Holocaust denial

How can you deny it when there's mountains of photographic evidence and proof that it happened? We have photos of the atrocities being committed and mountains of corpses. How can you deny things like the crimes of the Wehrmacht?


Author Ursula Schele, estimated in the Journal "Zur Debatte um die Ausstellung Vernichtungskrieg. Verbrechen der Wehrmacht 1941-1944" that in one of ten sexual intercourse with German soldiers would have led to pregnancy and therefore its probable, while not provable that up to ten millions women in the Soviet Union could have been raped by the Wehrmacht.[86]:9

Birgit Beck, in her work Rape: The Military Trials of Sexual Crimes Committed by Soldiers in the Wehrmacht, 1939–1944, describes the leniency in punishing sex crimes by German authorities in the East, at the same time pointing out heavy punishments applied in the West.[87] If a soldier who committed a rape was subsequently convicted by a court-martial, he would usually be sentenced to four years in prison[88] The German penal code was also valid for soldiers in war.[89] However, until 1944 only 5,349 soldiers of the Wehrmacht on all fronts were sentenced because of indecency offence "Sittlichkeitsvergehen" or rape "Notzucht".[90] Historian Mühlhäuser believe that sexual assault was not an exception but common, and that the actual number of rapes committed by German soldiers are without question much greater.[91]

Other sources estimate that rapes of Soviet women by the Wehrmacht range up to 10,000,000 incidents, with between 750,000 and 1,000,000 children being born as a result


"Kerch: imprisoned women were raped and tortured; breasts were cut off, stomachs ripped open, limbs cut off and eyes gouged out. A mass grave full of mutilated bodies of young women was found after Germans were driven out of town."

It's all sourced.

Other urls found in this thread:


Young woman forced to strip by Nazis in front of her mother

Old man being beaten

How can you prove that your parents really had sex to create you, you weren't there.

Check mate.



Feel free to add more photos of Nazi atrocities

Thanks OP, time to fap





This is why people want to punch you guys

What a pathetic thread
Many such threads

Don't like dissenting opinions in your precisious echo chamber? Face reality

Irrelevant conspiracies that have been debunked

Sorry, didn't mean to include you in that last reply

None of these pics have german soldiers visible in them.
Really gets the noggin' joggin'.
Also-show flag,faggot.

My great uncle died in Auschwitz with his wife and 2 children, their bodies were found in massive grave


liberals and cultural marxists are nowadays fascists. I warn you! we will liberate you again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again...

Sage and reported for being a kike lover. I don't give a fuck if the holocaust wiped out 50 million grub jews and their grublets. Sooner or later the world will return to sanity and we will pack all their nigger/musrat golems onto the cattle trains we pack the kikes on and they can all culturally enrich each other on the way to open cut mines where they will be dumped into a massive pile.
Who here even gives a fuck.


>not provable
>all sourced
pick 1

Tell us how your grandparents escaped so we can ensure it doesn't happen next time.


Why are people denying holocaust, just to anger goys?


Listen cunt if the holohoax was real and not just a systemic lie that underpins a falsification of history that allows the jews to swindle us then it wouldn't be a thought crime to question it.
You don't jail people for arguing with you unless you have something to hide, you filthy fucking rats.


Red my post very slowly several times

That's not a woman, that thing is a Jew.


maybe they deserved it

How were they identified?
Their bodies should have rotten/started to decompose,unless they were found pretty soon after they were shot.


it was real..... in your minds

It's a thought crime because it's a major autism just to deny biggest mass murder in recent history
Not only fucking kikes were hurt you imbecile


Newsmedia lied constantly and pushed for nothing but jewish interests during the time I paid it attention. Why would it be any different at any other point in time.

The only lesson to learn from WWII is that marxism led to it.


tell me more about uncle adolf's wild ride

They were cought Walking down the street from the church kids probably didn't have documents

Jewish woman runs at an incredibly high speed.

lol go back to r3ddit op

of course kike.

They died not long before reds came in, they were shot, not gassed

because nobody denies that jews were mistreated or murdered in mass numbers
at least only idiots deny that
what people like David Irving deny is the ridiculous theme park that is Auschwitz
the 6 trillion gassings story is so utterly ridiculous and has so many inconsistencies to it that its insane NOT to think it was made up
not a single gassed corpse exists, out of the 4 million they claimed were gassed at the Nuremberg trials
it was all based on eye witness reports and the "confession" of the camp commandant who had been tortured by the soviets for 2 months before he faced trial and then read his "confession" off a script, hardly a reliable source
Nuremberg was a complete kangaroo court this is obvious just by watching the tapes and hearing the testimonies of the Nazi high command (all of whom seemed completely bewildered at the charges)
there is to this day not a single piece of solid evidence that proves the gassing story, yet they sent hundreds of good honourable men to the gallows and many more to prison for life, and many of the men who served sentences mysteriously died before they were released (see Rudolph Hess)
The "gas chamber" at Auschwitz is a fake, there is not enough hydrogen cyanide on the brickwork to have been lethal to humans, and the door to the chamber has a 2 inch gap underneath, with a glass pane and a HANDLE ON THE INSIDE. It was a delousing chamber.
Thats what people deny my friend not the fact that jews were slaughtered, because they were. Himmler specifically requested the liquidation of shipments of jews in the east.


They are jews, mate, they are not humans.

Debating the Holohoax is a massive Motte and Bailey, they claim millions dead and gas chambers and bear and eagle cages and then when you get into it they fall back to "WE JUST MEAN THE EINSATZGRUPPEN KILLED SOME PPL WHO WERE JEWS!" it's pathetic

You are an idiot

There was more definitive evidence at o.j. Simpson's trial. And he wasn't found guilty

It didn't happen
It's a joke
Stop bumping dead memes

My entire family in Poland survived the war none of them ever mentioned any of the shit most "Poles" (Jewish remnants after 68 masquerading as Poles in 2018) on pol mention, oy vey my grandmother was a lamp

Out of the entire family only one person died and that's because they lived in Warsaw during the uprising

This is refuted decades ago.

did you find the general plan ost yet?

>from the church
But user, it's easy to check, just lower the pants and see if your greatuncle has only half dick.
If he had a full dick, he was innocent.

-youtube.com/watch?v=2a_cmbi3iIg - Heinrich Himmler literally says that the Nazi Party is exterminating the Jews

-youtube.com/watch?v=SH47MeOyWV0 - Famous Holocaust denier David Irving acknowledges the Holocaust and the 5-6 million death toll.

-youtube.com/watch?v=JEr15_9XGWM - Mark Weber (director of IHR) says he abandons Holocaust denial and says Holocaust denial is pointless

-archive.is/jtMNP - Index of Published Evidence on Mass Extermination in -Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau

-archive.is/ffFL6 - Contemporary German Documents on Homicidal Gas Vans

-archive.is/CmcjD - Contemporary German Documents on Carbon Monoxide Gas and Bottles Employed for the Nazi Euthanasia

----Mass graves:








--- Hydrogen Cyanide found in gas chambers (proving that Zyklon B was used), Leuchter's&Rudolf's report refuted

I just fapped to you wanting to punch people.


How to spot a fake document 101
>over 40 years old
>paper is off-white office printing paper

Show more dead Jews

right on a fap thread. nice its getting late
got anymore dead jews,
too bad hitler didnt gas them all

no shit kike, but obviously your grandparents escaped and your parents if they were born then. again, tell us how your forebears escaped kike.

F burgemeester die joodse terroristen stoppen nooit

typical. fuck off kike.

"Beschränkte, Idioten, Krüppel und kranke Menschen müssen in kürzester Zeit durch Liquidation zur Entlastung des Lagers aus demselben entfernt werden. Diese Maßnahme findet aber insofern eine Erschwerung, da nach Anweisung des RSHA entgegen der bei den Juden angewendeten Maßnahme, Polen eines natürlichen Todes sterben müssen."

"Imbeciles, idiots, cripples and sick people have to be removed from the camp within a short time by liquidiation to unburden the camp. But this measure has insofar complications as, according to order from the RSHA, the Poles have to die of a natural death contrary to the measures applied on the Jews."


Ok, ask the IRC today and they'll give you the same response.

kikes are parasites


how much did the rabbi pay you for this thread?

I believe a planned extermination of Jews and other undesirables occurred but the true number of dead wasn't anywhere near the many millions they claim.

Found the woman kike.

Hai to you too.

and the gaschambers don't have wooden doors

But lets assume 6 gorillion jews did die
Do you know how many German citizens died? Did you know the Americans rounded up the Japanese race into labour camps where they were worked to death? Did you know that the Russians raped and slaughtered their way into Berlin and that it was so horrific that Patton remarked on it in his memoirs? Did you know the Britain were the first ones to target civilians with night bombing raids, not Germany?
Why is it in a war that claimed the lives of estimated 50-80 MILLION, we only care about a small fraction of that?

Lol hey female kike all of this shit was debunked on the last thread why are you re using them again?

French women enslaved by nazis in Paris.

If the Holocaust didn't occur why didn't the Nazi's charged with war crimes just say, "No, this didn't happen"? They would have been found innocent of those crimes at least.

Find me a gassed corpse
Find me mass graves at Auschwitz
Where is the mountains of coal coke and corpses in the aerial shots of Auschwitz during the so called holocaust?

>Holocaust denial
No need to read further, you've already proven you don't know what you're talking about.

typhus is a bitch

that is a french woman punished for being a nazi collaborator

They did.. Have you even watched the trials

Surely you have some form of documentation to back up this claim and aren't stating a story that was told to you by a family member as fact correct?

Lol who are you even fooling? I seen this one before.

The Katyn massacre:
>22,000 Polish officers, policemen and "intelligentsia" gathered, no crimes committed by them, and yet still murdered
>Germans find remains after invasion of Poland and blames Soviet Union
>Soviet Union claims that it was the Germans
>Roosevelt gets report saying that it was the Soviet Union, suppresses it (source:
cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/csi-studies/studies/winter99-00/art6.html, archive.is/2RjXw)
>Germany loses, German soldiers are executed for being claimed guilty for the Katyn Massacre
>Cold War, Poland part of Soviet Union
>Soviet Union brutally suppresses investigations and memorials to the Katyn Massacre that go against the party line
>1990, Soviet Union dissolves
>archives, including in Russia, and investigations shows that it was the Soviet Union that did it and Russia declares the responsibility of the Soviet Union officially
>other focused genocides of Poles include various NKVD operations such as en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Operation_of_the_NKVD.
And the numbers in this one fits well with those in (((Wikipedia))).

Fucking this
The wermacht had NOTHING to do with the camps or jews

>The "gas chamber" at Auschwitz is a fake, there is not enough hydrogen cyanide on the brickwork to have been lethal to humans, and the door to the chamber has a 2 inch gap underneath, with a glass pane and a HANDLE ON THE INSIDE. It was a delousing chamber.
They're two separate things. Oddly enough, the actual gas chambers, for delousing, weren't claimed to be used for killing (at least not that I've seen). I think it's because the prisoners never saw lines of people going into them, and thus never created lies/rumors about them, as they did with the shower rooms and other buildings. They would've only seen racks of clothes going in and out of it.

The wooden doors are only and only in Krema I, why? Because Krema I was converted to an air-raid shelter in 1943. It served as a crematorium with a gas chamber from 1941 till 1943. Before 1941 it was an ammo depot.

The wooden doors were put in the interior during the conversion in 1943. Funny thing is, the original air-tight steel doors with peepholes ARE LITERALLY on the exterior of Krema I:
first door here furtherglory.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/bombshelterentance2.jpg

and second door here c1.staticflickr.com/4/3163/2864694451_442cef2849.jpg

You can find better quality images, but I've proven my point.


This has been debunked on the other thread.



>mountains of photographic

The building they show tourists as the "central gas chamber" is first of all a recreation built in 1948
They lied about it being a fake building for decades until they were taken to court
Why would they do such a thing?

Ugh, they did. Practically none but Rudolf Hoess admitted to the holohoax, and he is confirmed to have been tortured (and neither he and his torturers deny)



You saying that it's debunked doesn't make it debunked, sweetie.

"The majority died of natural diseases of one kind or the another. However, we did probe into such questions as, 'What happened to those prisoners who became psychotic at Dachau? What did the Gestapo do with them?' Well, they took those people to the crematorium. First, however, they were taken to a big windowless building next to the crematorium where the ceiling was covered with false shower heads. The victims were then ordered to strip and take a 'shower.' Outside the building, guards dropped in cyanide pellets. Then they'd blow the cyanide gas out and remove the bodies next door to the crematorium ovens. I think this is what happened to most of the truly psychotic prisoners and those they considered unruly and unmanageable and who, in the Gestapo's opinion, were incorrigibles. But, in my opinion, only relatively few of the inmates I personally examined at Dachau were murdered in this manner. Still, medical facilities were totally inadequate. When people fell hopelessly ill and death was imminent, and when they grew so weak they could no longer work or function, they were taken to the cyanide room for disposal. The Nazi called them 'mercy killings' because there was no hope of them getting well. Actually, the Germans considered them a liability, and extermination was the answer." ('Crime Doctor,' McCallum & Larson, p. 61. ISBN 0-916076-20-2; Library of Congress Catalog Number: 78-16403)

holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.hr/2012/09/friedrich-paul-berg-yelled-for-photos.html -> gassed Soviets

HCN found on the walls of gas chambers.