
>Fattest generation to exist
>Most liberal generation to exist
>Gayest generation to exist
>Most atheist generation to exist
>Overwhelming supportive of immigration and mongrelization
>Most in-debt generation ever
How can a single generation be so fucked?

The Greatest Generation, the Boomers and GenX all suck as parents, role models and disciplinarians. Millenials time will come.


>Most in-debt generation ever
who fucking cares about debt? like what are they gonna do when you have nothing? haha fuck off banks

Raised by the actual worst generation ever.

>t. mutt


lol, you think this generation is shit, wait till Gen Z comes around. Who do you think is raising gen z? lmfao. I've seen so many kids get married and have kids who should never in a million years ever have kids nor be around them

Capitalism destroys everything it touches.

the banks will have the laws changed to re-institute debtor prisons, then have all the prisoners perform slave labor.

it's like you don't know how the jew operates.

oh fuck! hard times ahead

Movie Fight Club explains that

This gen doesn’t give blowjobs because it’s degrading kek

I want the timeline where Hitler wins. Fuck this timeline.

Surely without Capitalsim there would be no war or famine.

Well they wouldn’t be called “war” or “famine,” that would just be everyday life


>How can a single generation be so fucked?

You know why.

>like what are they gonna do when you have nothing?
Charge your parent's goods.
They can legally do that.

They will vote in socialism in the US, the rest is downhill folks. Wouldn't go to war even if we are invaded. Imagine their kids...

Generation Jew is finally here.

Because we let them down.

Hello plebbit

Millennials are chosen because they were raised in the true information age, after the advent of the web and before the door is effectively slammed shut. They are the first and last to piece things together.
Many great men will arise.

>neglective parents who didn't care
>grown up consuming media where everyone good is rich/attractive/social , characters who aren't are evil and perceived as human waste - literal mind control
>either you're perfect or you're a nobody mentality
>thanks to this if you aren't a good looking white collar worker straight from Hollywood romantic comedy your social status is low
>education system focused on shitting out demotivated clones afraid of freedom, instead of making kids specialize in skills they find interesting and rewarding

Social media ruined millennials and fucked over gen z who completely grew up on it

>neglective parents who didn't care
That's not fair, it was more
>I want to give you all the things I couldn't have
followed by
>Oops, I was too busy giving you the things I didn't have, to give you the things I had
It was a values failure, or a failing to recognize what they did have. Happens all the time.