
Absolute AOTY. Yuri will reign over all.

Other urls found in this thread:

Somebody please help them

>Altair and Setsuna clearly have a creation/god and child/parent relationship
>Literally everyone, including people who hate yuri, are calling it /u/
What the fuck are you guys doing?

Literally the golden ending.


>several died for nothing
>muh power of love and friendship
what the fuck is holopsicon anyway? next ep holopsicon infodump?


Such an outstanding conclusion. I always thought Setsuna was a bad omen but when they started out with how she was a creation herself the fears started fading away. I love Altair, I hope she'll be happy for an eternity.

Quick, end an Anime/Manga/whatever with a surprice yuri ending that solve eveyrthing

Holopsicon is literally the power of fanfiction.

Creations freeloading in our world.

>Altair and Setsuna clearly have a creation/god and child/parent relationship
I think you must be the most retarded idiot on this entire board if you see this as that.
I get the level of this board is low, but damn son...

Loved every second of it.

Literally any animu.

I wonder what the anime audience thought of the finale.
>what if the train killed altair and now she's in her afterlife
>what happened with all the other characters
>this was a story about altair all along, they didn't need the crossover
They should've added an epilogue to that anime special, it ended just right after Altair disappeared. But I guess that works too, it would look like an EoE finale.

So was Soda a /u/fag all along? Is he /ourguy/?


>we will truly become re:creators

>tfw greatest love story ever told

memed into existence.


At least they didn't play god of ink there

Alice is dead, let it go.

havent watched the episode yet

what's the altair's smile status?

Protected hopefully

Finally at the end of everything Soda was /OURGUY/ and a real human been

Fuck this trash show. Im glad its flopping

Also, not sure if that was a reference to the original explanation of the holopsicon.

Soda is a /u/fag. Betamax like all /u/fags.

Meteora evil mode next ep, she kills everyone and the world collapses.
Altair was right all along, AOTY

I wish Setsuna was a boy.

More than protected.

Protected forever.

Then Setsuna and Altair get to remake the world whilst God of Ink plays.

This fucking ending made no fucking sense. Nigga knew all the villains motivations and knew that recreating the creator would help shit a lot. But they decide to make a fucking battle with all the possible asspulls to sustain it for 2-3 episodes to finally end with the power of "creatorship"


thanks now i can go to work happy

Your dad wishes the same about you.

I know but being a little girl is great.

Were were /u/ when Re:Creators and Hina Logi saved animu?

Epilogue finds Mamika and Alice recreated together, same with Selesia and Charon

best couple

It's so fucking shit I want it

Is there anything better than posting Altair in powerlevel threads and getting raging autists write essays on why their favourite character would beat her?


This didn't save shit.

Probably, Altair will recreate them because she is God.

takarada and mamika hugging alice

>anime with bad exposition ends with bad exposition


no, only reason i visit those threads is for people complaining about it. keep doing it

i can't believe yuuya is fucking dead

i want to fuck viper!

Literally best girl ITT

best thing is posting altair in a re:creators thread

Shitposting amplifies by 10x

I laugh everytime they make walls of text

Well that was boring as fuck. I don't mind so much that they went with this conclusion, but it took way too long.

Sota to Setsuna? Setsuna to Altair? Or Altair to Setsuna?

So Setsuna drew Altair because Souta inspired her?

He never poofed into cubes so no

They have to go back.

Why couldn't Altair just recreate Setsuna with her infinite abilities as well? If fucking Magane's ability could make it happen then why not hers considering she's even more powerful?

So what happens to the creations now?


The main thread is hilarious.

She never wanted it

Setsuna to Altair I guess.

Nobody gave Altair Magane's power.

They die because they aren't real

Gee, take a wild guess.

Because it would be the real thing. Only person who could authentically do it was sota

They could have removed Magane from the story and literally nothing would have changed. The audience was accepting absolutely everything anyways.

sota to shark

Probably because all she had were fragmented memories of Setsuna. She never met her or knew what she was actually like. Souta was the only one that could make a recreatoin of her.

I fully accept that it sucked /u/ fags are cancer as always

Altair literally has a better version of Magane's power.

THere is no creation Setsuna to pull from a fictional world.


To add, all Altair had of setsuna was muh feelings and emotions/anger of the world which isn't enough as proven by how setsuna had to defuse her anger and tell her she was wrong in doing that.

It really wouldn't have changed much. All that would have happened is that Souta's creation of Setsuna would be a straight asspull instead of having an almost equally ridiculous mode of activation.

Teleporting them all into another story is not within Meteora's powers.

So basically their plan worked and Meteora won?

Japan says it's shit too.

Meteora always wins

Sota to Yurihime publisher.

W-What about Selesia..?

What is the next episode supposed to be?
feels like there was a lot of missed potential with the holopsicon

Selesia is dead

2ch said second episode was shit too, who cares about them

Japan loved the GITS movie, so Japan can suck it.

Two Altairs weren't enough.

>Altair could only be stopped (not defeated) by using the greatest ass pull of all time by literally bringing back the dead
Really activates my almonds.

Setsuna will just ask for Altair to bring Souta into their world for threesomes.

trash episode, altairfags should kill themselves

This entire anime was shit.

Yes, everyone won except Mamika, Selesia, Charon, Sirius and Aliceteria.

They were totally right.

She went out like a true kamikaze. Nippon banzai.

Creations are stuck. They have evolved past their stories. Author antagonists stir shit up by bringing more creations

Just pointing out nothing changed on their front according to some here.

That would mean Souta would be twice the fag he already is.
>meeting online people IRL because of their avatars
>they're dudes

I think the train was the true MVP in this show.

In a way.

The original plan fell apart immediately, only Soda doing something pretty fucking diabolical and also something the show said on more then one occasion 'why not just make a story in which she loses?' wouldn't work.

So overall Meteroa victory but the audience are the ones who really lost for having to watch this shit

I want Altair to be my cute maid.