Post a character who you think has a unique design that is exclusive to said character and that was never done before, and I'll prove you wrong by finding one that looks just like them.
>Kaiba first appearance was in 1999
>Light was in 2006
Try again cück
1997, actually
>>exclusive to that character.
>that was never done before. Now do yugi
I like the eccentric looks of the maniwani group.
Well that clinches it boys OP is retarded.
Astro Boy IS based off Mickey though.
Inspiration is not imitation. Just because he says he saw animation and wanted to do that too doesn't mean he just fucking copied them.
Nobody said anything about 'copying', it's the fact that the design is very similar, that's all.
Yeah but the source for the "Astro Boy IS based off Mickey though." Is a throwaway line from a book where the guy imitated mickey and betty boob's voices as a child.
Different glasses, no earrings, has tits, ahoge, no pouches.
Wrong image on that other reply.
If this image applies then OP should have said "that was never done before or since" and also hairstyle =/= sweet hats. The maniwanis are famous for their sweet hats, you should know this.
Not even OP but just Akagi.
I think the point was that OP can take any tiny feature (green hair) and just ignore anything else that makes a character unique.
Which comes to my next point.
The thread is over because this image is an abstract representation of every human that could ever be and therefore applies to every anime character in this thread.
Welp, time to post every stand user that ever existed...
What about non-human anime characters?
Do they have two eyes and a mouth?
I dunno that head is round Seems like a pretty standard copy of the smiley up there.
Truly no originality in the industry.
Yellow hair is the same as yellow anywhere else it's a copycat.
Oh yeh?
show me one girl that looks like heero yui
>making an intellectual thread when you're a pseud
>Anime aired 2006, character design was in LN as early as 2003
>Anime aired 2010
>never done before
You're going to have to try harder.
OP also has the problem that the "never done before" clause means that even if they could cite an earlier example of the design, you could just post that one then. If you go far enough back, you run out of anime to draw counter-examples from.
>Yellow hair is the same as yellow anywhere else it's a copycat.
Her colour scheme is also very similar to the original uniform design.
An Octahedron? Really? This is old school stuff. The thread has been pointless from the beginning.
This isn't even bait anymore, it's pure retardness.
Eva came 5 years before
Finally I can post this again
are they the most well designed main cast in anime?
why is Plamja so fuckable?
why didn't it get a second season?
Okay, this one got me
Uh, if it was exclusive at the time of its release, it can still be copied you dumb fuck
2003, actually
>d̶e̶f̶i̶n̶i̶t̶e̶l̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ saber a̶l̶t̶e̶r̶ uses lightsaber excaliburs
I'm not sure what happened here, was the future predicted?
The only thing that's similar is the hair and the most iconic thing about Kaiba are his retarded clothes, so try again.
You asked for it.
Literally impossible tier. There is no other anime character that looks like this one
>He doesn't even have sunglasses
Because Japan has shit taste, user.
You should know this by now.