Other urls found in this thread:
never do drugs
Get well soon
>Got stabbed in the hand
>Got poisoned
>Hands became so swollen it hurts at the slightest touch
>Blood oozes out from the 7 holes in the head
>Broken the bones of an arm
>Halfway through cutting said broken arm
This girl needs a happy ending.
Riko didn't even get it as bad as other characters in MiA
I know, she's still young so I give her credit.
She is already dead, there is no happiness for her on the horizont, just the dakrness of the abyss
sorry I just don't fancy going to jail
She's bleeding, wow masterpiece!
Kill yourself
she turned into a pink wojak
am dead now
great advice
can recommend
No one cares if you torrent anime.
there are law firms in my country that specialize in torrenting, no matter if you seed or not
More like Made in Reddit
No one cares if you torrent anime you lazy fucker. No one.
Is this adventurekino? Sure feels like it.
Yeah, but I doubt Japanese anime distributors are pushing lawsuits on many people outside of japan.
The 'cyber police' have MUCH bigger fish to fry.
there's no happy ending for any of us
alright you convinced me
If you're really that paranoid, you can always use a VPN, but really now?
bestdad incoming
why would i pay for a vpn if i can avoid all the hassle by streaming?
This is the absolute state of Sup Forums in 2017.
More chapters when??
Listen, I honestly don't care if you waste your time with streaming, but don't post screenshots of that filth in Sup Forums.
You've been given the answers.
This was always a meme to catch newfags trying to fit in, like yourself
Nanachi for 2 more Eps, then him for an hour.
Unless you specifically live in Japan and use Japanese ISPs you're not going to be under legal pressure. ISP warnings come from the company you're infringing on, not the ISP itself.
did she died?
i would have it no other way
Did her anus leak too?
Why, exactly, do you think streaming is more legal or anonymous?
>He actually thinks this
Kill yourself retard. There are no advantages to streaming and you are cancer for doing so.
This fucking guy
I agree
you are so cute
What does it say? I don't speak gibberish.
>mitty is still alive
My heart can't handle this
thank you, going trap mode was the right decision
> gibberish
You take your shit back, asshole.
What do the moon runes say?
How old is Ozen exactly? Time goes slower in Abyss so she's obviously not as old as they claim on the surface.
So can she properly move her arms or does she just wiggle around on the stumpy parts to move?
Just asking since it looks like her front arms have no bones in them and are just flabby lengths of skin and fur at this point.
Hello r e ddit.
You can't disagree with him though. Mad props to the seiyuu.
> time dilation
She's still pretty old even considering that, the time dilation doesn't even get that serious until you're on the fourth/fifth layer, and even then, it's not like she's spent her entire life down there.
Regardless of everything, she's still definitely at LEAST 50 years old, the pins are probably the only thing keeping her looking as young as she seems.
Even if Riko dies (again) can't Regu just put her in that cube of Lyza's to resurrect her (again)?
user unless you live in Japan no one will give a shit if you torrent anime or manga. Shit there's so many to torrent and so many people doing it that Japanese companies would never be able to enforce it.
Now if you torrent NUKE 10 or worse 11, you might get some men in black sent your way.
most likely yes
if she can fit her
Where can I get colored manga?
We don't really know how the cube would affect her now that she's grown up more, but as it is, I don't think they'd be able to get Riko's corpse to Ozen's place without her body rotting away partially.
Wasn't it that she's been white whistle or delving with enough fame for 50 years making her at least 65-70.
Definitely, just saying at least fifty to say that regardless of any time dilation, it wouldn't be serious enough for her to still look as young as she does, it's definitely the pins.
Why can't anime do impactful graphic deaths anymore?
Riko san's voice getting wonderful around this scene
He ain't wrong, he ain't.
Truly /ourguy/
I recognize th
So I started with the first volume of the manga and I'm really not enjoying it. The pacing is horrible, the panels are too cluttered to enjoy the art, and since everything happens so fast I feel no attachment at all to the characters or the setting.
The anime gave me goosebumps in almost every episode and made me truly care about Riko and Reg, but the manga is making me feel absolutely nothing. Please tell me it gets better?
That would require Reg to carry Riko back to the second layer, which is simply not an option at this point.
Cool blog bro.
How the fuck did this guy climb up a building ass first!?
Nigga I'm asking a question, not blogging about my life.
>is told Abyss is fucking hellhole
>people get surprised she gets fucked over
I would consider it massive asspull that she is still alive.
how in your little mind is anime better in regard of pacing
She's technically already dead, and doesn't know when she's going to die again for good.
Even the author said that what she's doing is literally suicide.
>is there something that could change my opinion on this thing?
The answer to that question lies within you, how are we supposed to know if you will enjoy something or not? Just read the fucking thing and find out for yourself, you lazy blog-posting faggot.
no, quit reading/watching and leave the threads, don't come back, bye.
Trap shota is pleb af though, actual shota is where it's at. Thankfully Tsukushi seems more into that than the former.
but thats gay
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I love things that have a slow pacing. I would happily have the manga cover the exact same plot, but be three times longer. I just hate how the first few chapters of the manga fly by. We are supposed to care about the characters by the time they go into the Abyss, but with the manga it's impossible.
Huh? You want me to post in all MiA threads and explain why it's objectively bad? You're asking for a lot senpai but I'll try my best.
>Stahl Junge
How much fucking longer are we going to pretend to be shocked by this when faggots have been spamming Mitty's rugification and Reg's torture scene for months now to gain attention? Gruesome as it was the mangafags made sure everyone knew what was coming.
The fuck are you so mad about? I'm convinced no other fandom on Sup Forums gets mad this easily.
/ss/ is also perfectly acceptable
Now you're talking
Nah, shotas belong with lolis or other shotas.
>Gruesome as it was the mangafags made sure everyone knew what was coming.
You underestimate how many crossboarders and redditors come here to discuss anime
if you dont like it then quit reading/watching it
if you have to have someone convince you to keep reading then you should take that as a sign to stop, does that not make sense?
Fucking faggot. Tsukushi understands shotas need only the love of beautiful lolis and occasionally sexy older women, the only time it becomes acceptable to cross the beams is when one of them is a trap and therefore a girl. Stop trying to make it gay.
What do robots taste like?
/ss/ can be shota x loli, user. And you're right, it's better especially with femdom
Yeah, torrenting big title video games, Disney movies, HBOshit, and whatever else that makes big money.
>eating raw meat is cute
Not him and I don't think that torrenting is dangerous or avoid it, but, there have been shitty attempts to harass torrent users. I'm unaware of any attempts to harass stream viewers, no one cares if you're not using your bandwidth to spread it.