Whose breasts did Shinji wish for right before instrumentality began?

Whose breasts did Shinji wish for right before instrumentality began?

His mom's.

The breasts in the image are framed by long hair.
Yui's hair was short.
Although I guess it's possible that in her soul's opinion it 'grew' while she was inside 01.
I don't think so though. It's someone else's breasts.

Also, it's interesting that Yui's hair is red in this scene.

In the middle of the series, a discussion happens on the car radio where someone talks about a dependency disorder in which a male requires of his partner that she functions as a mother as well.

>Evangelion thread: I need (you)

>It's something a psychologist came up with a long time ago. In other words, it's where you want to be with your mother forever. It refers to people who want to always be dependent on someone.
>There's someone like that among my acquaintences too, and you're a lot like him. So, well, as far as I can see from your letter, from your girlfriend's standpoint, being your lover, your mother, and what else, your kid sister?
>I think being all of these things for you is pretty rough. And you know, aren't you sort of taking advantage of her place as a lover, using it as your personal outlet for your libido? Okay, well, that might have been a little extreme.
>But a woman is very sensitive to whether someone loves her or not. So I think she's probably twigged onto that by now, that you're looking for a mother you can sleep with in her.
>And if she still hasn't brought up splitting up with you, she might be one of those nice girls that are pretty rare these days, you know?

It's more on the nose than you think, that's Misato's radio in episode 20, after Unit 01 enticed Shinji into its core with sexually suggestive images of the women in his life and Misato basically won a custody battle to get him out again.


It could only be Misato or Asuka from the hair length

Official answer coming through: it's no ones in particular says the storyboards.

Where are there NGE storyboards? And are they translated?


Shinji wished for
>A female who will accept and tolerate everything of him
>A female who will sexually accept him
>Destruction of everything that can potentially hurt him
>Not to be alone
>someone who will scold him even at the end so he still has reason to not face the world face on

smug doll tittymonster


>Don't kill me!
What did The Masterâ„¢ mean by that?
In Asuka's case it made some sense, she didn't want to die like her mother wanted her to.

Shinji saying it just makes no sense at all. Unless they swap bodies midway through this scene and it's Asuka saying it. I suppose such a thing is possible during instrumentality.

Uhh, that's not the webm I posted, hiroyuki
I don't even have that one on my computer. Let me try again.

this is where the angels got all their info on NERV's defenses

Sometimes a post gets the same number as another post that was posted at the exact same moment. It's a widely known meme on Sup Forums, that you don't know about it shows how new you are.

Not just Penpen. All the animals, down to flies and basically anything with eyes and/or ears.

I have been on Sup Forums for over a decade and have never gotten that bug
You snot-nosed retards need to stop using everything as an excuse to jerk your elitist microdicks

Stop trying so hard to fit in, newfag.

Kill yourself off the website



Asuka, remember the fapping

>remember the fapping

Shinji's jizz is unfortunately embedded in my brain.
He basically came in my long term memories.

Do the other radio/TV background dialogue through the series have any important connotations besides this one?

I paid attention to all of the ones I noticed, mostly it's just worldbuilding. Some of them pertain to the censored account of angel-related events which NERV releases to the public.

That one is the only one which was significant, I think.

I would say what he wishes for is a similar comfort to that of a child drinking his mother's milk. If I don't remember badly, there's a very similar image (with an almost exact drawing style) of Yui and Shinji.
Also, his face isn't lustful (thus, it kind of invalidates it being Asuka), but rather calm and peaceful, just like a child thinking of his mother.

That's my opinion.

Yui's hair isn't even shoulder length though, and whoever has those breasts, her hair goes below them in length.

The way the ends look reminds me of Asuka's hair in this scene too.


Kaworu's cockbreasts

Emotional death.
Asuka was pretty much the last line holding him into sanity, being rejected by her was the last straw and he decided to destroy the world.

Earlier when Shinji gets tanged way before everyone else does (after he gets absorbed into the dirac sea) he learns some tang philosophy.
'There is a Shinji Ikari which exists in Misato's mind, Rei's mind, Asuka's mind. All are real Shinji Ikaris. But they're not the Shinji Ikari that I am.'

It might be that telling Asuka not to kill him is his melodramatic way of saying not to go away and forget him. Because doing so would 'kill' her version of Shinji Ikari.

It's true that such a hairstyle could lead to think it's Asuka, but it makes very little sense.

Asuka represents sexual tension and the way Shinji looks at her is usually lustful. But, as I mentioned before, his face during that instant is far from being lecherous. Rather than sexuality, I see it as a reflection of comfort. Motherly comfort.

Also, I found the Yui & Shinji picture I talked about in my previous post. Please, look at the similarity of style.

And here, with Yui.

>lecherous. Rather than sexuality
Shinji isnt ALWAYS only sexual towards asuka.
In the almost kiss scene, there is more than lust going on.

(I'm the same user)
It's true that, seeing the hair, it doesn't match Yui's at all. But it being a wish for motherly warmth (represented by female breasts) is the only explanation I can come up with.

Needless to say, it's probable that the breasts image doesn't represent an specific female: neither Misato or Asuka (those with the longest hair), nor Rei or Yui. It might be Shinji's generic desire for affection; and judging by his expressionm, I would add, a "motherly affection".

I think it's Asuka, but he's thinking of motherly affection from her in this case.
See also

I'm not sure. He's 14 years old and has a hot girl he's managed to become somehow friends with sleeping next to him. Teenage hormones at their highest.

Fortunately, when hearing Asuka say "Mama" he realizes the stupidity he was about to do.

In my opinion, if it weren't Asuka but Misato or Rei slightly showing their breasts to him, I'm sure he would have blushed and maybe tried something else, just like with Asuka.

We're talking about teenagers after all. Everything is very physical when one's young.

Asuka. He saw them earlier that day and fapped in front of her.

Who knows. I can't agree nor disagree with it, since it has its pros and cons. I guess this, like many other things of Evangelion, is completely up to our interpretation.

What's more, in the storyboard, the image appears without any further explanation of whose those breasts are. That adds more mystery to the scene.

This is probably one of the things Anno put in the story purely for people to argue about and there is no meaningful answer to it.
Like most of the things in Evangelion.

Im not denying things are physical for teenagers, but dont pretend that teenagers, specially depressed fuck ups like shinji, can get REALLY emotionally needy too.
One of shinjis main characteristics that become visible later on is how he desperate for love and acceptance.

Haha, very true.

That's why I lean towards the opinion that they're rather "generic breasts", instead of someone's. It could be a mixture of Yui and Asuka, but again, who knows.

Great job Anno. We've been like this for 20 years and there's no consensus on anything at all.

>Like most of the things in Evangelion.
>being this wrong

Yes, but one can't just wait for love to come while behaving selfishly. He didn't show love for anyone, but blamed them for being "ambiguous" and cold with him. That's exactly how a teenager behaves: erratically.

Moreover, as it's said in EoTV, prior to loving someone, you need to love yourself. And Shinji is a perfect example of a self-loathing person. Thus, I'm very careful not to use the word "love" to describe EVAs interactions (even less in the case of Shinji with Rei, Asuka and Misato). It's rather a mixture of feelings: from friendship and appreciation to lust and hormones.

I dont think anno expected or wanted people to discuss his work that much.

Yeah, i agree with you.
Not "LOVE", but still a mix of generally good feelings, the most those characters can strive to achieve before learning to love themselves first.

Asuka refuses affection, but what if you tie her up and then hug her, so she can't run away from it?
Is this the path to fixing Asuka? Forced hug therapy?

I think its some form of sexual harassment. Probably wouldn't help.
The only one who can fix asuka is asuka. At most you can provide moral support "you can do it"

in the episode 26 universe, Ibuki is a radio journalist

>The only one who can fix asuka is asuka.
Ultimately she has to pull the trigger, but for the conditions to arise in which it's possible for to do so, she needs help.
A good start would be someone who gives her the affection that she craves, but not for the reasons she typically gets it (achievements, usefulness, etc.)
Asuka needs to receive affection for no 'logical' reason. The kind of unconditional love she never received from her parents.

>What do you wish for?
Rei is pretty much santa, huh

Does she leave rei clones for well behaved kids?

They look like Misato's breasts from the opening.

I've thought that was Asuka the entire time

you're fucking blind

I've never gone over the opening frame by frame so that's probably why. It's pretty obvious that it's Misato when it's not flashing in front of me rapidly.

How often does Asuka farts?

It's obviously Misato. She's a surrogate mom to Shinji who never knew what having a real mother was like. Because of that, he looks at her with sexual attraction and feels motherly affection from her. The comfort of a mother's embraced combined with the sexuality of her breasts.

This is literally the first time he sees her. It's not rocket science, folks.

>Stop trying so hard to fit in, newfag.
Why would he want to fit in with fat assholes like you browsing Sup Forums all night ?

Because that's the target demographic of this website