Libby Schaaf

This jewess twat is dropping dimes on ICE, warning violent spics about raids. (((They))) are psychotic


Good, I hope many more will start doing the same. It'll accelerate to the point that states and cities openly defy the feds, including ignoring the Constitution. At which point Trump will be forced to crack down with force. Then we get Civil War 2.

it's not some weird accident that they've been kicked out of 109 countries
imagine being kicked out of 109 apartments or fired from 109 jobs and still blaming the landlords and bosses


I'd definitely fuck her.

That eye doe

Oh shit.

I would send a small batallion to arrest her and her entire extended family.


Of course... every fucking time.


so kill her

I don't kill people. You do fbi fag.

I'm legitimately upset that you would insult me like that


Why do so many fucking people these days have fucking weird eyes

Fuckin neanderthals. Its their fuckin natural behaviour!
Drop a (you) if you know what im talking about.

Based Guatemalans!!

I have no clue what you mean user...

Neurological disorder is my guess. A lot of sexual predators seem to have it. Harvey Weinstein and Jonathan McIntosh.

See the photo next to her? She is getting burrito dick on the regular, so she aligns with the brown.

I see signs for this shit at my job. "Report ICE raids at this number! You all have rights it doesn't matter who is president!"

I need one of those "ICE HOTLINE (phone number" stamps, fuck.