Who remembers?

Post Mayoiga memes

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Mayoiga was the closest I've gotten to the TTGL and GUILLOTINE GORILLA experience

Same. Mayoiga and Danganronpa 3. I hate being a newfaggot.

Guillotine gorilla was insane.

I never even finished Samumenco from the shock.

We just had a thread OP. Couldn't you have bumped that one?

how bad was it? convince me to watch this user

Watch it for Jack

It's really bad, only watch for the memes, but I don't think it's a fun without the threads.

There should be a rewatch for it though, I want to relive it.

Sorry user, I didn't notice.

post memes though

One of the characters is an actual rapper depicted as having dark skin and he is the first to "die".

Well, the rumors are true I'm afraid; he's rather unimpressive down there. It's about 4.9 inches long and 4 in circumference, and that's at its very thickest point. It's the exact same shade as his skin, with a sharp circumcision scar, above which is beet-red when he reaches full "mast". He also curves a bit to the right. It's kind of like a half-red thumb trying to hail a taxi. He's got sparse hair around his tight, beady scrotum, but a thick tuft of pubes at the top that often completely obscures his sad, flaccid "grower" of a prick.

The driver's got a Japanese average length, but the girth is something more fitting of his frame. It's actually larger in circumference than it is in length; something like 5" x 5.9". It looks pretty jarring and it's veiny, hairy and wrinkly as hell. He does, however, have good enough hygiene that it doesn't smell particularly bad at all, especially as far as ojii-san cocks go, so that's really nice.

Speedo's not spectacularly hung or anything. Below average in both length and girth, but he does produce precum like a prodigy. His foreskin covers his head entirely, even when he's fully hard. You can see some faint veins running along it, but nothing really bumpy or standoutish.

Just above-average length, but *PHENOMENALLY* thick. The girth, combined with his fiery bush of pubic hair make it seem a lot shorter than it is, but his laughable height corrects the perspective. He's also got a thick mushroom head that his foreskin grips tightly and glides over forcefully when he masturbates. It's not exactly phimosis, but it's enough that when Hellfire jacks off, it provides him with an exciting additional jolt of sexual pleasure just from peeling it down.

Now, Jack's got a very impressive length, nearing up on 9" long and still counting. His girth, too, is well above average, but less so, and his cock is slightly thin relative to his length. Jack is, to use a gross understatement, an impressive shower, and even growing up in his early double-digits, his bulge was very noticeable, and created an almost unnerving bulge on a boy with such a soft face. He has pretty short foreskin (which I think you've got to forgive of foreskin tasked with covering up that much cock) and even flaccid, you can see most of his head.

The funny part is that he actually rather hates it. It reminds him of an adult's cock, and he goes as far as wearing impractically baggy pants to cover up his bulge and try to hide what most guys would kill for and flaunt.

Judgeness has an average-sized gavel, but its colour is kind of wacky; owing to the veininess of it and the thinness of his skin, it sports a sprawling patchwork of blood red, blue and purple under the skin. It's got lots of bumps and contours and a 10-15 degree curve upwards when fully erect. He's uncircumcised and has pearly papules around the rib of his glans, which are VERY excitable. It's a very fun thing to play around with if its appearance doesn't initially scare you off.


She was always big for her age, even before puberty. Once her body started down the path of testosterone, however, things got really ridiculous, and she knew she didn't like where this was going. She'd regularly measure upwards of 7.5" long, though she was hardly ever fully erect as she didn't care for having a penis. Once, when her libido was really out of control (as had then been getting more and more frequent), she measured up to a hair over 8.5" long and 6.5" around. Even flaccid, she's bigger than many of these Mayos hard.

At least, she was. Hormone therapy and her decreased sex drive has reduced her size down to a bit over 6" long at her usual hardness. When she tries to masturbate, she has a really difficult time keeping it up without anal stimulation, so if she goes limp, she can get pretty upset and a lot of that anger is directed outwards at others. She doesn't cum anymore, but her cock does get coated in a GENEROUS flow of tasty pre-cum within seconds every time she gets hard.

Mikage's cock is just short of 6" long and somewhat thin, actually. Its foreskin is loose and its veins make it look dark and purple as he gets hard. The rim of his cock has papules and gets very sensitive, often causing him to make cute, embarrassing moans and vocalizations while he jerks off.

Yottsun was too pure for that anime.

Mitsumune's cock is an even bigger wonder of the natural world than the Lost Village itself. By far, his penis is the largest of the whole tour group; it is truly DEKKAI. Flaccid, he can keep it tucked away in just a couple layers of undergarments, but when he gets an erection, it's a frightening experience. First, his cock grows wide and pushes against the skin of his thighs, then it stretches out the fabric of his tighty-whiteys, and this causes a great deal of discomfort. He's cut, and when he gets super hard, his skin is very taut and it can sometimes be painful for the poor boy.

Mitsumune has never actually masturbated - he's too scared of his own erections - but sometimes he wakes up at night with a shiny, sticky pool of liquid emanating from his crotch. He freaked out the first time it happened to him, but after relaying his concerns, Speedo calmed him down and told him it when normal. And that if it happens again, he should sleep over his house, just to make sure it's nothing serious. Not that it matters why, he should just do what Hayato says.

>Pink Goddess
In terms of size, he's somewhat above-average, at 7" x 5". His foreskin is somewhat tight (not as much as Hellfire's), but it's a typical cock in all other ways, in regards to its shape. Its color is quite beautiful though; nice and pale, with small, blue veins visible throughout, but all underneath the skin, so there are no bumps or contours. His soft, delicious cock head is as pink as his name implies, and the whole package is just so beautiful on an aesthetic level that it seems more fitting on an angel than a lowly mortal like you or me. Lastly, his balls are somewhat small, but the scrotum itself is so clean and beautifully-maintained that it seems like a work of art in his own. The devotion he puts into cleanliness carries over to his junk and combined with his natural giftedness, the result is nothing short of pristine beauty.

This is how our civilization will end

Oh boy, Reiji's cock is so juicy, user... There's something about the combination of his strong pheromones, the way his pubes trap them and the natural oils of his skin that just gives his cock an absolutely unfathomably savory and salty taste and sticky texture! Size-wise, he's around the size of Pink Goddess, but his bulges out a bit more, making it a good amount thicker beneath the ridge of his glans, and in addition, he's much larger flaccid, making his a complete shower.

His balls are larger as well, and they produce a lot of precum, Sometimes he takes his undergarments off after a day of hiking around to find a string of beady, sticky material connecting from the bottom of the crotch to his cock. It's kind of cute, sometimes he likes to taste it, but then he'll get embarrassed and toss them away immediately.

Valkana's cock is an angry little thing. It's just 4.5" long, but when it fills up, it's beet-red and he can literally go for hours, multiple times a day. His big, full scrotum however, hangs well below his cock, and holds inside untold quantities of cum. Aside from Wankoro, he's probably got the most prolific loads of the lot of them. Surprisingly, he keeps the whole area pretty well-trimmed too, just a fun side-note.

Small dick version: His illness has kept his body small and feminine throughout puberty, and that translates to his cock as well. As small as his hands are, his cock is proportionate, such that the very tip just barely breaches through the other side when he wraps one dainty hand around it.

Big dick verison: True to his namesake, he's been very active in masturbation throughout his whole life, starting at a very young age, even among 'early bloomers', and it's not clear what part if any his vague illness might have played in this. His doctors suspect that one side-effect of his condition is a severe hormonal imbalance, resulting in the only part of his body that seems to have changed much throughout puberty being his cock, which has grown to a rather obscene size in relation to his tiny, effeminate body.

Both: The color, much like Pink Goddess', is incredibly pale, and the head is a light pink. However, he is even paler than PG and without any veins, whatsoever. The color palette of Wanko's wankstick is essentially the vanilla and strawberry sections of a vat of neapolitan ice cream.

Although some of his sensations are dulled by his medication, when he approaches climax, it's like a wave of pleasure breaking through and he loses himself, boasting the cutest, girliest pants and moans of the lot of them!

Who has the full thing? I only have up to here.

at least the ride was fun

Even though it ended up being a trainwreck I still enjoyed it. Kind of.

What show will be the next mayoiga/DR3 meme fest I wonder

It was only worth it for the threads.

Besides that it's terrible and not the fun kind of terrible, it's terrible and boring.

I forgot that DR3 and Mayoiga were released in the same season. That was a good time. I'm still waiting for the next anime original to give the same feeling.

The threads were fun. I still have my mayoiga memes folder.

Who (still) has the completed version of this?


This show was "goosebumps : the anime".

There was not enough time travel to make the comparison






Does someone have the link to the Initial D webm with sound?

>tfw i stopped watching halfway through
Biggest regret of my life



lost with chuunis
and stupid as fuck


What was his name again?

>/fa/ instead of /out/
This must have been made before episode 2.



Don't mind me, just posting best girl.


Here you go. my.mixtape.moe/qcosqf.webm
I unironically enjoyed Mayoiga, just like I enjoyed Chaos Dragon. A bad, but entertaining show is better than a mediocre but boring show.