

Thread theme


Maybe I would've liked it more if that face weren't so fucking unsettling. I'd shit myself if that thing ran up to me

>tfw you will never have an akame oneechan
why even live?

I dont get it, you dont want to get a raped by a crazy tringle mouthed NBR older sister?

Whats wrong with you?

Somebody please explain here mouth

Remember the story of Cinderella's shoe? Same thing.

So Tomo-kun has a triangular penis?

After she molded it to fit perfectly to her mouth, yes.

Suddenly reminded of Satsuki Imonet's Pavlov's ani, I can see her actually doing it.


>step sister
Into the trash it goes.

>newfags can't Ichika

I've seen a few shorts of this, does the manga actually have plot beyond "sisters failed attempts to fuck her brother"?

i remember this show.

holy fuck it sucked ass, s2 fucking never god bless


It's a a character driven epos on being determined to follow your dreams and do what is necessary to achieve them.

No loving nee-san OR a docile otouto.

This truly is the worst timeline.

So basically, it never progresses beyond "sisters failed attempts to fuck her brother"

She just adores him a lot. No lewd things.

At the moment she likes him because he's cute, when he matures into an adult what then? has she sabotaged future success?

Wait, there's enough material to make full episodes out of this?

>watching anime on youtube