Why is life so shity?


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We must suffer first in order to understand the greatest joy

>I have to work to survive, it's not fair

Punishment for Eve eating from the great tree of knowledge.
As usual, a women fucks things up.

Well, open your own business. According to communist cocksuckers, once you do, you will just ride around in limousines and fuck luxurious hookers doing nothing.

Your struggles will soon be over, user

this kind of thinking would be your problem. your life is exactly what you make it.

if you didn't spend so much time focusing on shitty poems with boring illustrations, you wouldn't be a slave now would you

>bitch about being a wageslave
>remain a wageslave
I don't know what to tell you, Alejandro. Who else is there to blame but thyself?

Did you know that medieval people had more free time and parties than modern man? Why would you willingly want to keep up a system which will literally rob you of most of your life and personal time?

Why? To pollute the world and collect more material until there plastic particles are everywhere in your food and in the water you drink?

>Did you know that medieval people had more free time
[citation needed]

They also had black plague lol

Did you know that the Jews were behind the black plague?

It's true! Look up the Venetian Black Nobility and how they fenced intelligence to the Mongols as a gambit to wreck the then-modern nation-state.


Not the best source but its true.

Ye they had but we could definitely work less and share our burden of work, while still maintaining most of our well-being, but greed prevents that.

Newfags would argue this.
But you couldnt be more right

>Working pointlessly for paper money which value can plummet on a moment notice depending how a cabal of international Jews who control the value decide its time to crash the economy so they can make incredible monetary gains =/= working with a genuine purpose, for a given nation and population which you are a literal part of, both in flesh and mind as to insure the growth of said nation so others may behold thine self glory and is insured by the genuine honesty of all participant.

Technically speaking it is all entirely due to low frequency vibrations. "The love you withhold is the pain that you carry."

>Ye they had but we could definitely work less and share our burden of work, while still maintaining most of our well-being
Right. The link you posted literally opens with this
>Life for the medieval peasant was certainly no picnic. His life was shadowed by fear of famine, disease and bursts of warfare. His diet and personal hygiene left much to be desired.
People like you make me sick. You live in absolute luxury and bitch about it. The worst thing about people like you is that you're a fucking hypocrite.

>protip: most of the world out there is STILL like what's described above
Weren't you a fucking hypocritical asshole who should have his ass kickced big time, you'd fucking pack your shitty little bags and head to a place where you don't have to work. Sure, you'll eat like shit and die from dysentery within the decade, but hell, at least you don't have to work in an office "all day".

Seriously, fuck you, and please, kill yourself.

That is actually Lilith fault, the first whore, not Eve.

At first there was Lilith and Adam, then Lilith fucked up by picking the golden apple of knowledge and making Adam feel ashamed for not being a total cuck to her, so ''god'' created Adam a daughter from his ribs (the area where primitive man believed was the source of sperm) so he could live happily. Eve is unrelated to the golden apple, that shit was added with the countless shitty translation that also censored the existence of Lilith.

Basically the Hebrew started from an story of incest because Adam wife was a literal whore venerated by his fellow semites (whores even had their own wings of the temples), so he got the fuck out and started a new family with his daughter, Eve.

Except that people in hunter-gatherer tribes literally only work 1-2 hours a day (hunting/gathering) and have the rest of the day free.

No one would be complaining if work meant going out with your friends on a fun trip to hunt some wild animals or even messing around and picking berries for an hour or two. And you were doing this purely for your family and friends.

And on the other hand, only absolute cucks would be ok with going to work 8 hours 5 days a week, 2 hours commute and possibly overtime so that you can make your boss some shekels for a soulless society that doesn't give a shit about you.

Because reality doesn't give a shit about your feeling, only the fellow human beings you find so abhorrent have the ability to give you the special attention you crave.

It's not so bad. Imagine not being able to die.

A metaphor for things in the real world not being as easy and comfy as the neet life at home
Women mature faster and want to drag men away from our sweet set up and make us work and have kids.

Because you come on Sup Forums too much brother.
Spend some time off it.

You literally have no point in your spergout. Even if our life is luxurious, why shouldn't we try to better it anyway?

More and more people are becoming unemployed and more and more jobs for simpletons are going extinct, and when somebody points out that there is literally no reason to work long hours in modern times, your only aswer is "REEEEEEEEE YOU MAKE ME SICK, BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE"

People like you have nothing to say. You are irrelevant to any discussion, ever.

You're telling us with a straight face that people living in squalor only to die at 30 had it better off than you do.

I'm sorry, I forgot I'm talking to an idiot.

>only to die at 30
Another meme, that was an average.

Lots of infant deaths caused it, people without sickness could live further..


Think about it tho
>fug with lolis
>make war
>be young your hole life
>check out when shit's only just starting to get tiresome

That wasn't my point and you know it, shit-for-brains. My point was that they worked less hours than we do and had more time for themselves. If you didn't have brains of child or retard, you'd realize that there other options than a.) slave away your life and live in post-industrial society or b.) avoid work in medieval society

There could be like this option c.) live comfy and work less in post-industrial nationalistic society, tax the machines and aim for automation rather than flooding your country with supposed immigrant "workers"

But since you're shit-for-brains or troll, you're not really worth talking to about anything.

Get a good degree.. get a good job.. go out.. find a mate.. have some kids. What's so fucking hard about this you pussy?

there needs to be a reform of capitalism to mandate some form of profit sharing so all employees can participate in profits. Lots of large corporations do this but usually only for the white collar class. It should be across the board. So Walmart and McDonalds employees would all get profit sharing checks bi-annually.

Otherwise capitalism just evolves into a plutocracy no different than feudalism.

>tax the machines
Oy vey these meshugge robots, why won't they pay their fair share?


haha, 'As a Man Thinketh' - teachings of the Buddha

Yeah, and you could live to be a hundred, but you probably wont.

I know where you're coming from. You're coming from a place where you can't even imagine owning things or having created value yourself. You're white trash, and it's glaringly obvious from your view of the world.

You use phrases like
>slaving away
and describe ideal life as
>live comfy, work less and tax the rich guys
as if work was fruitless and you only could do it to profit someone else. This is the mentality of white trash and literal niggers.

It would be a moot point for me to tell you that becoming NEET is always an option if you loathe work so bad, as it's obvious you are one.

Well, have fun living in poverty. I'll work office hours and make nine times what you get in gibs, you fucking proto-nigger.

I wish to not just die but be completely erased from all planes of existence.

>As a Man Thinketh

>there needs to be a reform of capitalism to mandate some form of profit sharing so all employees can participate in profits

Then it wouldn't be capitalism.

>look at me being mad and sperging out and shutting my brain

You didn't really say anything on that long and butthurt message of yours? Is that right?


aha, quite the horror to realize your karma is not extinguished with death unless you have extinguished it before death, Behold - I Teach You the Horror of the Eternal Recurrence, and the Promise of Transcendence to Nibbana!

Just remember that life is an illusion. We incarnate ourselves into these meat-puppets simply to learn and experience. Write your own story, in blood if necessary. Make sure that when you're dead, and your soul is looking back on what you did, that it feels proud, that your story at least has colour and fire if not meaning.

Also, sadness. Sadness has been written of as "sweet sorrow". Never forget that it is a living hungry thing that will snare you with temptation and suck you down like pool of fine-tasting quicksand. The FIRST FUCKING MOMENT you begin to feel down, slap your self round the face and climb out of the pit IMMEDIATELY, grab the nearest branch and get out of the quicksand. Every second you stay in it, the more sweet it feels, the further and deeper you go. Just say NO to sadness and turn it off, it is a possible concious choice. I've beat clinical depression, trust me i know this fucking girl, and she's a maneater.

When lost, look at animals. See how simple they keep their lives, food, warmth, a good fight and a good fuck once in a while, that's it. Animals are mostly immune to depression, the tiniest bird will freeze to death on the branch without uttering a squeak of pity for itself, without letting go, it simply stands and endures, match it.

What is so bad about working?

Working hard is what will make us evolve as a species. If a life that requires hard work ends up destroying lazy people then so be it, we will be better without them.

I actually made several claims and educated guesses based on your previous posts. Based on your reaction they were dead-on.

I don't know what happens when we die but is sure hope there's a way to be completely erased forever. I am so tired so very tired.

t. statist


>fug with lolis
Born too late for the best timeline

Modern capitalist-consumerism, along with mass immigration has destroyed almost all social capital in modern society. America funtionally does not exist, it has no race, no culture, and no ideology to be shared amongst its citizenry. This is beginning to take effect in other places too, the concept of community has died off with this highly mobilized world. Society lacks a foundation to function on, with simulacra tribesmen being pumped out of every artificial community in an attempt to keep afloat.

>Working hard is what will make us evolve as a species.
Keep in mind that attitude is taught. There are plenty of people with a sub-Saharan attitude and light skin ITT.

It's the result of shitty parenting, really. Your overbearing mommy cleaning up your underwear and heating up tendies until you're in your mid-twenties with zero life experience and no education. That's how you get these degenerates.

I agree, we'd be better off leaving them behind.

Here in Canada, we can work for 25/hr, but we lose about half that to taxes, then there are the bills and carbon tax, and then mortgage payments, car insurance, internet/etc, food is bloody expensive too ($4 a loaf of bread, $3.50 for 2 gallons of milk), health insurance costs about $200/mo for each of us (wife, son and me). At the end of a month, I have barely anything left over, even the school charges us...I don't have time to spend with my son or even help around the house, my wife works and cleans the house, we're thinking of trying to get a second job each but we're drowning. We never fell for the credit jew, we bought a house wisely five years ago at a low locked rate, but now that rate has skyrocketed and we're locked in to that for 5 more years. Car is only because my old beater wore out, I'm not great at fixing anything.

I can't handle it much longer. 6 days a week, most of the time my manager wants me to stay an extra hour or two so I'm doing 9-10 a day. my body and mind are tired, my wife is haggard and angry, we don't argue or fight but we don't talk to each-other either. not sure what i'm going to do, my son is depressed now and I don't have anything left. There's no end in sight. I can't do this anymore

Even revolutionaries have to stand on traditions.

Nowadays there is literally nothing to motivate except live and buy things.

Just wait a few years for that UBI money to come rolling in :) its gonna be comfy


And now your son is going to read this. Good role model.

>Working hard is what will make us evolve as a species
Not true..

A few individuals make more contribution than a million hard workers..

probably. not really much else to do but complain on an anonymous mongolian basket weaving forum while I take my mandatory 10-minute shit per day.

Are you implying those few individuals didn't work hard?

As far as I'm concerned scientists, artists and entrepeneurs have to bust their ass to achieve greatness.

Hope you get better senpai.

Be careful with your wife, good luck.

As a leafistani citizen myself I urge you to sell your home and come to eastern Europe.

>Here in Canada, we can work for 25/hr, but we lose about half that to taxes
That's not really true, now is it?
You put $48000 into those and it cranks out a tax rate of 22% or less.

Hence why the radical and extreme left/right will grow exponentially and murder the center, and carve out their little slices of utopia until once again.Then a special nation comes by and forms Rome 4.0 ; now with bigger and better guns, and twice the decadence.

They did, but that's not why they succeeded.

Having a good situation/family and an innate talent.. its what counted most.

You are lucky they let you work for them afternoon your parents brought you into this world without owning enough land and goods that you could choose to survive without entering into society. I'm sorry you have bad parents user.

Jesus Christ, I cannot unto grammar.

I wouldn't say it's what count the most since a lot of talented people never accomplish anything because of lazyness. Either way, lazy people shouldn't be allow to live.