You know, i can't help but think, they've got pictures of burgers and fried food here...

you know, i can't help but think, they've got pictures of burgers and fried food here, but back in the 80s and 90s that's literally all we ate and we were a beautiful country of fit and healthy white people.
now these millennials just eat organic food and sushi and all of this gay sterilized shit, and they're gross fatsos. sort of activates the almonds, doesn't it?

we literally drank coca-cola every fucking day and smoked cigerattes like chimneys, but we were fine.

millennials OD on fruits and veggies and kimchi and turn into fatsos. what gives Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Everything you read about "millennials" is either a pure lie to make gen x feel good or only true for millennial women, but for "sexist" reasons they remove gender and generalise to all millennials.

In this case, the /fit/ millenial men and Sup Forumsirgins who keep forgetting to eat are forgotten in favour of women who recreationally eat because they're "healthy at every size."

It's about the quantities. Besides, on average, Europeans are slimmer than Amerifats.

they literally grew up on this shit

families feed their kids fast food garbage now more than ever

modern mothers dont have enough time/empathy to cook jack shit for their kids

I don't get it either. Myself and a few buddies binged on fast food for a long while and never gained any weight. Started eating more regular food again and gained weight. Fast food 4 fitness yo

bro nice digits but this is not true. you can't just dismiss all of the true shit about millennials by saying "hurrrrrr it's BS" without even providing any evidence or anything like that. millennials are visibly fucked up, and this country is visibly way different in a million different ways than it was back in the 80s and 90s. i was there. i remember. we were not fat, soft wussies the way young people are now, and we literally drank soda every day and smoked cigarettes and ate bacon and steak and chicken fingers nonstop. we all thought health food "was for fags".

This is actually a solid point. Dont forget that portion sizes were even BIGGER back then too (Supersize at McDonalds anyone?). And yeah, there was no mass shilling against fast food, junk food or sodas at all.

Going off the OP, my guess is that this obesity epidemic may be caused by the proliferation of GMO's being used to make our food maybe? Worse water quality and/or treatment?

Our portion sizes were way bigger in the 90's. There used to be a Super Size at McDonalds that was a huge tier larger than Large.

when i was a teenager and into my mid 20s, my and my friends used to routinely do "the dollar menu olympics" at mcdonalds. we'd go and get like 20 things off the dollar menu and see who could eat it all first. it was fucking gross. you know how many calories are in 10 double cheeseburgers, 5 four piece mcnuggets and 5 small french fry orders? we didn't think of it like that though. we just did it. we were all healthy and fit and beautiful people. now millennials would see that and pass out or something. it was just a regular for us back then though. and yeah, we'd always be washing it down with coke or mountain dew.

I don't know about you OP but I've never encountered any Millennials that "ODs on fruit and veggies".
...most eat junk just like in that picture
the idea that they eat better then everybody else is bullshit.

You realize millennials were raised and taught eating/cooking habits by the older generation?

Their were massive exercise crazes in the 1970's - 1990's. And before that people got more exercise out of necessity. Eating healthy is a meme but being physically active isn't.

Naw, they're not all eating sushi and veggies, or they wouldn't be that fucking fat.

The parenting has taken a real shit since the 80s.

60s parents were decent. 80 parents were nothing, complete garbage. The 80s didn't even have a male role model, since they stopped manufacturing real men back in the 50s.

I was the same way part of that could be due to teenage metabolism.

The question is if OP is referring to Millenials who are now in their 20's and 30's, or Gen Z who are teenagers. I dont think Gen Z teenagers are all that fat to be honest, where as Millenials might be fat because they are just older now and metabolism is slowing down.

>Going off the OP, my guess is that this obesity epidemic may be caused by the proliferation of GMO's being used to make our food maybe? Worse water quality and/or treatment?
these are good points IMO. the GMO thing........maybe. they started with the GMO soy in 1998 though actually. we just didn't hear about it on the news everyday until like 2010-ish, when it became a big new story for a couple of years.
maybe it took a long time to start making people fat though. maybe they switched to a different GMO strain. maybe it had to build up over time or something. i have no fucking idea man. something is amiss though, because shit is not the way it used to be and it's pretty weird IMO.

Bodybuilding got disgusting and sports got Since male stuff is garbage now and buying a guy is toxic men have retreated to vidya and shitposting. Now it is cool to be fat and play videogames while a chad fucks your gf. Isn't surprising testosterone is down

Being a guy*

well i know i was still doing "the dollar menu olypmics" when i was 25, and when i was 25 all of my friends were still exceptionally fit and attractive people. fuck man, and we'd get hammered on the beer every night's amazing when you think about it.

there's no way that millennials can be worse than we were. i know for a fact that they're into all of this "hollistic food" shit or whatever you call it. whole foods, and kimchi, and probiotics, and fucking alaskan whale blubber or whatever the new latest health food craze is.

we thought all of that shit was faggy back in the day, and we weren't fat. millennials are though :(

im genX BTW.

Everyone who's fat as fuck is over 30


wtf, bodybuilding is getting insane. no point in even photoshopping them anymore

Your PE class was miles beyond what the kids now do. You were more chair bound than any other generation in history, the kids now even more so

Good point, I dont know man, what I do know is that the only way I can keep weight off now, when Im in the US, is that I literally have to starve to myself. Two meals a day max, both meals are very nutritious but one meal is somewhat light, the other somewhat heavy. That is the ONLY way to keep the weight off. If I dare to eat to where I am comfortable and feel satiated, with healthy food too not even unhealthy shit, the weight tacks on incredibly fast. Its not exercise related either, my job is VERY physical and its still impossible to keep weight off without somewhat starving myself.

Shit sucks. BUT what is weird and definitely noticeable is that whenever Im abroad in a foreign country (which is quite a bit due to work), I dont have this problem anywhere near as bad. No bloating, no water weight, no food comas, no weight gain. Most notable difference is eating food overseas actually energizes you as food is intended to do, where as in America all food does is make you to go to sleep and feel gross, the BLOAT and WATER WEIGHT is fucking absurd. All this shit is only an issue when eating in America, its fucking disgusting, theres definitely something wrong with the food here big fucking time.

they literally phased out Small and made medium the new small, and supersize the new large

You obviously were not old enough back then.

Large is big yes but it is NOTHING compared to Super Size. That shit was fucking beyond absurd.

bro, i was a fit and beautiful man until i hit 30. everywhere i went the women would flirt with me and smile at me......didn't usually do anything about it cuz i get social anxiety and stuff, but still they liked me and i was good looking.

once i hit 30, it literally started immediately after my birthday. it was slow at first, like a few pounds here, and then a few month later i'd notice a few more pounds, but it was steady, until eventually one day i looked in the mirror and i was like "oh man, fuck, i got fat". holy fuck, the only way i can be not-obese now is to exercise like a motherfucker, which is way harder to do than it used to be because now i'm always like "maaaaaaaan, what's even the point of life" on top of everything else including just being old and having more aches and pains, and fucking starve myself. it's fucking AWFUL. AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL. like i get physically emotionally mad when i think about it.

such fucking bullshit man.

maybe if i just eat chicken fingers and burgers like i used to i'll fucking lose weight and be fine.

and no, i haven't been eating junk as i got fat. i started eating healthier in my late 20s.......just before all of the weight gain started. makes me think even more, on top of my OP.

Because in the 80s and 90s things were very different. Wages were much higher adjusted for inflation, daily stress was much lower (one reason for weight gain), and food was actually nutritious and didn't have sugar dumped into every fucking thing from milk to fry batter to potato chips. I'm not saying all GMOs are bad since shit like corn and seedless bananas are technically GMOs but they weren't feeding cows a healthy diet of red Skittles so they'd get fatter and produce sweeter meat/milk or using pink slime meat byproduct for McNuggets in those days. When mass producing things, quality typically plummets and since those mega chains are always changing to do whatever possible to shovel out the cheapest shit in highest volumes and paying off the FDA to look the other way or claim things that are banned as carcinogens/poisonous in other countries are good for general consumption here in the States we get an outbreak of disease in unprecedented numbers while other countries wonder why. Even if you buy stuff at the store the quality and nutrients are far less than what they were years ago. I can honestly say I know more about the purity and source of what's in my dog's food than my own simply because human food companies aren't being held accountable to make this public.

32 years old just drank my 24th cola in 2 days who else here



Its more available. Humans are meant to eat discrete meals, not continually snack. It causes hormone imbalances and screws with metabolism.

Im not in my 30's yet, still late 20's, but when that time comes I think I will definitely be hopping on some steroids, or even just HGH.

Most young people don't eat organic
Most millennials eat far unhealthier than the 80s
Ciagrettes and Food didn't have as much poison added.
High Furctose Corn Syrup
More time sitting

Jesus dude get it together

Its a two pronged issue. first the successful food outlets and brands are designed to spike your dopamine like a drug (and people wonder why addiction is a thing), second you have growth hormone ladened meat, dna to make things grow inserted into veggies, and whatever the fuck they want sprayed onto the plants that mess with human hormones.
In the past it was people who ate a ton of meat and sugary products, now its people who eat a balanced diet getting fat because there is so much hormone interference going on.

I know several people who moved overseas, usually to nearly 3rd world-ish countries like thailand or eastern europe, ate the same shit or even less healthy foods and lost weight. They didnt eat packaged processed foods though and the food they did eat was cooked from local sources too poor to afford chemicals and GMO seed. None of them were "Fat" by american standards but husky, after a few years they became fit doing fuckall but eating good food. Remember they said in agenda 21 they would use food as the main weapon.

I'm a millennial and I can eat anything but never gain any weight. I literally cannot comprehend how people become fat, is it solely genetics? I eat a shit ton of junk food and never even gain a pound

I dont know, dieticians say the opposite though, that going without eating for too long can actually shut down your metabolism and make your body cling to fat. Who the hell knows though, starving myself has kept me at a nice 6'2" 190-200lbs, where as eating comfortably with relatively healthy food (not binging or gorging on complete crap mind you) put me at 6'2" 260 lbs at my peak weight. Fucking disgusting. The food in the US is absolutely toxic, I lost the most of my weight when I was in Thailand eating nothing but Thai food and didnt have to starve myself at all. Just another item to add to the list of why this country is hell on earth.

Sorry, but there's just no way there's ever going to be a fatter, lazier generation than boomers.

Fuck, my experience with food overseas to a T, exactly.

HFCS and too much time sitting are meme answers. Gtfo.

This is shitposting.

Because you probably have laws that protect your food, unlike our hormone/pesticide laced garbage here in the US.

What are you talking about. I met many young educated people in their 30's witha. Cereer. By your thinking most 30 -
40 yearolds must be soy boys, and not themselves parents.

Fuck off you drunken potato nigger.

Man you should be a doctor and just shell out redpills to all the obese cunts. Healthcare problem solved god bless America

it depends. you can definitely fuck up regulation of cortisol and other metabolism-involved hormones, especially in conjunction with anaerobic exercise. a diet balanced with fruits, veggies, animal proteins, along with steady state exercise (like even just fucking walking) will make fat loss pretty simple.

>tfw as the average grows weaker I grow stronger
reminder that being /fit/ is redpilled

GenZ here, (18). To be honest in high school most "jocks" were obsessed with lifting and diets. Its Funny though because people who were all about diet didnt look that great while I gained some muscle mass at 16, with no diet but just lifts. I don't think millenial are fat, I actually think this is purely a stereotype, which portrays fat people telling the rests about dieting due to political correctness

>fat, autistic, depressed and angry
>Sup Forums in a nutshell

Speak for yourself, soy boy.

Do you actually think the LARPers here are trying to do anything but be a keyboard warrior?
Not unless we force them.
Force them by the unholy rules of the ROLL post number.

racial demographic shifts

It's because that entire generation is constantly buried in their phones, video games, whathaveyou. Basically they don't go outside. Zero exercise. And it's not getting any better. I live next to a middle school, and no shit, a good 50% of those kids are obese, some morbidly so.

Don't think it's so much to do with the food. I think food has actually gotten better since the 90's.

The basic concept of our biologic function dictates that if we consume more calories than we burn, we store that extra energy as adipose tissue, or fat. The contrary is of course true, if we consume less calories than we burn we will burn that previously stored extra energy.

It's not rocket science, go for a walk you fat lazy fucks.

>50 years ago, 10% of the population was obese and the country was 90% white
>now 40% of the population is obese and the country is 60% white
really makes me think

yeah speak for yourself man, i'm not autistic or angry or fat. just not as easy to keep weight off when you get older, that's all. i'm used to having nice abs and being naturally fit and desirable.
depressed and socially anxious, yeah, that's me though, i won't deny that. that is me for sure.

>27 year old here

This thread scares me.

>12 cole dranks per day
>over a fucking gallon

What the hell is wrong with you, just buy juice or something if you require that much fluid per day.

you guys should probably work on the aesthetics of your propaganda. Incredibly dark colors and skulls might come off a bit too edgy. You're trying to sell people on fascism, show them why it would be good and what's wrong with the system. Look at key points that Hitler uses that are more affirmative than nihilistic

>Get a gf

Pick one.

Huh, what do you know, women have gotten fatter than men. I would never have guessed.

>millennials are fattest generation

yeah i don't fucking think so. I've never met a single boomer in my entire life that wasn't fat. If they really weren't fat it's because they were sick or have a substance abuse problem

You can eat a lot of trash if you move around enough to compensate. With entertainment moving to the digital realm, children being raised with smartphone and more racially diverse neighbourhoods either being perceived or actually be less safe, children don't move as much as they used to

it's hard to get fat when you don't have a computer and you have to go outside to have fun lol

>old people gain weight
you must love Rick and Morty

you mean fat boomers because they're old and when you get old your metabolism slows down. damn man, fucking millennials must be the dumbest generation too, i swear.