Fuck colonialism

These nations were built on the backs of Africans, under the threat of club and rifle, all so that whites could prosper off land that wasn't theirs, and then take all the African resources. Whites built nothing in Africa. All they brought was oppression, rape, brutality, and enslavement. They gave the reigns back to Africans who'd allow them to continue leeching off their resources, this is why the nations are still poor. You pretend blacks rising against white rule is a bad thing but it spread like wild fire because they were sick of being racially oppressed and brutalized in their own homeland. Research the Rhodesian Bush War, when blacks wanted civil rights in their own land and were called terrorists. Any black dissident was a terrorist to them. Rhodesians killed nearly 40,000, mostly women and children. Mugabe himself was imprisoned and tortured without trial. At least it's comforting knowing whites were driven out of here countries en mass. Knowing all this, why do you still pretend colonialism is a good thing?

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I just wanna say, I say I just wanna say! I am....I am... I am not responsible...oooooo
you can suck my testicles...ooooo

fake and gay

>invadee cries about being invaded
boo kurwa hoo you fuckin nigger

Rhodesia recently announced plan to pay white farmers to return and repatriate their land.
commies eternally btfo.

this nation was built in spite of africans.
Before whites showed up, the nogs we cannibalising each other.
Before whites showed up, the nogs were butchering and raping each other.
Before the whites showed up, the nogs were enslaving each other and when they did show up, they sold off their bretheren for shiny rocks they couldn't even use.
Before the whites showed up, the nogs had nearly unlimited resources and the furthest they got was cave paintings and wooden spears. To the point that the first guy to use a more wieldy short spear was idolized as a god.
After the whites showed up there was education, development, roads, technology, sanitation, an increasing life expectancy, etc.

most of africa was given back to the blacks in the 1960s and the tribal monkeys reverted right back to their subhuman nature and butchered hundreds more than the colonials ever did and in a far more brutal fashion.

Fact is that colonialism was still a bad thing because if we had never shown up the niggers would have eventually ended up destroying themselves and then no one would have to deal with niggers ruining the social progress of humanity.

Okay? It's their land, not yours.

It's pretty hard to survive without whites after they destroy your country so it can never be properly maintained without them ever again. Mugabe's crimes pale in comparison to those of the rhodesians

>It's their land
nope, try again princess and read up a little on nigger invasions

>Whites built nothing in Africa. All they brought was oppression, rape, brutality, and enslavement.
Please explain how, during apartheid, blacks from nigeria, mozambique, kenya, uganda, you name it, ran to south africa to work in the mines? The oppressive was so bad yet millions voluntarily emigrated there?

Colonialism is unironically terrible but this thread is just some retard farming (you)s from underage and retards

>colonialism is unitonically terrible, said the Anglo as he shitposted in one of the countries with the highest quality of life in the world that wouldn’t have existed without exterminating the Abos and putting them into camps.

>It's pretty hard to survive without whites after they destroy your country so it can never be properly maintained without them ever again

>have farms that grow food = destroy your country


The indigenous population of South Africa was genocided by bantu invaders long before Europeans settled.

Funny fact: Nigger kings were selling other niggers for fucking cigarettes
Another funny fact: when the USA created a country called Liberia they let niggers come back to Africa, guess what happened? American niggers enslaved African niggers who already lived there.
So no, white people aren't evil.

>Being this retarded
The left is always so sure of things they have never even looked into.

>The Cape
>On the backs of Africans
Lad, I...

90% of Africans would starve without white farmers. They used to rely on white farmers in Rhodesia and South Africa. Currently they rely on white farmers in Canada and Europe and the USA who grow a massive surplus which is sent to Africa subsidised by foreign aid, largely from taxes paid by white people.

>Farming and industrialization is destroying a nation
Trust me, I wish whites had left those retarded apes to themselves. They were incapable of sustaining large populations without whites and died in massive numbers of starvation quiet often.
Also Wakanda isn't real.

I say we cut the sprocket and let nature do its job

Indeed, the evil Bantu colonizers should return the West and North Cape to it's rightful people. To all 5 of them that are left.

Added fun fact:
It doesn't matter if Africans take over white cities. Liberalism is just a phase. The true nature of Africans will be shown and all of the world will see Africans are just wild animals that need to be purged or "tamed", just like history once before. Nothing has changed, the current situation is just a phase due to the cold war power struggle of muh freedoms better than your freedoms. The cold war politics is wearing off and Africa will once again be purged without anyone caring.

Another fun fact:
Genetic engineering and many geneticists are finding Africans as subhuman and already use them as human test subjects for their experiments.

Have patience. Africa will be white. It might not be in this century, but the next for sure.

>Africa will be white. It might not be in this century, but the next for sure.
Yeah, it's going to take a while for the Chinese to purge the Africans and then for their eugenics programs to turn themselves into whites.



It looks better today. Look how nature is now one with humanity. Trees growing inside the building. This should be praised.

We need to meme this. "Whites send millions of tons of unwanted food to Africa ever year. Here's why that's racist"

If we don't stop importing arabs and niggers into the West we won't have to meme it into reality.
As soon as whites (the only people selectively bred for all of forward planning, problem solving, /and/ creative thinking) reach a low enough population the food and transport supply to the rest of the world collapses, and the billions of people we feed with them.

Whites should've genocided everyone non-white when we had THE ENTIRE WORLD conquered

>blacks are slaves by nature
Totally agree. Their best purpose is to serve, second to that comes their ability to destroy themselves.

We'll ready the ships mate

Other whites wouldn't have allowed it

we couldve just split it all up equally

Niggers are a failed race that need supervision from better races, you can see niggers are always the most poor demographic in every country they habit.

Niggers cannot improve or live in a civilized society, they cannot build what other races have built they are made for serving other races achieve their intellectual desires, they are tools to be managed, once they gained freedom they are consistently the most hated group in every place they happen to plague.
Niggers are ok if they are not in groups tho, they can achieve normal lifes if they live among other races.

>provides map.
>map is in Afrikaans with some Portuguese

Boet....maybe try harder next time?

Whites went to South Africa and found it totally unpopulated. Nobody lived there. It was empty. So, they decided to set up a colony. They didn't kick anyone out or enslave anyone. Blacks crom further north said "Hey, theres some wypipo over there who have a pretty sweet setup." Blacks went to south africa after whites made it nice. YOU WERE NOT THERE BEFORE. Then they fucking ruined everything, blamed whites for it, and are demanding "their" land back, even though it was never theirs to begin with.

So, you piece of antiquated farming equipment, how about you learn to read, then open a history book and learn that YOU are the oppressive invaders in south africa, stealing the country from the whites who settled there specifically because THERE WERE NO NIGGERS.

Not true. They found the Western Cape sparsely populated by Khoisan. Xhosa tribes were already established more to the east, and Zulus even more eastwards.

who the fuck knows if the niggers are going to put marshal law to kill or take the whites lands

Belgian Congo feels

Zero sympathy for whites in shithole Africa

> Muh mythological stolen "resources"

wait one fucking second...

does their hair grow like that or do they do that? kids hair is growing the same way...

Who cares what tiny populations of low IQ savages were squatting on some soil. They have no more a claim to any amount of land than any other native animal.

"Their land" fuck off mutt, USA is Native American land by your retard logic. SAGE AF

bantu niggers also infested much of the rest of the continent

but remember goy, it's only bad if whites are doing it

It grows like that. Khoisan have a few other peculiar anatomical features.