>that one time a studio stopped giving a fuck and used geometrical shapes for enemy designs
That one time a studio stopped giving a fuck and used geometrical shapes for enemy designs
Who are you quoting?
shut up nerd
What you see of Remiel is pretty much a ship/machine for the actual angel inside it, it has remains and they are all mechanical.
It's someone masturbating with basic geometrical formulas.
Okay I'll bite, why is this place obsessed with this MOTW from Evangelion?
It's an "homage".
I think it's great whenever a lack of time of ressources ends up birthing an iconic design.
Pic related. It's pink because red gouache was expensive so they diluted it for the spacesuit.
>only enemy designs
I'm pretty sure it's a 2001: A Space Odyssey reference. Even the AT Field and the Seele monoliths somehow appeared before in the Kubrick movie.
you just can't appreciate the 2deep4u intricacies of this unique and original angel design
Ramiel is so cool that you didn't notice when she was a static part of the background layer.
I seriously love this design style
It might be my dirty muslim side
Or it could just be Bit from Tron saying 'yes'.
who are you quoting?
Oh shut the fuck up. You NGE fags are so insufferable. You guys are the jews of Sup Forums
You make it seem like all the other generals are the problem when it's actually you guys. If we got rid of you then naruto, super and all the other trash would be gone. The longer this shit series is discussed here the worst Sup Forums gets.
>hurr durr this elevator scene is a great way to save money
No. Shut the fuck up. It was awkward and weird.
Anno is a talentless hack who wanted to make a unique design
>muh asuka
Tsundere is the worst archtype and asuka is the queen of it
>watch this movie, then these episodes, then this movie while speedreading this manga, then rewatch episode 1, then watch another anime, then watch the first half of ep 26, BUT! You have to do everything again then watch the second half.
>you won't understand it if you don't
Just stop. Thw whole series is pretentious shit and the final episodes don't make a lick of sense because the creator is a hack of unparalleled hackness
Unironically kys, the only good thing from this shit was rei
you seem upset
Kubrick didn't invent geometric shapes.
>Muh animu did it first
Isn't the internet great. It allows shitheads like yourself to say shit that would, in real life get your head cracked open.
Hopefully you'll suffer the same fate fucking cunt.
Please turn to the loaded gun in your drawer, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger, blowing your brains out. You'll be doing the whole world a favor. Shitbag.
I would love to smash your face in until it no longer resembled anything human, faggot.
Die painfully okay? Preferably by getting crushed to death in a garbage compactor, by getting your face cut to ribbons with a pocketknife, your head cracked open with a baseball bat, your stomach sliced open and your entrails spilled out, and your eyeballs ripped out of their sockets. Fucking bitch
I would love to kick you hard in the face, breaking it. Then I'd cut your stomach open with a chainsaw, exposing your intestines. Then I'd cut your windpipe in two with a box cutter. Hopefully you'll get what's coming to you.
Fucking bitch I really hope that you get curb-stomped. It'd be hilarious to see you begging for help, and then someone stomps on the back of your head, leaving you to die in horrible, agonizing pain. Faggot
Shut the fuck up faggot, before you get your face bashed in and cut to ribbons, and your throat slit. You're dead if I ever meet you in real life, fucker. I'll fucking kill you.
I would love to fucking send your fucking useless ass to the hospital in intensive care, fighting for your worthless life.
I wish you a truly painful, bloody, gory, and agonizing death, cunt
t.Brainlet who STILL doesn't get it
Aside from 2001 coming out 20 years before Urashiman, as you can see by the image, it's simply a more accurate comparison. 'Blue octahedron' is an incredibly loose comparison when octahedrons and the color blue have both existed in human knowledge for literally thousands of years.
>Anno is a talentless hack who wanted to make a unique design
>Evangelion invented octahedrons
>while speedreading this manga
>AT Field
which part was this?
It's biblical references. Everything in EVA is a almost biblical reference.
Also biology, dude viruses.
Almost everything in EVA*
Completely false. The entire thing is the Angel body and it is biological. It bleeds after it is killed.
Unironically, this was my favorite episode of Evagelion.
>Just stop. Thw whole series is pretentious shit and the final episodes don't make a lick of sense because The Creator is a hack of unparalleled hackness
Literally and unironically 2deep4u
I think it was more accurate the first time.
It's two episodes though.
But yes, they are really good.
naw, they shit. its all shit.
It was really cool seeing them harness all of Japan's electricity to power one shot.
It's also some of the best Rei development in the series, and the start of her switch from Gendo to Shinji.
The end scene in the entry plug is so good.
desu I didn't even try to make sense of the pretentious parts, I just watched it for the giant robot fights and asuka
there is always going to be some obnoxious general my man
I totally agree with you on NGE tho
that's actually what I was doing, but I've got to rewatch it remastered
>No. Shut the fuck up. It was awkward and weird.
That was the literal point of the scene.
>Anno is a talentless hack who wanted to make a unique design
It's just a shape. They way they handled it was pretty interesting to.
>Tsundere is the worst archtype and asuka is the queen of it
She wasn't supposed to be likable, at least not in the original series.
>Thw whole series is pretentious shit and the final episodes don't make a lick of sense because the creator is a hack of unparalleled hackness
There's literally nothing remotely pretentious about the series. It gets pretty out there in the last few episodes and in EoE, but most of it is literally explicit and basic. You'd have to either be actually retarded or deliberately ignore large portions of it to not understand it.
>b-but I do understand it! It's still pretentious
Why? Why do you think Evangelion pretentious?
Also this has got to be the most reddit spacing I've seen in months.
>she's not supposed to be likeable
Well they clearly did that wrong
>>hurr durr this elevator scene is a great way to save money
>No. Shut the fuck up. It was awkward and weird.
wait, what scene?
>the way they handled it was interesting too
It's literally just a shape that shoots lasers
Eva is not only a poorly written pretentious story, but it also fucked up everything regarding japanese animation to the day. If we used to have good stories with great characters before It (80s~90s), thanks to this shit nowadays we have -every damn season- the obnoxious faggot MC, the retarded tsundere and the doll girl which doesn't actually matters.
The first 10-14 episodes were really hard to chew through, but I gave it a chance because they were killing an Angel every episode and I figured we'd get to the interesting parts of the story eventually. Then we explanations shrouded in ambiguity and hints. Who wants to actually understand anything right? Plot lines of several characters lead nowhere or are intentionally left unanswered because you're supposed to figure it out of course (It's not a bad thing, but it appears like whatever they did has no consequences it's kind of boring). And then the final 6 episodes, or 4+2. Sigh, in conclusion I have to admit that the show just turned into a yawnfest.
I really didn't like this, none of the characters were well written nor did I care about any of them. Rei was interesting for the first part of the story, but even she was pushed aside so we could get more of our love-starved Shinji and tsundere Asuka. Even Gendo turned out to be just some guy who I don't even know why he was doing what he was doing. In the end it's a huge clusterfuck for me, I didn't care about anyone in the end, no character kept me interested. And fuck was the directing bad. I'm okay with lingering shots but holy shit this show can make you fall asleep.
...so, let talk about its creator? Maybe we will find out why this bad accident happened. Anno is a depressive little cuck and made Shinji (the most hated character of all time even among the fans of this sorry series) as it own image. What could we honestly expect from someone who lives as a NEET and haven't done anything with his life besides creating this monster?
Anno is the Duchamp of anime. He created NGE to mock the medium and what it had become, only to usher in something much worse.
>He created NGE to mock the medium and what it had become
I am tired of this meme
No you fucking retard, he didn't
Evangelion is obviously subversive how can you even say it isn't?
It takes some magical retard logic to go from 'evangelion was different to other mecha anime' and reach 'evangelion's creator hated mecha anime and wanted to mock it'
Fountain was made to poke at the snobberies of the art world, not because Duchamp hated the entire art world. Christ you're a pleb
NGE is unironically a masterpiece and will forever be animus greatest hits
How? It reinvigorated the anime industry and became a national icon.
Why is Rei so autistic
And? Monet and the Impressionists reinvigorated the art world. Subversive doesn't mean destructive, in fact in art and life in general, its often necessary to take down the old to give space for what is new.
deepest fucking lore
Anno is a movie nerd
>NGE reinvigorated the anime industry and became a national icon.
Born in a secret sub lab and raised exclusively by Gendo.
Fucking saved.
It's a joke user, a single sentence on length. Don't get so triggered for fuck sake.
>that awkward sniffle
Is she, dare i say it, /our gal/?
Eva was released in 1995, you idiot. How did a fucking 2001 movie influence it?
Yeah, pretty much. For all its faults though, NGE at least took some effort to make and was enjoyable at times.
Sup Forums is so dumb
The angels were using prisms n physics against us.
I like Ramiel.
You would've really hated Ramiel's evolved successor, Niggiel
What do you mean by subversive then? Because it means something particular in English.
Literal meme Angel. Everybody has to post the thing first before they can discuss the much cuter imouto they actually love.
At least that one can take a load and not go spiky on you.
>super and all the other trash would be gone.
you begone
has there ever been a character as smug as him?
>the only good thing from this shit was rei
All that shit and you drop the ball massively at the end. All the Eva girls are hot garbage. Kill yourself for wasting my time with this wall of waste.
dude anno himself said it was an homage to urashiman.
Fucking cancer.
>dicked Misato until her pussy got loose
>would've probably dicked Katsuragi and Maya too if given the chance all while cockblocking Asuka
>was the only one to give Shinji non-shit advice on what to do
>chased the truth until the very end
Kaji is the fucking man.
What sound does he make? Is it...
>wub wub wub wub
Or a
Seriously, I've got more interested at his development as double agent/independent investigator on some bits. Has there ever been something similar to his story in anime?
So why are the angels biologically inconsistent as fucj you go from literally human to kinda humanoid to crystal geomtry and finally to shit like Sahaquiel
They supposedly choose their own forms while they're embryos. They aren't made in anything's image.
Maybe some angels think eyeballs are cool, while autist angels enjoy basic geometric shapes.
Because they aren't they are all based on biology. With a bit of quantum physics thrown in.
They are all things people could look like from their genes. In the series they are supposed to mature from embryo looking things.
Ramiel probably got bullied by the other angels and called hurtful things like '8-ball'
>acts autistic about anime
>gets mad when people call him autistic