I don't think you understand that this is actually fake

The Florida school shooting is entirely fake. The ENTIRE THING is fake. In 2013 Obama rolled back a set of rules which had banned American Government Agencies from broadcasting propaganda inside our own boarders.


When these laws we're rolled back it literally have the media a blank check as long as they were producing Government funded propaganda. CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC are all in on this event. People keep saying David Hogg graduated from Redondo Beach High School in 2016, no shit he did, he's an adult actor, which shouldn't be a surprise since this is all LITERALLY A TV SHOW.

There is no longer any law that says that TV Networks have to tell you when propaganda is being shown and when real news is being shown, or when a TV show is on. Get used to this, this is life now, events with thousands of actors with zero mask to tell you it's fiction.

Think they can't organize a few thousand young looking people to do an event like this? Go to LA, see how many young desperate actors are there. This is life now.

Holy shit.

The shills are too much here, all the anti-gun (((Democrats))) are getting ready to go full 1984 on us.

Prepare your anus boys...

I haven't seen a single body, so I'm inclined to believe you OP.

We need a solid piece of evidence. We need a smoking gun to meme and show to the normies. It has to be out there.

same goes for heliocentrism, evolution,..
it's all fake, get right with god while you still can

ok, but gov funded hoaxs and lies were spread long b4 Smith–Mundt Act repeal in 2013. kikes just used proxy \ 3rd party \ private propaganda companies.
sometimes they just flat out ignored Smith–Mundt, like 9/11.

OP, you stupid fuck... I’m voting against your entry to the ethnostate due to insufficient IQ.

I want to believe, OP...

I'll give you [macro]evolution. A consistently-debunked series of nihilistic hypotheses that survives only due to academic bullying. All the fossil record and decreasing gene pool indicates that the Bible is an accurate historical record of the world.

But I can't give you the flat earth thing, which was disproven as late as 1200 BC. The spherical Earth is a miracle of God and is Biblical (Job 26:7), and yet He still made it unique and life-sustaining unlike any other planet. All the other planets were made to protect Earth (eg, Jupiter the "Sky Father" constantly blocks asteroids from colliding with our planet).


From a liberal faggots perspective, what is the best way to prepare your anus?

Asking for a friend...

Americans are too stupid to be allowed to have guns.As is proven by the posts of the pro gun retards here the government should raid your homes and take away your metal dildos.That way all American beta shitters would have to man up or die.

no scientific evidence exists for a ball earth. you can imagine and wish and believe there is some, but scientifically speaking there is literally zero.

stretching out the heavens and hanging upon nothing somehow somehow proves to you that you live on a spinning ball.

god of the bible isn't retarded, heliocentric model is.

earth is stationary (non-rotating), it's a very simple fact of life.

>In 2013 Obama rolled back a set of rules which had banned American Government Agencies from broadcasting propaganda inside our own boarders.
Ask yourself why Trump hasn't put a stop to this when he has the power to do so, and has outed the mainstream news as fake from day one?

i have one problem with your theory OP. if this was a hoax, wouldnt foreign media (RT, CGTN, AlJazeera) be screaming bloody murder? inb4 "why would they care." because the same media outlets running this story are their competition. they would love an opportunity to discredit them

To throw around the liberal faggot ad hominem for no reason.

>earth is flat
if that was true u'd be able to stand on the coasts of portugal and see brazil on the horizon. you can't cos of the earth's curvature. checkmate u idiot.

Trumpys don't wanna ask themselves that. They're statist slaves. If they admit the reality that the right is bad, and that he's no different than any of the others, that it's all a show for them... we already know the left is bad. That leaves no one to be their daddy. Their desire to be ruled over is ingrained in them deeper than anything else they know, and they will defend it til death.

why can't you see the us flag on the moon with a telescope? curvature?

>literally not knowing anything about anything
kek, kys autismo

I don't get it. If I were the deep state and I needed a school shooting, why would I FAKE and risk it, when I could use a REAL shooter and get real victims? Same goes with 911 etc. Faking it sounds maybe the most retarded option to me.

there was a shooting, and we know the FBI actively ignores and often outright harasses the mentally ill to get them to carry out attacks

you know how they do it? they send in masked professionals who have a time limit. they are in and out. 6 minutes. this happen after the alarm goes off and guess who was wandering out of the school along with the crowd? NICK CRUZ, who had no clue what was going to happen. Not one person can ID nick Cruz shooting the gun.
>All the while, rescue workers tended to victims under the cover of officers with long rifles, some of whom appear to have entered the school less than 10 minutes after the gunfire began — but just after the suspect fled.
everything was DONE before cameras arrived.

> (OP)
>I haven't seen a single body, so I'm inclined to believe you OP.
any children lost in this "tragedy" were kidnapped with carcasses replased by already dead, abused, children. There is a reason they're bulldozing the school and the kid's have cremations

go look through the victims and find all the ones who went missing. Both kids mentioned in this Instagram post go missing.

wait that was no an Instagram post.

you can't simply fake such a thing. There's too many people involved in schools.

so nick claims he dindu nofin?

who knows what Nick says. They get him locked away.

>shit cunts

You do what works, this works.
Wash rinse repeat.

1. shooting was real
2. but immediately politicized by prepared activists
Repeating that the shooting was fake is the argumentum ad absurdum discreditation tactic.
They make you repeat the absurdly big lie, so that the small con wins.

an object the size of a flag (about 1metre) at 384,400 km distance is too small to see with a telescope.

brazil is 8.5 million sq kilometres in size and only about 7000km distance from portugal.
that makes brazil from portugal about 2.6E16 times more visible than a flag on the moon from earth. so your comparison is poor.

A better comparison is the whole moon, which has just over 4 times the surface area of brazil. Do u think u could see an object with 1/4 the moons surface area if it was 7000km away instead of 384,400km away?

btw why are shill companies working Sup Forums so hard today? is it this shooting hoax shit?

>he knows how big the moon is
>doesn't understand optics, atmosphere haze, or anything really
kek, get the fuck out of here, dumb moron

>proving heliocentric model with heliocentric model
>this is considered science in current year

b-but muh shills

toppest kek, LITERALLY a brainlet