I don't get it. This wasn't even that bad why does this get talked about so much? Is it babbys first asspull or something?
I don't get it. This wasn't even that bad why does this get talked about so much...
it's just really funny out of context
Alluka was 10 times worst
HxH is a series that people who normally hate Battle Shounens like to build up as "one of the good ones" so its all the more hilarious when they get proven that HxH is as dumb as all the rest
YYH was asspull central so I don't get why people hold a hack like Togashi in such high regard
Pretty much this, its funny to mess with the elitist fanbase.
Far less dumb but dumb all the same.
That said, O MY NEN was freaking hilarious. I really want to know what Hisoka looks like without all that rubber keeping his shit together.
You're making too much sense, revert to RABBI NUN posting
>Far less dumb
Reminder that Alluka exists and the world map is just a bunch of real world land masses upside down.
Chrollofags mad.
What the hell is even this? and i don't mean the source, but the context.
Dude comes back to life thanks to his rubber-based powers pulling him back together.
It haz the prawpertees of Condom AND Gaym
Neva faget da Gaym
does upside down australia have a lot of tiny, harmless animals and a polite and reserved populace?
>dumb as all the rest
That would require HxH to be made up of nothing but asspulls, shoddy characterization at the service of fights (in which almost everyone but the protag gets shafted because power levels), and simplistic plotting. Christ, I enjoy battle shounen but I can't imagine what would possess anyone to defend the quality of writing in the majority of it.
With the current arc it's almost as if Togashi, knowing no would stop him since no one has ever stopped him from taking long ass haituses, stopped bothering to appeal to 10 year old Japanese boys with ADHD entirely.
>HxH is a series that people who normally hate Battle Shounens like to build up as "one of the good ones" so its all the more hilarious when they get proven that HxH is as dumb as all the rest
Because it triggers HxHfags when we bring it up and make fun of it.
Why is this one moment used to prove HxH is bad ,it's like using the fact that Hitler was against animal testing to prove he was good
He preferred experimentation on humans.
It's just ass-mad chrollo fags that can't accept something that completely follows the rules set by the manga's author. Also how can they be this mad when chrollo actually won? The only reason Hisoka was able to come back was because Chrollo literally killed him.
Togashi rose the stakes too high with the death match, fostering expectations that weren't met. He delivered on a death but since he wasn't willing to part with either character just yet, he relied on flimsy justifications in-story (they were there but it was still cheap in execution) so he could have cake and eat it.
It showed that even while Togashi is good and intricate to an autistic degree, he's still a shonen mangaka and isn't above using those sorts of conventions. Nen seems like a complex system but it's also very exploitable in reality and is just plain ol' magic at core. Togashi used those facts to his ends.
it's really just taking the good with the bad. There's only like 5 asspulls in HxH and only 2 of them are kind of absurd
is it even possible to make a proper shounen without asspulls?
Are HxH fans fucking retarded? This series is one of the most asspull shounen series.
I enjoyed it but come on. Theres at least 1 big asspull in every arc, usually related to Gon.
Like how he goes through some fight who leaves him injured for the rest of his life but then someone shows up and fully heal him with no backlash.
>is it even possible to make a proper shounen without asspulls?
No. The good shonen has them, the bad shonen has them. Asspulls are practically a staple of the genre.
Pretty much this. Rubber nen was the narrative equivalent of a character saying "hold my beer, I got this" and whatever they were going to do immediately working. If the end result of the fight needed to be Hisoca living to take revenge on the spiders for his defeat, then actually killing him was a really bad move. I still stand by the idea that he should have pulled the jotaro Kujo and stopped his heartbeat temporarily with his own rubber nen and faked his death rather than actually dying.
It also didn't help that we got this fight after a Hiatus so once people knew they were getting the fight they've waited years for expectations and fans being generally salty led to some of the most cancerous posting I've ever seen related to Hunter x Hunter. I'm talking shitposting so potent we're still getting it a year afterwards.
Yes it is possible but it depends on how long the series is ongoing and if the shit you are writing is planned, especially when he has over 200 hiatuses so he can fix his screwups.
If Yu Yu Hakusho kept going with no hiatuses by chance, it would probably just be tournament hell for the rest of the series.
All of this and that it is too fucking boring without an anime to watch.
I can't believe a guy with so much time on his hands can only have about 5 great moments since everything else is just senseless padding.
The panel and first translations made it seem like Hisoka is having an inner monologue with his superpower and asking it to do what he wants it todo instead of commanding it.
Reminder that he fights a bunch of mud puppets with explosion seals with the command break Hisoka died the only form of death possible with his nen to revive himself. In series equivalent of fate or an asspull. But it has been hinted that Chrollo fucked his future prediction ability so who knows
Never fails to make me laugh
Why is the art so bad? His right hand seems to be translucent with his left arm? Can Toshigi even draw honestly?
Mostly babby's 1st asspull but the art is HILLARIOUSLY bad and the translations are fucking hilarious too both direct and even interpreted sound fucking dumb
It's the perfect combination of lazyness and only Togashi of all people could pull this shit off even if Kubo barely did background he didn't allow the art of his main characters to get this bad.
>proper shounen without asspulls
Rurouni fucking Kenshi
Fist of the fucking North Star
Dragonball fuc- never mind you got me but the 1st two still stand
I think they're mad he came back and got a powerup from it.
>But it has been hinted that Chrollo fucked his future prediction ability so who knows
It's not often I see that theory.
Lovely Ghost Writer's original owner, Neon, refused to read the predictions even though this was not a formal restriction. She thought everything would be fine and the person could avoid bad fates as long as she didn't know.
As shown with Chrollo's usage of Order Stamp, a nen user's thoughts can affect how a stolen hatsu works even if they didn't outright declare it as a restriction.
So way back when Chrollo read all of the Troupe's predictions, he "broke" Lovely Ghost Writer. Now nothing will be fine. The predictions were set to be ENFORCED.
What if Hisoka wasn't actually capable of pulling O off on his own? What if something chose him to be the one who carries out the predictions?
he stabbed his fingers into his own body to do the rubber nen shit and i guess was showing them to illustrate it. at least thats what i thought
This, I really like HxH but hate the fanbase with passion.
HxH turns to common shounen shit when Alluka showed up. Hisoka's O MY ASSPULL NEN made it worst.
It was stupid and unnecessary. If you kill your characters, they should stay dead. Otherwise it feels cheep.
but then who was phone
I don't get it. This wasn't even that bad why does it bother you so much? Is it your babbys first meme or something?
Gon getting healed was fucking bullshit, that piece of shit deserved to suffer and die a slow painful death.
OK so I get Togashi takes a lot of hiatuses, fine, whatever.
But when he is off hiatus, does he really deserve to NOT release a chapter every week? Last time we got regular chapters, he didn't even release a chapter every week without break. And I can guarantee you that when he does return before Christmas he won't be releasing a chapter a week either. He'll most likely take a few weeks off due to Christmas or whatever the fuck.
Shounen is good nigga
Yeah it's got asspulls but it's battle shonen. Find me battle shonen that doesn't and you probably will have demonstrated that you don't even know what asspulls are because you're almost definitely wrong.
>people who don't think the Chimera Ant arc and the beginning of this boat arc don't utterly tower over the vast majority of battle shonen with ease
If you comprehend the kind of story you're reading and the magazine it's published in you should be astounded by what Hunter x Hunter has been capable of