How mad are you on this day Sup Forums? Christkeks ruined Europa with their sand religion!
On this day, 1638 years ago, Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire
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Christs may come and Christs may go, but Caesar is Forever.
Christianity is done. Paganism is our only hope.
I think a real push to bring it back to the masses of Europe could work. Some of the holy sites are destroyed but you could create new ones in honor of a victory or in the honor of a revival of the ancient spirituality. Most of the traditions are preserved.
You LARP faggots are the worst.
God bless Emperor Constantine!
So christcuckery is not even 400 years old in all of Europe?? pfffffff. We can get rid of it easily.
Europeans chose the Jewish God. Pagans BTFO forever.
Whats the point of paganism if you dont actually believe any of the gods are real?
Can you not read or are you just mentally disabled? It says 1638 years AGO. Very weak attempt, shill.
hail talos, dovahkiin. stay off the skooma
Yes, and snow niggers raping and pillaging across the land was so much better, right?
Christianity did unite groups that stop that, as well as Muslim raids and incursions.
Vikings dindu nuffin, right?
Celts were the true people that had it shit in that their beliefs and myths were taken away.
christianity is one of the reasons for the western succes.
the mexicans natives where notorious for doing killing and decadent things, in their mind that was perfectly fine. the vikings supposibly came to the americas first but they did not build anything they where more interested in pillage and doing decadent things, the europeans (now christians) where interested in pillage but also in BUILDING a colony and evangelising the savages, that is a HUGE difference in mindset.
>Sand religion.
Bigger, I've got news for you...
Stay irrelevant, heathens.
You indoctrinate/hammer it into the heads of children like its always been done
Paganism is already the religion of today just not with comic book characters in the sky
That's long time ago, who gives a shit?
Those figures were important guides for people to embody and strive towards. Now the Jews are trying to make people strive towards figures like Caitlyn Jenner. We don't really have paganism.
come my son and you shall know: tonight we hunt together
The Gods were never purported to be "real" as in being a part of "reality" like sticks and stones.
They were always guiding voices of the inner conscience, integral components of the European consciousness.
I understand your confusion, because that's all it is
Philosophies and decieving ideologies to keep you from the truth
It was forced onto them and they never practiced it properly.
The Vikings didn't colonized America because they were a minority there and the natives would probably kill them plus it's expensive doing such travel to a dangerous land only to get killed.
When Europeans sailed to the Americas they had the numbers and technology to afford colonization of the place, plus they have luck since the natives reacted with curiosity to them and not with violence.
Altough this did not happened always in the Northwest of Argentina there's was a tribe who resisted almost a century because they already knew about the iberian nature so they attack them without mercy
>"Issac I told you raising the interest rate was a bad idea "
565 years ago Islam became the state religion of the Roman empire. And 501 years ago the Roman empire became the Caliphate of the muslim world.
Yeah nah people thought they were real beings.
Like Greek gods were supposed to live on mount Olympus.
That's not originally how it worked. Originally they were talking about the origins of their consciousness and life after death was consciousness leaving the body and proceeding onward to "realms" of other Astral consciousnesses which were the consciousnesses of their ancestors and Gods.
And gods were able to travel between those realms.
That's how it works with christianity with heaven, earth and hell.