Does anyone here ironically likes SAO?

does anyone here ironically likes SAO?

What's your opinion on it?

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I unironically like it. All these faggots screaming "muh plot" and "muh gary sue" just can't appreciate a fun show in an interesting world

It's first half and GGO were good.
Only YouTube hate bandwagoners think it's genuinely bad. (Digibro is cancer)

FUCK THIS JESUS CHRIST,NARUTO COMPARED TO THIS IS A SHAKESPEARE,my nipa this shit it´s so boring,tedious,repetitive,hentai,romance edgy teen,sword tedious,nobody dies,forced powers,friendship not detailed and all others problems.

I tolerate it.

It's chuuni pandering stuff but you can do worse

I like the first half. I understand what people love and hate about it.
Because I kinda both love and hate parts of it.

It is great and better than most stuff circlejerked around here (reddit:zero, memesuba, SoL moeshit)

I enjoyed it, it was entertaining. Really enjoyed the first season, and GGO arc was nice because of Shino.

Also, I want to fuck sugu in the butt

You can't ironically like something you retarded hipster. You either like self-insert action trash or you don't. Quit trying to justify your mindless entertainment and just enjoy what you enjoy. Who are you trying to impress?

I just finished season 1 and started 2.
What can i expect Sup Forums?