"wow that last made in abyss episode was so shocking i'm gonna have nightmares tonight"
Seriously? Why is the anime community full of fags?
There's no horror anime, anime can't and will never be scary.
"wow that last made in abyss episode was so shocking i'm gonna have nightmares tonight"
not anime but here's the obligatory webtoon comics:
I've seen worse, but I'm just a complete pussy when it comes to seeing characters suffer that way.
Oddly enough I've see people with mangled limbs in real life and it didn't bother me.
jumpscares is cheating you idiot
anything can be scary with jumpscares, even a random yuru yuri comic can make you scream
Anime can be scary, it just can't be scary based off looks because it's a fucking cartoon.
She can scream all she wants but it's just a drawing of a broken arm, how can it scare you?
wow broken bone sound so spooky
>jumpscares scare people
>it's cheating because it scares people
wow what a sore loser
I'm completely aware that it's fake, but I automatically imagine the event happening to me and I grit my teeth and all my muscles get tense while I'm watching.
When doing and industrial first aid it's not an issue, so perhaps having an urgent task at hand rather than passively watching and allowing my imagination to roam free is the difference. Or perhaps I don't have any empathy for real people.
>typical jojofag hating on another series because its getting lots of discussion and want people to only talk about Jojo or PriPri
Let's pretend the Jojo fag while being absolutely retarded and posting a pic from worst part, that he has a point and let's talk about scary or discomfortingly horrendous scenes in anime because that's actually interesting. Hard mode: no Junji Ito.
Autistis can't feel sympathy and don't have a sense of danger so you can't feel the same things as the characters that's why you don't feel scared.
The worst part about it was that I knew she wasn't going to die. This adaption would benefit from a deviation from its source material.
Riko a shit. A SHIT
fuck off i just used this pic cause it was the first one i found in my folder
"""u autistic op xd""""
Sup Forums everyone
>riko dies
>reg now cannot function emotionally and has no reason to continue
>reg now doesn't feel compelled to kill mitty, though he probably will since he's a good kid, but then nanachi kills herself because reg won't force her to join him
How exactly would the anime benefit from this?
>sales in abyss
>How exactly would the anime benefit from this?
Riko's absence alone would make it at least decent. I'd take an original and fun trainwreck ending since there won't be a S2.
I really like Shiki but I am big into monstrous creatures like vampires. I think the hand wave explanation is that they were organized but desperate. If they could take the town they would have a foothold but barring that living in the shadows they would have to splinter off like vampires from the Anne Rice novels and have no psychological sense of companionship which is a basic human need if you think the vampires still had that much humanity left.
I thought it was a nice show and there were some moments that would have really made an impact if it wasn't for the fucking fact they were all retarded with no long term goal. The rising rate of new Shikis was something like 1/5 from what I could tell, and each Shiki needed to eat every single day killing someone in 3-4 days.
The exponential growth is part of the reason why most modern vampire stories take a different tact than if you're bitten a few times when you die you become one of them. It would grow at the rate of zombie infections only slightly slower due to the time between feeding and death is only slightly slower. It is terrifying to see in a larger scope though. I recommend the 1985 film Lifeforce that while very cheesy does explore that in a fantastic crescendo.
>posts JoJo's
>accuses anyone of being a fag
I'll check it out but I just wanted something to explain what they planned to do after they won. Keep some humans around and cycle on and off of them so they don't die and are constantly hypnotized? They could have even said something stupid like trying to openly coexist through blood donations, but nothing was ever brought up about it despite all of the talk of slow careful planning and years of life experience. Kidnap dozens of people every week from the city was the only method they showed for extra blood and that didn't help their cause. The show could have had such a better feeling if they just gave a bit more to justify and empathize with the shikis.
>mods can't handle a single frog image on a legitimate post
>didn't even warn or ban me
Is this anime enough?
>There's no horror anime
Said a pleb who haven't seen Higurashi or Gyo.
I think the easy answer is the director and writers know the endgame from the start so they hand waved that part of the plan away. Everything outside of that is speculation. I think ultimately though, just speculating, they could have raised humans as cattle provided they had enough vampires to keep them in check from taking advantage of the vampires' weaknesses. It would have to be a careful balance between enough vampires to keep the humans in oppression and have enough humans to be able to feed without worry. The problem with that is there may be a situation where there will never be enough humans in oppression to feed all the vampires needed to keep the humans in oppression. In that case the whole situation is doomed to failure from the start.
But there's nothing else scary in anime desu
Higurashi is drama not horror. Only the manga for Gyo is scary the anime is shit.
>posts moeshit
>thinks posting Jojo is somehow worse because it's more popular
He's right you know. Literally anyone can scare anyone with a surprise.
>the anime community
Nobody's forcing you to go on reddit retard
>epic reaction image
>this autistic
It wasn't scary, it was gross and stupid edgy garbage.
>Made in Abyss airs
>what the fuck is this loli shit?
>it'll never get as hardcore as the mangafags are saying it will
>the show delivers
>what is this edgy shit?
>why didn't the show that telegraphed its dark and violent elements telegraph its dark and violent elements?
Why is everyone such an idiot?
This is exactly why people hate Jojofags.
Your shitposting aside, are there any actually scary anime? I've looked but it's all gore and the same edgy "lol im cute but psycho" bullshit teenagers tend to like.
>I've looked
No, you haven't, newfriend. Go to /wsr/ if you want to be spoonfed, or if you're not retarded, you'd be able to find what you seek.
there's some pretty good manga, but look longer than minutes if you want to read it.
>asking to be spoonfed
>I've looked
Fuck off.
Don't cut yourself.
What an inane reply. You might as well have not posted anything.
Have you seen "Another"? It's alright
Yet you are still so triggered you feel the need to reply. I'm sorry the shitty manga you've been reading has been exposed as worthless edgy garbage now that they've made a TV commercial for it.
Watch Shoujo Tsubaki.
doesn't matter, it can be cheap but it's still not cheating. besides, in the horror genre it's almost crucial to have at least one to build suspense or lower one's guard. even the lack of one can cast fear since they're continuously expecting it.
>there's no such thing as horror anime
sad but true
You seem mad, are you mad?
Seen it. It was okay, bitch with the eye patch could've stopped the whole thing before it began.
Will check it out
>u mad bro?
You're just an idiotic newfag who needs to lurk more.
Excuse me for having good taste
>MANime faggotry
>good taste
If you say so. Reminder to lurk two years before posting.
Just take a deep breath man, it's all gonna be okay.
>There's no horror anime, anime can't and will never be scary.
I pissed my pants when that alien showed up in SE: Lain.
jumpscares are the horror equivalent of fart jokes, they get the job done but cheaply, it's just bad to use it in order to get the viewer scared.
I love this thread thanks MiA and edgyfags