I've recently taken the red pill so I'm not very knowledgable about (((them))) and any opposition they might have. Could anyone please point me to some good sources of information about them? Also if anyone could let me know of any countries/media/political parties that are currently fighting against them (overtly or not) it would be a great help.
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>Also if anyone could let me know of any countries/media/political parties that are currently fighting against them (overtly or not)
silly rabbi, bricks are for yids
Jewish Supremacism - David Duke
The Culture of Critique - Kevin B. MacDonald
Yeah because if I was a jew I'd totally have to ask some guys on Sup Forums for help
Thanks man
this video is a great start
this + The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E. Michael Jones
also hit me up with further questions on the jewish question. i have not read culture of critique but i think i understand (((them))) better than most people.
(((WHO))) is beind all these wars
99% of all people fighting the Jews are controlled opposition.
Thanks everyone! You've all been a great help
As for groups active against (((them)))
They have pretty much made that a crime, literally a crime some European countries
They control all the media, the best tool to rally the people. And all the Goy politicians are in their pockets
Real redpill: Jews are the master race
>Control world for centuries
>Ingeniusly execute the most complex plans in history
>Vastly overly represented in everything from medicine to sciences to nobel prizes
>Highest average IQs in the world (see Richard Lynn)
>ONLY the neckbeards on a cartoon board and the mudslimes are onto you
sounds like master race to me
I'm a jew, and Sup Forums has redpilled me on why kikes need to be gassed.
Read the Protocols, """""they""""" say it's forged, but if you read all of it, you'll know it is not forged. People who published it have been murdered in the Soviet Union
I figured as much. I actually used to be a communist and was in the SWP who are supposedly anti-Israeli but one night after talking to a high up member of the party called John Molyneux after he had a few drinks he showed off telling me he knew some Rothschilds and that made me suspicious as I had heard a bit about them so I started researching from there
sry m888 it's a f8888ke
>Copied and pasted passages from Biarritz, a contemporary anti-semitic novel
>Matvei Golovinski, a non-jewish and highly anti-semitic Russian-French activist, was identified as the author of the protocols (not the Learned Elders of Zion) during the Berne Affair in Switzerland in the 1930s. Golovonski was identified as the primary author by Pavel Milyukov, a Russian government official. Other itnesses involved in the creation and distribution of the Protocols admitted to their false and manufactured nature. Note that "hurrr the trial was fixed!" is baseless and non-legitimate to rebutting the results of the legal decision.
>Lingustic analysis such as those conducted by Vadim Skuratovsky demonstrated that the language in Protocols was inauthentic of the period it repertory took place in
>Inconsistencies between editions. The first edition stated that the texts were not part of a zionist organization but rather simply a meeting of rabbis that had existed for centuries. The second editions published around 1917 explicitly stated (with correct textual changes) that the learned elders were the secret leaders of the world zionist congress. The changes were not noted and no new research conducted to justify these changes
Then there's just general things about it that are ridiculous:
>There are no names, dates, specifics to anything despite it being the minutes at a supposed meeting of the Learned Elders of Zion
>There are no specifics for any method employed. Just "take over the media", "undermine traditionalism", etc.. Again, for the minutes of a plan by the Learned Elders this doesn't make much sense
>There is no evidence anywhere else that the Learned Elders of Zion exist in any way, shape, or form
statistically, there are more aryan geniuses than there are jews.
well I guess they seem too busy taking it up the ass from your muslim pals
OOPPPS forgot to change your NAZI flag your FUCKING KIKE LARPER
>look at the jew success goy
>clearly super inteligent chosen by god
Fuck OFF
The parasite jew stands on the sholders of nepotism and (((usury))). They DONT earn their way into Ivy league universities because they have the highest IQ or merrit. NEPOTISM and $$$
then they give each other the best jobs and award each other. NEPOTISM and $$$
the kike thinks they are clever and can get away with this. but KEEP getting caught, and HATED by society. The Next shoah is SOON.
You sound like a nigger trying to rationalize why whites do better than them
rly makes me think
the protocols has been largely debunked. please stop spreading this nonsense.
THE NAZIS WERE WORKING WITH ZIONIST JEWS TO MOVE JEWS TO ISRAEL. They were not 'financed' or created by teh jews. That doesn't even make sense.
international banker jews still destroyed germany in ww2. they really hated hitler.
Hey rabbi, whatcha doin?
(note ashkenazi jewish IQ is highest average in the world)
>Chad Jew
Your people are cockroaches and parasites
>muh white race
NO. that is YOU KIKES larping as (((stereotypical))) Nazis.
You meme flag exposing yourself Oops
REAL Nazi were not racists
>be cockroach and parasite
>still somehow control world and btfo the """"master race""""
>ended up slaughtering 6 million of them
>trying to rebut arguments with absolute scum lies which are completely baseless and rely on testimonies by kikes.
Niggers are a victim of KIKEONOMICS & (((Hollywood social engineering)))
remember (((WHO))) owned all the slave ships KIKE??
You do know most of the modern versions of those books are translated right? the original version of the protocol(Russian) & Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu(French) just have similarities, but not exact word structures & sentencing compared to each other, the English translations just coincidentally have similarities but not plagiarism(like what jews are saying)
I see a bunch of KIKE NAMES at the bottom of that study. FUCK OFF with your propoganda.
I already explained how (((YOU))) weasel your way into Ivy league schools despite lower merit
More kike propoganda against the Nazis? Yawn...
You lost all your credibility the moment you were born a jew.
>tfw Jew from a working class family
damn I had no idea we controlled the world. You learn something new every day
Wow this thread really degenerated quickly
Who tests IQ scores = Jewish scientists
Who gives nobel prizes = so-called Jewish experts
didn't Hitler kill himself like a coward after he heard what happened to Mussolini? What a degenerate.
Dude. I dont think anyones saying "all jews".
neo nazi zionist stooges have nothing to do with natsoc, they are just disgraceful degenerates
jews have organizations spreading disinformation and trolling sites. they pay these people so yeah. they also get paid to post pro israel threads everywhere.
the real (((you))) pic related
most of the jewish 'globalist' do. #not all jews
they do have some gentiles supporting globalism but the shame is money will eventually destroy all nations and the world if this 'experiment' goes any further.
the Nazis did when they rounded up my people and killed them. Please leave this place before they infiltrate your brain further, I'm not a fucking shill I'm trying to put some rational in your head man. YES there are evil fucking scumbag Jews, as there are evil scumbag Christians and Muslims exploiting the system for wealth and other means.
Even the (((study))) meme he posted had jewish names along the bottom kek
>countries/media/political parties
You'd be hard to find any. Just read history, jewish related events and start noticing the patterns that emerge. Also, read on the holohoax and you'll see how nonsensical it is.
>the Nazis did when they rounded up my people and killed them.
Where, you lying kike?
Normie jews play their part via NEPOTISM.
This is the foundation of jewish power, which the elite jews are using to kike the world into wars etc
Liberals push for immigration so hard because it's a source of cheap labour, there's no nefarious scheme. What this image has done is gone through thousands of politicians, hand picked the Jewish ones and then used it as propaganda for impressionable minds. You could do the same thing with Christians, doesn't mean Christians are controlling the world.
>Largely debunked
Just ignore ALL the (((coincidences))) e.g. everything in them coming true
Muh 6 Gorrilian LIE exposed
Why can't you just admit you're wrong? You guys can never seem to do it. It was 100% written by a right wing conspiracy theorist to "prove" his bullshit claims. Use a bit of critical thinking rather than buying into every piece of propaganda you see Ah, we caused the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan for oil? We caused the Vietnam war? The Korean war? WW2 which was started by Japan and then the fascists seeking land?
if you genuinely deny the holocaust happened then I can't reason with you. You're too far down the rabbit hole
im not ignoring anything. marxism and communism derive from jews. they are both destructive in nature. they deny the existence of god. they deny race. they strive for 'equality'.
goy guide to world history is the only thing you need
>every major western country is becoming minority white because of da liberals goy-guys
>da Christians are bad too!
kys disgusting kike
>if you genuinely deny the holocaust happened then I can't reason with you. You're too far down the rabbit hole
Not even answer my question? Where did the Nazi "round up your people"? And what sort of proof do you have of that happening at all? Whether or not I'm a holohoax believer shouldn't matter to you.
Jewish user here
I know none of you are going to see past me being a Jew and ignore this, but just fucking think, please. This image hand picked the Jewish politicians out of the thousands of liberals, made it into a propaganda piece that you now spread and propagate. You could do the same for white people, Christians, Muslims- doesn't make it true. Just use some critical thinking and rational, please.
>Ah, we caused the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan for oil
(((Yinon Plan)))
(((damcing israelis))) "sent to document the event"
You fucking mong. This is due entirely to the fact that the caucasian Iq is extremely varied. Because some of us are incredibly intelligent, while others are eating fucking tide pods. Jews werent always that smart either. Theyve been selectively inbreeding for centuries now. Notice the predisposition to kike only diseases and whatnot.
Also, youre a dumb nigger and I hate you
I'm not going to watch your right wing conspiracy shit, but I can tell you Israel is a zionist state many Jews oppose.
>I'm not going to watch your right wing conspiracy shit
These are (((YOUR))) conspiracies
Im just exposing them
You jews writing about your plans in open
But truth is too hard for you too face maybe
That's pretty much bullshit though. There's no fucking way the gooks in North Korea have an average IQ of 105. How were they even tested?
Mate don't be calling people niggers. It just delegitimises you.
thats a lie. not 'many' jews oppose israel. left wing jews in america support israel.
>left wing jews
You don't understand the difference between left wing and liberal. Left wing people do not support Israel, Liberals do.
also see many europeon jews say the same thing 'israel will be our home' if europeons get fed up with them.
You're right that there is a difference between left wing and liberalism but to say no left wingers support israel is a massive over-generalisation
This Jew sums up what they do in less than a minute
you do not understand anything. theres no jews anywhere who oppose israel. they can always migrate to israel if the host nation is annoyed enough with them.
they are always concerned with 'antisemitism'
they are mental that way
that's what Israel wants. Israel is a shit country that uses propaganda to try and recruit Jews to the ""homeland"". Plenty of us are realizing it's a farce though and to stay away
>good sources of information about them?
Thats an over generalisation as well man. Im sure there are jews who are against zionism but the majority do seem to be pro israeli
>damn I had no idea we controlled the world
>Proceeds to control world controlling function the next post
There are plenty of Jews who oppose zionism. In fact many do. I'm a Jew from a working class family. My father is a conservative Republican who's worked in factories his whole life we aren't some elite class of people hell bent on destruction like Sup Forums kids want you to believe. Seriously, don't buy into the shit these people tell you OP. Keep in mind a majority of Sup Forums are literal teenagers
Thats simply one person though. What about these jews? youtu.be
nice disinfo but i just proved a 'progressive' jew from America supports and loves israel. i can guarantee you are lying or you are 1 jew in 5-6 million who dont support israel.
This doesn't descredit the JQ though. Funny how the debate has shifted in this way.
Thats why jews in power would sacrifice you in a heartbeat, to them you're a meatshield the more of you who die the more sheckils they get in the end.
My best friend is jewish from mother, they know this
>believing in the lolodomor.
KEK that pic is a doctored one too from the volga famine of 1922!