Sup Forums BTFO

Shes right you know...

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Your mom screamed as she got fucked by your dad.

Having sex with your husband =/= getting filmed fucking 7 niggers

Thanks Australia I appreciate you beaming this electronic monkey hoot into brain from across the planet

From a metaphysical point, mindless sex is really destructive.

A lot of people don't really realize that the bond that sex creates. When you fuck someone a little bit of you is left in her, not just physically, but she becomes more malleable to your will, and you to hers. You almost slowly replace each others souls bit by bit. With a single partner for a lifetime this essentially creates a state where your energies reach a point of balance, and your mind and spirit are a homogenized blend of eachothers spirit.

But with promiscuous people this creates nothing but confusion and discord, all the different energy from all the different partners pools together in one mind, and creates a state of discord where you have a conflicting stew of energies instead of something more solid. It's why you see so many millennials making jokes about feeling directionless and helpless. Because they don't have a solid mind, their soul is literally a mishmash of the energies of all of their past partners.


why do all these kids call themselves 'lil'?

t. fagets obsessed with sex

mudshark detected

Not really.

well u 2 are overthinking sex way too much

Not really. What was said is the truth.

bye bye

>Married women having sex with their husbands is the same as roasties having 20 sexual partners before the end of high school

Not really

I mean, I like the idea of it, but there's nothing to really prove this actually happens. Just kind of sounds like new-age hippy dippy philosophy.

Like, if I take a shit into a hooker's mouth and she takes a shit into mine, do we have some kind of lifelong spiritual connection to each other?

What are you basing this on exactly?

Islam can't come soon enough

My mother was married to my father before I was born. There is a difference.

You are a fool.

Not really

if you read between the lines it says:
>i lost my virginity due to peer pressure...i enjoyed getting fucked and sucking your dicks for the last decade. Why cant i find a husband to produce children with? Like bitch i have to spread my legs to keep chad around why do they always leave me for virgins?


ITT:Its ok to be a virgin because I am.


t. virgin who thinks you actually trap someone's soul when you poke them with your dick

preach queen, lil dick virgins are just jealous they get no pussy

Yes really. Stop being dumb.

Agree, but I think his point is still valid. Sex should be meaningful, and sharing your intimacy with someone else is a big step, especially for women. I can see how it could fuck someone up to just give away something so important so easily.

You are lost, son.

>all people are sexual beings
Excuse me, but that assumption is problematic for asexual people. I expect a formal apology and a letter of resignation to her place of profession.

>the bond that sex creates

You are either a troll or virgin.

>It's why you see so many millennials making jokes about feeling directionless and helpless. Because they don't have a solid mind, their soul is literally a mishmash of the energies of all of their past partners.
>Implying I've had any partners at all
Ahahaha fucking rake me.

I'm all for promoting meaningful sex, but I don't think we need to scare people with nu-age nonsense about the "discordant souls you twisted because of that one chick you fucked at a party when you were an early 20-something".

Sex is best shared with a meaningful partner. If people want to have meaningless sex, they can do it.

For all we know, shitposting on Sup Forums is more disruptive to the soul than any of those things.

t. virgins

Talks like a nigger.

Thats not sex at all, it's taboo, and a lot of people confuse taboo actions with sex, particularly when nakedness is involved but that's not the case. But actually fucking, coupling with a woman is a pretty intense action, it requires a lot of mutual trust, and both of you are fulfilling one of your greatest instincts. To procreate. And it is a minuscule amount of bonding that is done with each sexual interaction. One liason with a hooker when you were 18 and fresh out of your parents house isn't going to be a lifelong bond. But if you have sex with enough people it would be like having fishhooks placed all over your skin and a having a slight tug on each one.

And it's not really one singular thing that I base this off of, it is a plethora of observations. There is a reason why marriages are exponentially more likely to fail the more partners you have.

>From a metaphysical point, mindless sex is really destructive.
I would argue that any mindless decision is destructive, not only mindless sex, but regarding mindless sex I would like to add that it is specially destructive, because it is a way of accepting, subconsciously, that the only real value that person has is in giving pleasure, receiving it, or their physical states/bodies, which becomes a burden to those who engage in it, also because how virginity is viewed as so valuable(and it is), that's why most women become absolute degenerates after they realized they are not virgins any more and in the "market" their value not only decreased permanently, but it's constantly decreasing as their age advances, something similar happens to men but to a more damageable degree since their degenerate behavior of some, turns other women into degenerates and it becomes a sickening cycle of animalistic driven emotions, such many cases

>having sex is the same as being a whore
This is why they're whores.


To view sexual intimacy so brazenly makes me think you really aren't even white

Agreed, but sex is one of the most destructive mindless actions because it is so deeply rooted within our own evolutionary psychology.

>There is a reason why marriages are exponentially more likely to fail the more partners you have.

correlation does not equal causation

Well stated.

Yes but it would be a good idea to observe wether or not a correlation is a causation scenario.


You're just assuming I am polar opposite of what he is preaching because I'm willing to call bullshit on him.

Are you getting paid for this idiocy you are spewing like the fool you are? If not, walk away. If yes, run.

If the boot fits nigger, if the boot fits

I'm just saying that the reason the marriage failed is probably for the same reason the woman was promiscuous and if you connect the dots you'd realize the woman was sleeping around because of something from her family and father's abuse and then the same unstable family past led to her failure in marriage and having nothing to do with the other effect of being a whore. So you would say she had her soul sapped by a thousand dicks when the whole time her soul was broken a long time ago by her father.

But your mom was the latter b4 she met your dad. Video cameras and internet just weren't around then to documentthe deed 4ever. And now nobody is gonna bring that up in polite conversation and down the memory hole it went.

You have never truly made love with a woman then. If you have gotten intimate with a woman it is like nothing that you can even really describe. It's deep, it's primal, it's almost holy in a way. When in the throes of true intimacy it feels as if you and your partner become one, because you are experiencing eachother in the deepest, most personal way two humans really can. With the exception of the relationship a mother has to her spawn. While casual sex may not seem like it has the same sort of depth, it has a very slight amount of it, and that's really my point.

no hymen no diamond

You're disgusting me

I would even argue that the reason 75% of all marriages are gone down the drain is because of promiscuity, because it affects them so bad they can't even be in a stable relationship any more, but now on days it's so widely accepted it even affects those who aren't promiscuous because they can't find any stable partner. It really is a huge problem in the family unit

People had dignity and honor you degenerate fuck. Not everyone is an animal with zero self-control.
Nigger culture has destroyed our people.

Daily reminder only men feel this emotion. Women do not share the same sentiments when it comes to sex.

Quite being an overly emotional faggot. "Intimacy" is a Disney fairy tale you homo.

Your post is all over the place brother.

So meaningless sex isn't sex, it's taboo? But I thought you were talking about "meaningless sex"? So which is it? Meaningless sex isn't the same as fucking a hooker, that's "taboo". *rolleyes*.

>coupling with a woman is a pretty intense action.

So is sky diving, so is shoplifting, even playing video games can be "intense action".

It requires a lot of "mutual trust" to start a business too, yet the people with more experience in that department tend to be the ones who are better off.

>fucking a hooker wont be a lifelong bond but hooking up with some chick after the club will be.
Nigger wtf are you doing.

>But if you have sex with enough people it would be like having fishhooks placed all over your skin and a having a slight tug on each one.
Your posts are starting to look like a bunch of fishhooks for (yous).

Yes, when you have relations with people, it tends to effect you. Like, I don't disagree that it is unhealthy for your well being to be promiscuous, but you could just say that and be done with it with out having to spout new age nonsensical rhetoric.

>There is a reason why marriages are exponentially more likely to fail the more partners you have.

Or perhaps the type of people who fuck around a lot are more likely to be unfaithful, which tends to be one of the main reasons for divorce.

I wish I lived in your fairytale land...

What a bunch of tradcuck mysticist nonsense. You're just building a dependency on the oxytocin you get from being in love because this benefited your ancestors during natural selection. Nothing more, nothing less.


My mom isn't a slut though.
She didn't have sex until her wedding night.


Tradition is the opposite of cucked you nihilistic, hedonistic bastard.

I'm so balanced because I've never shared energy I must be really in harmony r-right?

>Fairytale land
Having standards for yourself and others around you is a fairytale.
In the oven.

We can see your user ID, Tyrone.

You would just be you. You aren't as fucked up as someone who has had dozens of partners, but it would be better if you forged something, a stable relationship.

>but it would be better if you forged something, a stable relationship

I'm sure it will happen any day now r-right?

It's ok for a guy to have dozens of partners if it's consensual and no deception used. Not ok for a woman.

Virginity = purity

If your pure flesh is coupled with a pure mind, then you have reached a status that very few men have ever achieved. You have the self-control of a godly man.

You are a hedonist, it really does affect you,, you might not think so but you will. When you "settle down" and find a wife you will consistently think of your past partners.

It's not okay for either sex to be promiscuous, that whole shitty "Key and lock" analogy is a meaningless platitude.

>any day now r-right
Yes user, someday

Or perhaps the unfortunate position of being unable to find a counterpart. If you maintain celibacy till you find someone worthy of it, then it is virtue, true. But if you simply cannot find that other, I think that is unfortunate, and wish you luck.

The roastie thing is a meme. It's a genetic lottery, some vagainas are like that.
My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia
Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin
Same as the "uncut dicks smell Thing
I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.

Yes lil juicebox is very wise. Solid advise.

How... How do you know what your mum and sisters vaginas look like?

I'm not a hedonist. I'm realistic and moderate. You're on the level of "if you thought about killing him then you're just as guilty as if you really did!"

You're implying that there were ever temptations to resist.

I'm sure you are a "realist moderate." you talk like one, like a man with no conviction or morality.

>knows what his moms and sisters pussy looks like

>knows what his mother's vagina looks like
>knows what his sister's vagina looks like
>knows what his father's dick smells like


Your will can be trained, like any muscle in your body. You might start out weak but if you deny yourself these temptations, you can gradually reclaim your soul. It's never too late to start.

t.fukn degenerate

old copypasta, kys faggot

My convictions are pragmatic

>Knowing the labia form of your own mother
>Knowing the labia form of your underage sister
>Knowing how long it takes for your dick to stench
>Knowing how long before you DADS dick starts smelling
I have too many questions

your mum got creampied LUL

>y-you c-cant hate women y-your mom is a woman

i once told my mom i hated modern young women, and to console me, she told me a story about how she fucked a man for 5 years who refused to say i love you back to her

and then later she met my dad and had me and i was an "accident" but not really

>modern women

>t. mentally ill degenerate


no female or nigger on social media is ever right.

Being a loser who just fantasizes about fucking women every time he sees a real-life female is just as bad if not worse than being a whore. Mind and body must be pure my dude.

This raises more questions than it answers

1% guys are man-whores
99% women are whores.

> ergo your gender-equality stinky shit
> do me a favor and fuck yourself while reading this
> then kys


In this moment I am le rational, not because of any phony mythos but because I am enlightened by my own pragmatism.

The fact is man that the world is a lot more complex then things that can be entirely observed by the fields of math and science. There is mysticism, there is spirituality, there is the power of faith. Things like placebo effect are completely bonkers when looked at from a scientific perspective.

these threads are getting beyond a joke

muh scientism


1. Some people have this thing called "willpower", where they can resist temptation until the right person or time.

2. The oldest in my family was born 2 years after my parent married, so she is opposite the definition of a hoe.

just cuz your mommy is a hoe , doesn't mean every old school woman is a "hoe", you hoeson faggot
> kys