Eriri deserved to win. She loved him the most.
The only thing I know about saekano is that eriri is for utaha
Then she shouldn't have treated him like shit.
She cucked him good
Eriri is the NTR heroine
And to think I actually believe this meme would die after S2 aired, but memers will be memers.
And then I quote the wrong post
>NTR derserves to win
>Sorry Tomoya but you just dont excite me anymore
>i found someone else who does
Felt like something out of a doujin
No, Utaha was the one who was best for Tomoya. Too bad it was painfully obvious from the start that Megumi would win.
Megumi is second-best girl though so I guess I'm fine with that.
Eriri is a garbage heroine and I'm glad she lost miserably.
I hope they'll go with an anime original ending with Eriri winning for S3.
At least she isn't a literal cuckold.
Instead she's a literal piece of shit.
Beats being a piece of shit and a cuckold.
All girls were pieces of shit for settling for another piece of shit.
Why hasn't this series ended yet
At least you accept that Eriri is shit.
Because nips love gobbling this shit up
Pick a girl to go shopping with.
Utaha obviously. She's rich and has the best fashion sense out of them.
Eriri is too fuckable
Eriri is richer and wears pantyhose even better than Utaha does.
double dubs confirm Eriri is best
Megumi confirmed for no pubic hair.
More dakis
Now you're just being a delusional Eririshitter.
It's true. Look at how nicely Eriri wears it in the shopping pic.
Need higher resolution to prove that first.
Is s3 happening?
I'm fine with Megumi winning, but Eriri does love him the most. Her love isn't ordinary, but the kind where she can hurt herself and the person she loves for the sake of that person. She also learned to let go. And that there is true love.
I dropped this garbage after I learned that Eriri the childhood friend loses.
Does betraying him also count as love
How stupid are you for rooting for a team when the game was already decided
She betrayed him and, worse, didn't have the guts to tell him anything. She's a miserable cunt. Kato is the only decent girl.
When they were kids? I wouldn't count that as love, it was more of a personal reason for both sides, really. As Utaha puts it, they were too young to understand and deal with complex feelings and understanding. But the one where she departed from the circle does count as she didn't simply leave for her own sake, but also Tomoya's sake as well.
You know the rule. Best girls never win.
That rule applies to Utaha. Eriri is crap.
Objectively worst girl.
She did her best but the main herone power is too strong.
Objectively the sexiest and second most likeable girl.
Objectively the most annoying. Objectively not best girl.
Backwards character development, shameless slut, jealous abusive bully, second least likable girl. Objectively worst girl.
Strong character development, pure, is the cutest, easy to relate to, and most likable girl. Objectively best girl.
>Strong character development, pure, is the cutest, easy to relate to, and most likable girl. Objectively best girl.
Megumi is objectively the most likeable girl and Utaha trails second behind her. They are also the most attractive and lovable girls. Eriri is always at the bottom for being a generic tsundere piece of shit that drags the show through the mud with her bitchy ourtbusts that bring up forced drama. She's actually the character with backwards development when push comes to shove, which is why she lost miserably the Tomoyabowl. I'm not the one who says this, the majority of fans would agree.
Incredible argument.
Appropriate for your non-argumentative post.
Dat trigger is real.
Exactly, all I did was state facts.
See? This is why nobody likes Eririfags.
>subjective opinions mixed with argumentum ad populum
>constantly has to make hard decisions and sacrifices
>has her win handed to her
More like this is why nobody likes you, triggered cunt.
I she loved him the most then why did she abandon him and betray him like 10 times?
Eriri is objectively the most likeable girl and Megumi trails second behind her. They are also the most attractive and lovable girls. Utaha is always at the bottom for being a generic kuudere piece of shit that drags the show through the mud with her annoyingly pretentious ourtbusts that bring up forced drama. She's actually the character with backwards development when push comes to shove, which is why she lost miserably the Tomoyabowl. I'm not the one who says this, but fans with taste would agree.
This is how you sound.
Finding a complete bitch who is infamous for having the worst scenes in the show unlikeable while nice/teasing/bantering/fun girls who are the highlight of the show and have the best scenes likeable is just common sense. And Eriri having zero meaningful character development and it being the reason she could never have any kind of meaningful development with Tomoya is a fact.
>self-entitled cuntconstantly fucks up and doesn't learn form her retarded mistakes
>could have abandoned Tomoya like a bitch like Eriri did, but came back to him when he was at his lowest
Putting you in place isn't being triggered. How about actual arguments instead of personal attacks?
>complete bitch
False story.
Your weak opinion.
Your parrot fails when people always mention Utaha as one of the good things about the series, so she can't drag it through the mud, and Eriri as one of the worst. Utaha actually did more than Eriri to win the Tomoyabowl, but she was fucked no matter what. Eriri on the other hand was Tomoya's number 1 girl, was the closest, and could have won at any time, and she fucked it up like the stupid bitch she is.
>literally mad as fuck and trying this hard
Proving me right. All you care about is to bring up muh tsundere and hate because of that only that.
>deserved to win
For what, abandoning him twice? Being entitled as a cheap knockoff of a childhood friend? She deserved her loss because she fucked it up all her own; there are no excuses.
"But she wuved him so much!!" Sure didn't translate well into anything of substance.
You sound incredibly delusional. Not even most people say or think that. Utaha isn't the majority, especially on Sup Forums where she has ample hate.
So you weren't here for S1 and S2.
>weak opinion
Eriri being the weakest heroine out of the three is a fact.
If I were mad I wouldn't put actual arguments citing events from the series into the table to prove that she's the worst. Her being a tsundere is just the tip of the iceberg.
The game was rigged from the start. Eriri never had a chance.
Eririfags are delusional, man. If people don't call them out on their bullshit they might start believing they are right.
Utaha alone is more popular than Eriri and counting Megumifags leaves Eririfags as an extremely irrelevant minority.
>So you weren't here for S1 and S2.
>weakest heroine out of the three is a fact.
Nope. She has the best development out of the three. That is a fact.
That's not an excuse for Eriri being a complete retard in-story and having her loss well served and justified.
>saying shit this and worst that while shoving my retarded opinions down everyone's throats is an agrument
THK, everyone.
>one liners repeating his false beliefs again
Wow, so this is the best Eririfags can do.
You're actually so triggered instead that you don't bother replying to the people disagreeing with OP and calling Eriri out for being a cunt because you can't keep up with my posts.
>constantly has to make hard decisions and sacrifices
For her own sake. Did nothing to warrant "earning" Tomoya. If anything, she feels entitled to him no matter how utterly dysfunctional their relationship is, but invalids romanticizing that mess wouldn't know any better.
Megumi on the other hand has a positive relationship with Tomoya. She worked her way into Tomoya's heart. Eriri scars him.
Being more popular still doesn't make her close to being the majority like you tried to make her out to be. The reason many Megumifags even left this place is because of how obnoxious Utahafags behaved in Saekano threads. Your obnoxiousness actually echos them. At this point, Utahafags barely are a bit more than Eririfags, so you're quite delusional.
You can't prove me wrong. Stay outed, THK.
Utaha + Megumi (fanbases that overlap a lot, Eriri doesn't even come close) are the only group that matters. If Megumifags stayed when Eririfags were at their worst, they sure wouldn't mind Utahafags joining them in their fight against Eririfags. In fact, your premise is contradictory.
>muh THK
I guess that's my fault for expecting actual intelligence from an Eririfuck.
>one liners repeating his false beliefs again
Nice irony, Utahafag.
Nothing I've said is false. Even the most debatable points are common knowledge and consensus around here.
Almost everything you said is false since they are only your opinion. And objectively you can't even argue that Utaha is a better development or didn't suffer from backwards development considering she still tries to chase after Tomoya like a cuck, ergo she's the weakest out of the three.
>love at first sight
>earned his heart
Yeah no.
Megumi left too but it seems that doesn't count.
Your assumption is not a fact you can claim for everyone. And Megumifags stayed for S1 because they were involved in waifu war. That wasn't the case for S2 and they actually got fed up with many Utahafags who desperately attempted to dominate via spam and instigating waifu wars at at time when both Megumifags and Eririfags didn't want waifu wars anymore given most of them started being friendlier a while back.
Seriously, you sound like a real obnoxious prick, especially since you grasp at straws to play the popularity card like a magical argument that somehow makes you right. There are many series where the best girl often isn't most popular or even popular. Quality matters, not who has most loudest fans.
The point about Megumi and Utaha being considered the best things about the shows is true. The point about Eriri being entirely at fault for losing the bowl, a direct result of her voided development where it matters, is true.
See, the difference with Utaha is that she never got any closer to Tomoya than she was at the start of the story. She always tried to get him in many ways, but she never had any kind of close bond and connection with him to detract from for it to be backwards development. She never advanced from one spot to another only to return to the first afterwards. Her characterization is that of a static character, which is better than an inconsistent "dynamic" character that never amounted to anything anyway, and in fact went backwards from being the MC's #1 girl and first love to the harsh friendzone.
Still doesn't disprove that Megumi had it easiest and never had to make a hard decision like deciding between love or her career.
>The game was rigged from the start.
Not for Eriri. She is the one girl who had a shot. The "main heroine" excuse doesn't work here because Megumi was just some random girl who inspired him one day to be creative. Things didn't "just happen"; they developed a relationship together.
Instead of downplaying Megumi and trying to appeal to some "injustice", Eririfags should actually confront her flaws.
Tomoya didn't even like the real Megumi at the start. He tried to forcefully change her personality to fit his delusional 2D views. It isn't until much later where he starts to like Megumi for who she is. And unlike Eriri, she told him right on the spot that she was leaving.
Eriri was screwed over by what happened in elementary school when she was just a child. Being a childhood friend is a disadvantage.
>love at first sight
We're making things up now? You loserfags can be really petty. It's really ironic because Eriri's only claim to him is being his childhood friend. She didn't do shit to "earn" him and you know it, that's why you are more focused on white knighting her.
>Megumi left too but it seems that doesn't count.
It doesn't, as we see Eriri is the one who damaged him to the point he has sour feelings toward her. I wonder why. Possibly for reasons you refuse to accept.
Ut she didn't tell him why she was leaving.
Even for an Utahafag, you are quite pathetic to hide behind Megumi like a shield. Since more than half the fanbase are Megumifags, you can only claim Megumi is best for most because Megumifags would think so. That is not the case for Utaha, so nope. Still is only opinoins and not fact so get over it.
Get real. Eriri never stood a chance because she's the main girl. The author literally handwaves it by saying the reason Tomoya and her can't truly get close romatically is because of what happened 10 years ago when they were kids, which happened in the past. So nothing she can do in the present since the start of the story will matter in the end no matter how close she gets to Tomoya and how well developed she is as a character.
>Utaha is that she never got any closer to Tomoya than she was at the start of the story.
Except she did. That is why volume 5, 7, and 10 exist. She in fact did get closer, but in the end still lost and ended up nowhere. But she was supposed to give up, yet still decided to purse him anyways after he forgave her for betraying him.
I clearly said that they overlap A LOT. Megumifags and Utahafags always shared more common interests than either of them with Eririfags.
And good thing tgat this series directly correlates quality to quantity. Eriri doesn't even have any kind of grand spotlight to warrant her overshadow Megumi or Utaha. Those are facts.
And? Having it harder than others doesn't magically grant you everything you want. Eriri could have had both things, but her being a retard is the reason she lost, not because she had it harder than Megumi.
she's not the main girl*
Faithful encounter is a great advantage.
Even worse, she lied. She said she was mad he didn't consult her when in truth she was just jealous.
Talking to you is like talking to a self-deluded wall.
None of that completely screwed her. She lost because she never learned from her actions. She keeps repeating them and doesn't understand why the universe doesn't gift her Tomoya.
So is the protagonist already having feelings for a girl.
I don't need to use Megumi as a shield for anything. If you were here for the first season, you'd know that Megumi started off as the least popular girl and Utaha as the most, and as the show advanced many Utahafags became Megumifags but kept Utaha as second favorite. Many Utahafags liked Megumi as second best too.
>Eriri never stood a chance because she's the main girl
And the writing makes it perfectly valid that she's a retard for losing. You can't always blame the writer to white knight your girl when he defines her as a retard.
>That is why volume 5, 7, and 10 exist
And their relationship never progressed beyond senpai-author and a fan.
>negative feelings is an advantage
She doesn't need to tell him her true reasons for leaving. Her not pussyfooting around him for weeks is already better than what Eriri did for being a coward.
>Megumifags and Eririfags now share more common interests than either of them with Utahafags.
Fix for truth. Utahafags are now the common enemy around here.
>doesn't even have any kind of grand spotlight