
>Decent story
>Cool characters
>Hot waifus

This series is actually pretty good. Whats not to like.

What exactly is the point of this thread OP? It's just going to be full of shitposters, people complaining about what went wrong for the 100th time, and salty shippers.

Just started it like a week ago and wanted to talk about it a bit. Like why is Ichigo pointlessly strong. Im guessing his mom was super strong and important because nips love that hereditary strength but other than that this series has been really solid so far

>decent story
>cool characters
Pick two but you can't pick Bleach.

>Like why is Ichigo pointlessly strong
Is this your first shonen something? Literally every shonen MC is pointlessly strong and/or talented.

Za Haato

he was designed to be an ubermensch to act as a tool for the main antagonists.

It goes to complete shit after Ichigo beats Aizen. Even dedicated readers said it was shit. The ending was shit. The battles at the end for the most part were shit. The writing was shit. The jobbing was shit. The only people that like bleach now are straight up trolls. Literally no one with any ounce of taste could like Bleach beyond the Fullbring Arc. That is why any bleach thread made now is 99% bait and 1% some newfag that just got into anime

Bleach is the worst shounen manga and that's saying something.

>Whats not to like.
200 filler episodes and fuck tonnes of shitty jobbers and background characters taking all the spotlight and leaving the main character's development half assed. It was good at first while he was working with a limited cast.

nah most of the last arc was better than most of the shit that came before it.
as for the ending we got Narita to fix that

I happen to be neither. Just a 24 yr old dude with a fixation for shonen. Never got into bleach because of relationship flame wars.

okay when does it get worse? im 27 episodes in and besides the forced spiritual energy dilemmas, im really liking it.

It's not though. FT is.

>bleach was good in the beginning meme
The early fights are literally just good guys having a flashback, powering up, and winning in one attack.


I liked it all the way through. Definitely not perfect, but not something I regret getting into. You just have to learn not to take shounen so seriously after a certain age.

kubo don't draw backgrounds meme

utter and complete lack of backgrounds is honestly the least of its flaws.

Yeah I mean the tension builds nicely. It has good humor. Ganju is hilarious. I like the soul society layout. And Ichigo remiinds me of Yusuke being a good natured punk.
Sure the series isnt perfect but its better than its reputation so far at least.

The emotional perspectives of each fight/challenge and how the MC finds his way to clear footing and composure is what I find interesting. Most of Bleachs fights have been cliche in their action but I havent seen Ichigo's approach to enemies and I like it.

Like when he said he didnt necessarily care about Rukia but wanted to save her because he owed her. I thought was cool.

>but its better than its reputation so far at least.
It drops in quality, that's why. Most people will agree that it starts to drop in the middle of the second arc which also happens to be the longest.

Tatsuki reminds me of Davis from Digimon. No idea why though

The first few seasons are promising, but its all downhill from there. There was a steady decline in quality and I finally just gave up towards the end of the Hueco Mundo arc. I was even reading the manga at this point to skip all the anime filler and it was still shit.

Kubo's mistake was that he got too invested in creating new powers for fight scenes to the point where he almost completely lost the story, and the character development never felt fully explored. He also omitted most of the background while drawing, so it didn't have much of a sense of immersion.

hope you're reading instead of watching.

>Decent Story
It peaked some time after Soul Society Arc and before the Fake Karakura Town Arc.

>Kubo's mistake was that he got too invested in creating new powers for fight scenes to the point where he almost completely lost the story,
Damn thats too bad. The zanpaku-to concept is really cool too. I like Ikakku the bald guys zanpaku-tos power. When things are simple yet manage to surprise. Thats fun.

I may eventually read it

dont care if shes gimp shes fucking sexy

>I may eventually read it
you have too since the final arc isnt animated.

It was good when it was afterschool ghost hunting and Rukia had the cool punch gloves.

If its animated through aizen my soul can find peace


not bad but not fierce enough shes sexiest when fierce

That's his whole shtick
>see powerful enemy
>get beaten by said enemy
>eye of the tiger.mp3
>beat enemy
>"lose" powers
>repeat for several arcs

Also don't ever hope on finding out what happened after the final fight, nor any IMPORTANT answers to any questions you have cuz the author went all
>they gave me deadline
>i knew about it 6 months ago
>i will do nothing to answer questions
>i'll just scratch muh balls and pain black panels


pic related



just beautiful

Wish I was joking but look at this a page that's 5 chapters before the final one

>It goes to complete shit after Ichigo beats Aizen
It goes to shit the second they go to Soul Society for the first time.


Too fucking long
Also, the heart

The worst shounen manga is almost certainly something you've never heard about, that's never been translated, and that didn't last very long. Worst popular shounen manga is a different thing altogether.

Wrong pic

>What does waifu mean?
Fuck off, cancer.

It stopped being good after Soul Society arc
if this show had just been about Ichigo going to SS to save rukia and concluded after that, it would have been a good show
unfortunately, it was not

>The worst shounen manga is almost certainly something you've never heard about, that's never been translated, and that didn't last very long
You're right.

>It stopped being good after Soul Society arc
SS arc a shit. That's when the series went full shounen instead of staying a comfy ghostbusters.

The ending. From the moment it was announced it was ending. everything felt rushed and bullshit. kubo clearly needed another three years to untangle the plot.

>kubo clearly needed another three years
Nah, two would've been fine.

Eat shit.

Actually, it's Bleach.

Since you're enjoying it I suggest you to switch to the manga as soon as you can. Kubo's art and paneling are the only reason it stands above the other shonen series.
Be prepared for a significant drop in plot coherence around volume 48 or so.

FT. It's not even a question. Natsu is a mishmash of ichigo and luffy with lol pink hair for originality. Bleach actually sets a cool atmosphere even if the writing isn't great.

Bleach had a story? I thought it was just training arc, battle arc, rinse and repeat?

Fullbring arc turned to shit when the story focused more on Ichigo getting his powers back, and circle jerking for Shinigami waifu/husbando. Fullbring had so much potential, and the new characters were all great, and interesting. I just do not understand shitty nippon tastes.

I'm bitter for the hasted ending, but do not regret ever picking up the series. I enjoyed it more than hated it.

Anyone else that says otherwise are just under age bitter cunts.

If anything, I'm impressed with Kubos characterisation ability. I like seeing his characters training and whatever

>that's never been translated
Demon's Plan is translated though.

>okay when does it get worse?

after they finish saving Rukia and go home. it still has good moments now and then but it's never the same.

Okay i looked her up.
>has a child
No thanks

it was bad before they saved Rukia.

Like what kind of hack has a rescue arc where the person you're rescuing doesn't get killed or something along those lines?

fuck off Oda

I figured it was setting up "good guy does a good thing but turns the world upside down for it" and he has to battle an onslaught of SS invasions while still going to high school. Ichigo and his ragtag gang of misfits inspire people of soul society and destroy the evil system that was previously dominant.

Is this not what happens

>Narita to fix that

He's just making things worse though.

>none of them were ever relevant

I waited for you Tatsuki.


Ryo is princess material

Bleach had really hot chicks.

>He's just making things worse though
He's doing some questionable things but come on. Would a respected writer like him ever be capable of worse than Kubo?

They assume that's what happens but in reality the shinigami just lie to them so the all powerful protagonist can continue to be their tool.

For some reason people dislike that but I prefer it because it's not the generic "we can make them better people with GOOD DEEDS" shtick.

sub or dub?

sub no doubt

My main issue is that he has confirmed that SS were the villains all along, so Ichigo was a fucking idiot who did the wrong thing.

Plus the thing with the arrow relying on Hash having a change of heart seems dumb.

Dropped it at bounts

Should have ended after Ichigo lost his shinigami powers. Rukia should have waited for him to die and been the one to do his Soul Burial.

Dub just for Kenpachi sounding menacing and not like a girl with a sore throat. Fucking japs just can't do menacing.

Overarching plot is bleachs biggest weakness. Its convoluted, goes nowhere and takes forever to get there.
Its style, characters and (though hit or miss) fights are the stand-out.
Read it then look up the specific fights you liked, theres plenty of brilliant looking fights animated surprisingly well. The lieutenant fights in fake karakura are pretty rad watching.


I can usually tell when people have shit taste just by if they say
>Deathnote got worse after L died
>Bleach got worse after they beat Aizen (or, for full plebs, the SS arc)


>My main issue is that he has confirmed that SS were the villains all along, so Ichigo was a fucking idiot who did the wrong thing
I'll agree the Jugo thing is kinda dumb but Ichigo being played like a fiddle by both sides just feels really satisfying.
Like, the douche refused to listen to all the villains who were in the right and eventually he'll have to pay for it by being condemned to a fate worse than death but he totally deserves it.

I find her design to be amazing and wish her boobs were smaller. inoue too

I guess my problem is that I actually liked Ichigo, so it's disappointing to me to realize what a waste of space he was. I've only got myself to blame, I know.

I like how Narita's jabbing in the fact that the shinigami are just as evil as always by having Mayuri attempt to capture and experiment on the the recent chapter.

It's just justifying Kazui eventually killing all those fucks along with Ichigo.

Is there anyone better?

You guys are off your rocker if you think you know trash manga. A LOT of older manga are far, far worse than even the worse isekai manga nowadays.

>I guess my problem is that I actually liked Ichigo
It's not necessarily making him look bad.
It's just exposing him for the scumbag he always was which makes him much more compelling as a protagonist.

Narita did nothing wrong.

I like her too user but part of her charm was being a huge chested slut, she knew what she was working with and wasn't shy. Her bravado is what makes her great.

People died in Bleach man. No one died in FT.

That's gay as fuck dude

He turned out fine in the end. Has his powers so he's still able to protect, back in his hometown, and happily married.

>condemned to a fate far worse than death

Which is? And is it based on the novels, I'm confused as to what you're referring to.

Why are people on Sup Forums such Tatsuki/Kukakufags?

Do they just wanna fuck Ichigo without being gay or something?

>People died in Bleach man.
Not anyone important or fan-favorites.

How is he a scumbag for being left in the dark? He didn't know about the fucked up history of SS, and from the way the novel is playing out he won't find out.

>just started it a week ago
It reaches its peak in between Ichigo's group arrival to Afterlife Feudal Japan and the Meme Ghost-Man of Keikaku leaving to Mexico. It's a steady downhill from then on.

Because Tatsuki's amazing.

How can you not love tomboys with huge honkers?

The very last arc and the epilogue.

seireitei is planning on chopping him up and using him as a back up soul king in case using Yhwach as the current one fucks up.
He'll be stuck in some limbo "I have no mouth and I must scream" state when that does happen.

They wanna feel different. Both women are such none characters that they simply like them for the tropes; one is a childhood friend/tomboy while the other is a rowdy older woman.