What makes the Chinese the way they are?

What makes the Chinese the way they are?

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They're human locusts with no souls

survival of the fittest

Living in a country that doesn't have enough food to support its population, and gives them no rights.

Idk man overpopulation.
Probably subhuman genes from being asian.

and they say these people have one of the highest IQ's on the planet.

absolutely disgusting

Adam told God that Lilith had left and God sent three angels, Senoi, Sansenoi, and Sammangelof, to retrieve her. The three angels found Lilith in a cave bearing children but Lilith refused to come back to the garden. The angels told her they would kill 100 of her children every day for her disobedience.


You can only care for others as long as there is enough to go around.

Litral, insects are better organized than those planktons
Why are we calling them insectoïds again ? they don't even deserve that title
Litral bacterias is what they are

Peasant mentality, we don't have it anymore in the west. Best way to describe is semi-civilized, they are capable of acting civilized but that peasant part of their brain takes over at times - like them bumrushing a buffet. Its a matter of culture not race in this case.

Years of communism erased any sense of compassion they had and instilled a huge entitlement complex. It's getting better, but they'd sell their own family out to the CCP for 20 bucks.

There is no such thing as a fit chinaman. Their smog filled air prevents any form of fitness higher than the most basic standards.

You see similar behavior with animals. Strongest will survive kinda thing. Not enough tits to get milk from well the weakest that can't shove others out of the way for milk is gonna die.

they've had the humanity selectively bred out of them over the past centuries
so they're essentially soulless insect people at this point

5000 years of barbarism disguised as “civilisation”

Truth about Chinese history: the first Chinese nation state never came into existence until 1912. Before that was endless dynasties of Han subgroups dominating each other or by foreigners such as Mongols or Manchurians. Having missed out of modernity, enlightenment and national unity until the turn of the 20th century, the national character of the Chinese has been conditioned to understand nothing except egoism and rule of the jungle.

You ever live in a house with a bunch of siblings all vying for love, food, resources and living space? Try doing that shit with 1.4 billion others

Its the same in india but a lot more uncivilised, in india if there is food being handed out the adults will push the kids out of the way to make sure they get theirs first.



Soulless, like niggers, but with higher IQs!

China is a Jew's wet dream

Multiculturalism means we're supposed to pretend these cultures are equal to ours and should be respected. Feels bad

Social darwinism to the max. Communism.
I shit you not but you can see similar behaviours in Poland in AD 2018.


>made in china
So in other words we're fucked.

Seriously you stupid fuk? Why do you think they call it a Chinese buffet?

Everything is made in China at this point. You can get good quality but you have to pay more of course.

when youre starving you stop caring for others, and your children see your selfishness. it couldnt be helped, being under communism and all, but no one passed morals or mannerism to the next gen

Too much competition due to overpopulation.
You cannot be humble in China because then others will take advantage of you.
That's why they cheat at everything.
That's why they don't care about human life because they are replaceable.

Socialism has led to a total disregard for public spaces and has eroded social cohesion

>almost every culture independently came to the conclusion its wrong to eat dogs
>but chinks
are they even human

Unironically communism

The devil.
Karl Marx.
Tiny little arms and legs and stuff.
Mao Ze tiny Dong

They're literally counterfeit people whose lives have no value. They are the fake watches and illegal DVDs of the human race. They're not even eligible for reincarnated, heaven or hell after they "die".

They are interbred with Jews. Nintendo tried to warn us multiple times by dropping subtle redpills about the Chinese Jew.

>They are interbred with Jews

Niggers in america wait in line for fried chicken more patiently than these goddamn gooks, I'm serious

>it's just their overpopulation and country size!

We all know damn well if you recreate the exact same scenario Instead with Europeans they wouldn't be behaving like soulless insects

Fucking hell I even see all the Chinese kids do this shit at the college diners. It's disgusting, the food isn't fucking going anywhere.

Do I have to explain everything? They've been connected geographically for thousands of years. The Jew fears the Samurai because Japan was a closed civilization during that period.

Actually many of them are pretty kind and warm people once you get to be close to them.
Their family bonds are pretty strong too.
Chinese people just tend to be pretty rude and brutal to strangers.

>no fights breaking out

imagine if they were niggers

Famines and genocides in the 8-9 digits stripped away any sort of societal norms beyond survival. The Cultural Revolution stripped away whatever was left.

What am I supposed to be seeing wrong here? I don't get it.

>do i have to explain everything?
in this can you do, yes.


>survival of the chinkest

This isn't a result of the last hundred years, you bunch of neck beards.

You really think Sup Forums would bullshit you about jews user?

>soulless bug "people"

hive mentality

....such as
what subtle redpills

Literally because of their history of huge populations and not enough food.

> sub-asians
> the mexicans of north-east asia


Look at the fucking image I posted dipshit

We know. It's a result of a couple thousand.

When i was younger, in around 2001 I worked at a Chinese restaurant as a delivery driver in Rochester, NY. Holy shit. Needless to say, I do not eat at Chinese restaurants. You all should not either. Never.

They should stop claiming half of india

You lack common courtesy.

sorry neckbeard unmarried fat shit, but unlike you i have a life and wish to do something with it, i don't spend all my days playing old nintendo games
fat cunt

Dog eat dog mentality at its finest.

Never enough to be shared equally and too long to wait in line.

Interesting read


in NY when you get inspected by the health department they don't even check you if you are a white or black restaurant because the chinks are so bad, its just insta pass

Damn straight, all of india is rightful chinese clay.

Also, ama if you never worked with the fuckers.

And what exactly is the discourtesy? Looks like a decent example of efficiency to me

>i have a life

They actually don't that's only japs and koreans

But think of the money they save on dog catchers! Lower takes, no strays. Win/win!

pottery. Enjoy digesting dog testicles

The place actually closed a couple years after I stopped working there. No idea why though. It could have been for a multitude of reasons.

There's always been a few here in Chinese restaurants but they and the institutions set up by the Chinese government to keep an eye on them abroad started turning up on numbers about five years ago.
The Chinese government had to issue a proclamation that they must stop picking their noses in public. Apparently it isn't rude there. It's just something they do when thinking or to pass the time. The first time I saw one having a really good pick was in the supermarket.
But I ask you where do the bogies end up?

I always like Japanese opinions and arguments these are so universal.

The great leap forward obliterated the little cultural grace that existed

Bible never mentions any of that. Can you give me a source?

And am I the only person who noticed that no one stole her food? If I was trying to be an asshole that's the first thing I'd do.

Ants are an evolutionary success. You don't necessarily need a race of powerful individuals.

Why don't we have a Russia hate thread?


Where're your half clay?

Suspected this.

Ah, so that's why see chinks pick their nose during lectures like nobody is looking.

Like chinks don’t just cheat their way through life and violate copyrights

Truth aussiebro


This random map I found on the internet says otherwise.

The worst part is that they throw away 90% of that.

The chinks take 3 plates at a buffet and then throw away 2 full plates of food. They are subhuman and not worth the gift of life.

That's why that sneaky Chinaman put pee pee in my coke

Bible mentions one of the old prophets, don't recall which, driving the demon off in the wilderness.
It's as old as Babylon at least, she's depicted as a female Pazuzu and correlates to the fairy folk mythology from Ireland through to Celts, Germans and Slavs.

Fucking true. Based.

They literally would go into parks in the dark of night and strangle ducks with their bare hands and "clean" them in the back of the restaurant. Sesame chicken was a top seller.

That's cause they don't let the poor take IQ tests. They only allow people from high income groups in the east coast take iq tests.

thats why asians will survive while whites will not


Oy vey!

White piggu piggus out and drink their livers away every weekend with fights galore. Lack of courtesy and respect goes in every culture if you look hard enough.

I went on a tinder date with a Singaporean and she kept casually picking her nose while we were talking. Not deep, but still off-putting. Didn't get to fuck her sadly, she was surprisingly curvy for an Asian.

Government brainwashing... I mean, government high quality education and good work ethics taught at a little age before they were able to think for themselves, I mean when they were more receptive to learning new things.