ITT: improve a show by removing a main character
ITT: improve a show by removing a main character
Literally every show with a male lead
Afro Samurai
Over here.
Remove Asuka from Evangelion
Litterally EVERYTHING improves once that happens.
Oh and remove Deku from BNHA and make Allmights sickness a mystery that no one except bakugo figures out and the fact that he can transfer his power is retconned.
fuck you she is perfect
>Remove Asuka from Evangelion
That's a funny way to spell Shinji.
There's also her. What was her point? She does almost nothing but sleep, and you could remove her from the story without affecting the plot.
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>the alternate universe version of his crush was all in his head
i wish tohsaka left him to die in the prologue desu
Without shinji the entire world would get raped by angels and no one would stick around to see rei clone getting dicked by gendo and the incredible cunt getting butchered in her first fucking ep.
The series would have never gotten off of the ground.
I never got anyone's problem with the MC of Chuunibyou. He wasn't a bastion of manliness nor a masterpiece of writing, but he had plenty of moments where he took an active role in helping his love interest out with her problems. He's one of the few MCs I can say 'deserves' the girl.
Also his chuuni moments were pretty great. I feel like people who hate him are just buttmad fags who see him as cucking them out of the FemCs fat ass.
Keep in mind I only watched season 1.
This worst girl moeshit
Best example 1/3
What about a supporting character
>The series would have never gotten off of the ground.
sounds like an improvement to me
Shes cute. Also hips
>Without shinji the entire world would get raped by angels and no one would stick around to see rei clone getting dicked by gendo and the incredible cunt getting butchered in her first fucking ep.
sounds like an improvement to me
This pile of human waste. Smoking around children.
>alternate universe where Rikka doesn't exist
>Yuuta meets Kumin and she helps him get comfy and escape from the chuuni life
>Yuuta gets bored and realizes being a chuuni was more fun and tries to drag Kumin into it
Would this have been better or worse than what we got? Personally I'm biased because I'm a massive waifufag for Kumin.
fucking easy, this bitch ruined what could have been an interesting show as soon as she showed up to be an annoying 'im bullied and have a shitty tragic backstory so pity me while i'm an unlikable asshole that the universe loves and makes sure is always right and ends up loved by everyone despite my awful personality and lack of doing anything to redeem myself'
show would've been better if it was just the MC continuing his cheating bullshit while trying o avoid getting caught out and learning about the larger schemes at work himself.
easy mode:
Raildex - Index = no change
male lead is not getting randomly bitten
life continues as normal
Asuka should've been the main character, faggot.
Well she's almost irrelevant throughout half of NT so there's that. Though that's likely to change in the near future, unfortunately.
But I like Index.
What the fuck is wrong with you
She's not, she's trash get over it user
As much as I liked Chu2, this is correct.
Why? Im legit curious.
I'm glad to see all that training at the Internet police academy didn't go to waste.
hope you get cancer already
>Implying Rikka isn't the only reason to watch this show.
This bitch. Hate her.
The show wouldn't improve, it just wouldn't even change.
>The series would have never gotten off of the ground.
I don't believe you.
and neither does kek.
But then we wouldn't get the best girl.
Humongous faggot, it's like you didn't even watch the show in the first place
A neccessary evil, Ritsu would have better screen time without this whore.
>hipster Rem hater is too retarded to follow simple thread rules
He can't be the main protagonist by her powers ever.