The holocaust happened

You anti Semites just want to deny it because you are evil souls.

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Really made me think



Nope. Read the book "Tell the truth and shame the devil".

Too bad he didn't kill more.
Also, what does good and evil have to do with it? Morality is simply relative to ones point of view.

>What is holodomor by the bolsheviks. Oy vey it wasn't genocide.
>What is the christian and orthodox followers disappearance between 1920-1930s by the bolsheviks. Oy vey it wasn't a genocide.

Stupid goyim

It happened not to have gone far enough


>JIDF propaganda debunked here for years still getting posted

>Holocaust denial refuted for years and some points even decades ago still gets brought up

LMAO - Heinrich Himmler literally says that the Nazi Party is exterminating the Jews - Famous Holocaust denier David Irving acknowledges the Holocaust and the 5-6 million death toll. - Mark Weber (director of IHR) says he abandons Holocaust denial and says Holocaust denial is pointless - Index of Published Evidence on Mass Extermination in -Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau - Contemporary German Documents on Homicidal Gas Vans - Contemporary German Documents on Carbon Monoxide Gas and Bottles Employed for the Nazi Euthanasia

----Mass graves:

--- Hydrogen Cyanide found in gas chambers (proving that Zyklon B was used), Leuchter's&Rudolf's report refuted

"Beschränkte, Idioten, Krüppel und kranke Menschen müssen in kürzester Zeit durch Liquidation zur Entlastung des Lagers aus demselben entfernt werden. Diese Maßnahme findet aber insofern eine Erschwerung, da nach Anweisung des RSHA entgegen der bei den Juden angewendeten Maßnahme, Polen eines natürlichen Todes sterben müssen."

"Imbeciles, idiots, cripples and sick people have to be removed from the camp within a short time by liquidiation to unburden the camp. But this measure has insofar complications as, according to order from the RSHA, the Poles have to die of a natural death contrary to the measures applied on the Jews."

I dont deny it. Im glad hitler gassed six million jews. I think for holocost remeberance we should gas six million every year. If we run out of jews we can always gas niggers.

>my first dollop of shit didn't work so I'll pile more on!
>----Mass graves:
No revisionist claims there weren't mass graves, moron.
>Famous Holocaust denier David Irving acknowledges the Holocaust and the 5-6 million death toll.
Flagrant lie. He puts the number around 3 million, with ALL of the systematic executions happening in three camps in Poland, orchestrated by those camp commanders and Himmler. There was never any order from Hitler to do so and it was kept from his knowledge. The scope of the 'Holocaust' is a dozen high-ranking Germans committing a crime that is at worst comparable to the human rights crimes of the time, and not at all worthy of being shoved down the West's and specifically innocent German schoolchildrens' collective throats as the worst thing in modern history. Fuck off, you vile, lying shitbag.

>The guards would have prisoners wear shoes made from the skin of other dead prisoners and then they would force them to have tap dancing competitions. People who lose the competition were forced to fight in the arena against trained tigers -Sam Hydeberg

>let me just selectively refute some points so people will think I refuted everything!!!111

>a story that changes every ten years actually happened

>No argument found
Literally every attempted point you tried to support except for "gas vans" (lol?) was addressed.

The actual truth remains, as was already stated:
>The scope of the 'Holocaust' is a dozen high-ranking Germans committing a crime that is at worst comparable to the human rights crimes of the time, and not at all worthy of being shoved down the West's and specifically innocent German schoolchildrens' collective throats as the worst thing in modern history.
No more (you)s for you, shill-tard.

You still didn't refute anything.