How do we fix the fag problem?

How do we fix the fag problem?

Nato vs Warsaw Pact

I thought Spain, Portugal and Italy were super catholic? Arent catholics against gays?

In Slovenia it was legal, but we voted against it in 2012. The pushback from the radical left is being felt all over the world.

At the root. Leviticus 20:13.

lol how retarded and shut in do you have be to believe that

Not with this pope

>How do we fix the fag problem?
You need Islam


Bullets. Also I'm impressed that only just over half support sodomite marriage.

wtf Spain

A minority of people are Catholic anymore in those countries.

t. Catholic who moved to the US from Europe

ours would have been higher if the cunt who campaigned against faggots wasn't a fat, abrasive bitch.
Then again, I live in commie central so that might have swayed my opinion

>that direct shithole-homophobia correlation


>c-communism is degenerate

Spain is a ridiculously liberal country despite heavy catholicism.

Italy may be quite religious but it's full of frat boys and gangs.

Love how sweden is both the nigger and fag capital of the world.. oops

Marriage, wtf even cares? At least they won't complain anymore
Adoption? Fuck off

>this kills the right wing retard

I fucking miss Ratzinger



t. noguns Bong boy

I can never wrap my head around why ireland are so pro gay when they are a catholic state.

Old poll.

many croats are closet faggots

you know the saying što južnije to tužnije? Well što sjevernije to pederkastije >.

fuggin purgers get more estrogen pumped into their diets or somth its terrible

Swedistan is more of a shithole than Poland kek

Spanish bros need to get in here and explain this faggotry.

desu, it's the same here. north is full of westernized pussies

What for? Everything is fine.

but the mappppp........
says Serbia is against that gay shit...

yet the serbian prime minister is lesbian

>tfw you disagree with 90% of people in your country on a particular issue
Faggotry should be a no-go topic in schools and I like Putin's approach to "gay propaganda." But gay marriage has always been the biggest no-brainer waste of words and social brain cells in existence for me. Who the fuck cares? Faggotry is not contagious unless you initiate a state-sponsored campaign of promoting it to the point where it becomes trendy and you end up with a third of youth declaring themselves bi (like in UK), which is naturally impossible to be factual. This is clearly a matter of being trendy since the UK is a nation of faggots nowadays. Faggotry and actual homosexuality are also two rather different things, keep that in mind. It's impossible for more than around 5% of the population to be genuinely attracted to the same sex, and as long as there is a consensus in society that this is an abnormality, it's not a problem.
Anyway, two sincerely gay people getting married bears absolutely no mark on society as a whole, and I couldn't care less about it. Let 'em.

central and south serbia is saving it from full on degeneracy

and surprise surprise - she's croatian kek

kek yeah blame it on us again

my cousins live there and its visible af on the people , WHERE ARE OUR COUNTRIES GOING REEEEEEEE
We are gonna have to have a brutal ass culling soon

Maxim Gorky "Destroy fascism - homosexuality will disappear!"


If marriage can be done between two men than it loses all meaning. Whats the point? Why do you have to get married, just move in together and be faggots in quiet ffs
Why not let me go ahead and marry two women at once too? Fuck it, marriage doesn't mean anything anyway

You shouldnt get tax breaks for having sex with someone with a legal documemt. I dont want to subsidize fags and their drug abuse problems.


And France, Spain and Italy must be Paradises compared to the Baltic States

Why does it have to lose all meaning? Just cement the line right there and say that's as far as it goes. It's still monogamous, it's still not hurting anyone. I reckon they want to get married cause they want benefits of spouse life, cause they see no difference as long as they are in love. Remember, a slippery slope is a slippery slope only if you let it.
Besides, like I said, as long as they are understood and kept as the tiny minority that they are in a healthy country, you're talking about 5% of people tops.
Can't really address this. Sounds like legitimate concerns but also sounds like America problems.


With war and forcing fags to the front line

5 je mnogo

Spain is this gay friendly? Only eastern Europe are real christians?

Mozda. Ali racunaj takodje da su gejevi jako promiskuozni ljudi i gomila kurvi u jos goroj dekadenciji od ostatka populacije.
Recimo da je 5% Srbije gej. Koliki deo od tih 5% ce zaista da se vencava i radi na ostvarenju nekog srednjo-klasnog zajednickog zivota? Brak i zajednicki zivot su teska rabota pobratime.

I have never had a problem with gays adopting or getting married, but the thing is they are starting to pop up everywhere more frequently , itll get so bad up to the point where insted of 10% of the population being gay those numbers will increase into unhealthy proportions , not to mention all the estrogen pumped soyboys running around

Upravo to ali taj se virus ne širi sam od sebe ima poticaja od (((njih)))

based croatian lesbian cucking the serbian averga epol poster by snatching his possible gf
and being a pm

must be hard to be a serb nowdays

Machismo must be dead....

>I have never had a problem with gays adopting
this is where i draw the line

i don't care what they do as long as they dont poison the mind of the children by dirty propaganda and sexualizing children

we have all seen it happen in canada and i wont stand for this degeneracy

Spain seems to suck. I have friends from there with advanced degrees and they can't get jobs. Millennials are all fleeing for Germany and England to find work.

used to be based as fuck

yuhup, the child could be raised by anyone who is capable of raising a normal functioning member of society , despite loving cock or vag

except homos are far more likely to suffer from mental disease

Znam, znam, i to je ono o cemu sam govorio. Radi se o koordinisanoj kampanji ispiranja mozga. To je ta "gej propaganda."
Gej parade ponajvise su jedna od najdebilnijih stvari na svetu, i iznenadio bi se brojem gejeva u Srbiji koji se slazu.
Treba raditi na tradicionalnim vrednostima i suzbijati te dekadentne uticaje sa zapada, ali plus sa strane ako legalizujes gej brakove i pokazes toj maloj manjini o cemu se radi, mislim da je to apsolutni win-win.
Nisam jos skroz razvio ove ideje, ali mislim da znas otprilike na sta ciljam.
Grupe kao sto su gejevi su konstantna meta subverzivnih stranih uticaja koji zele da ih koriste za unistenje odredjenih zemalja. Te elmente treba integrisati i pridvoriti svojoj zemlji tako da ih boli kurac za te lobiste iz tudjine.

Prekines lepo gej parade - srecni ljudi sto ne moraju da gledaju to i da kriju svoju decu od degeneracije.
Legalizujes brakove - zadovoljni gejevi.

Onda lepo usmeris narodnu svest ka konkretnim problemima od kojih zaista propadosmo.
Tako ja vidim tu stvar.

You know you want it.

Spain is shit. A communist, gay, feminist shithole.

>what are mirror neurons
>what is conditioning
>what is this causing the child to think during its formative years

>i have never had a problem with gays adopting
>with gays adopting
the fuck is wrong with you Borna, who slipped soy into your wine?

Spain has always had a problem with building infastructure in small towns. All their kids will go to barcelona or madrid or leave.

That pic brings me back to Treyvon Martin.
That pic is so low res bu today's standards, and it's only been 4 1/2 years

Franco should have finished off the commies

The EU will enforce it.

we don't

When I moved to Sweden in 2001, I was given a book by Migrationsverket describing the country and its culture, customs etc. it was obviously written by a gay man because he continually lamented the fact that the homo “scene” was small and that it needed to expand. Fast forward 17 years..., well you see my point.

Apparently the answer is communism.