Worst girls all eating a shit buffet, how appropriate.
Here's the cover of the second volume.
Is this any good?
Haven't watched it yet
>know how much Koala likes poop
>still get in the car regardless
They brought it on themselves.
The author needs to do research.
A 4 seater sports car that is comfortable for the back row passengers doesn't exist at all.
I didn't know Koala is a nen user
They're fine for puny 15~ yo girls.
Of course you haven't watched it yet, there is no anime of this series.
Why would panda be afraid when pandas eat shit just like koalas?
Koalas don't particularly enjoy eating shit. Yukari just has an obsession because her whole desire to learn to cook was to find the dish she craved for the most.
Even in her introduction chapter, she seemed a little weirded out when she found out it was shit.
Ch. 33 + Omake
Can't sleep, so why not?
I wanna do licky licky with Lanka!
And that's it for this week. As always, thanks go to Rapeman for not dropping this series.
Interspecies is disgusting.
Where'd the giraffe come from? Don't remember that at all.
Chapter 18.
Forgot the chapter, but there is a giraffe that wants to tickle Jin's poop chute. Apparently, giraffes are really gay.
No amount of decency can stand between our love
I don't remember the girl behind sloth. What chapter is she from
>I don't remember the girl behind sloth. What chapter is she from
Chapter 26.
I don't get the sloth panels. Is it just setting up for the Manako close-up, or is it being implied Sloth has feeling for Lanka or Jin?
She probably likes Lanka.
Wait, does that mean Hitomi likes Jin after all?
I think the author just needed it for the joke. Never once in the manga did it show me that she was a dyke and not just a pure girl that wanted friends.
Fuck sloth probably had more scenes with Jin than awoo.
Fuck me this got taken off batoto. I always forget that
Batoto mods are fucking faggots
Try Mangapark or Mangahere.
>Hitomi likes Jin after all
In the chapter where she rejected him, it was very obvious that she liked him back. She turned him down because she knows his supposed feelings for her weren't as deep as what he felt for Lanka.
I hope the reference here wasn't too obscure.
She rejected him because he's a dog fucker.
Bestiality is wrong.
Hope this ends as a harem.
Or, you know, the actual source.
You know it can't. Jin is going to get with Hitomi and break all the other girls' hearts because humans were meant to mate with other humans, not animals
That too. Or the famous Goddess.
Is miyabi staying at hitomi or jin?
Jin is only for mating with Lanka.
>A Koala's food costs about 20,000,000 yen per year
>about 650,000 Israeli shekels
Thanks Rapeman.
>israeli shekels
Oh rapeman, never change
Where do you think we are?
> "why are they meeting in my room....?"
yeah, why
neo-Sup Forums sadly.
Because they all want his dick inside them
would you help koala, user?
nice, Hitomi's boring, but she's still usually pretty hot
They're offspring would not be viable.
Really I just want Jin to have to tell Lanka and Miyubi that he can never be in a relationship with them because seeing cute girls cry gets me off
I guess she's one of the ones that'd be more plausible to get a boyfriend as she's not really part of the harem
huh, I knew she was one of the only ones with a real interest in cooking, but I didn't kno she was classed as the head chef, or that she could cook THAT well
Miyabi's looking at who...?
I've been kinda behind, but I can't imagine it being Jin.
Lanka best girl.
Only for mating with Jin.
I can't believe Miyubi is fucking dead
oh damn, I just skimmed over the translator notes, until I saw the responses
Well it's just like, so probably both; Jin and Lanka both helped her and gave her a pack to stay with afterall.
Poor Miyubi, even her ghost is surprised.
Jin is not a dogfucker. He's a wolf-fucker. They're super cool!
Zebra will always be the best
I want Yukari to eat my poop !
well that's a relief. If his dick was at all proportionate, he would've destroyed her
Wait a sec. She is not forming a heart with her hands.
I love when Hitomi gets involved in this sort of nonsense, she's so strait-laced, it tends to take me by surprise. Like when they suggested she'd been complaining about how loud the donkeys were with the rest of them
>yeah, I suppose that'd be the case eh~
No dick is a problem a handjob from her couldn't solve
I'd say Lanka. Hitomi doesn't have as much solo-interaction with her as the other 2.
And I think if it was supposed to be Jin, she'd have been grouped with the other girls in the previous panel
>using Shekels rather than good ol, wholesome American Dollars.
Could it be that Rapeman is secretly a Jew?
I suspect they take turns meeting in each other's rooms, and just took it for granted they could meet in Jin's.
aren't there declining birthrates anyway? it's practically his duty to mate with Hitomi
He's an aussie
>yeah, I suppose that'd be the case eh~
shit, I meant to say, which character actually said this?
surely there are Jews in Australia. They seem to get everywhere
Meimei is the one who said that. Rapeman forgot to point that out in the bubble (the raw has the square with the first character of the speaker's name).
Since ancient animals are the adults of the world does that mean in 30 years there will be another massive leap in evolution?
Ah shit, seems to have been cut during editing, here's a fix.
I would have respected Hitomi for refusing to be a beta bitch in a harem. Unfortunately, instead of going for the fight she fled and ended just as a molested mark for a seal (even below beta bitch).
That's kinda bitchy for Meimei though, depending on how she meant it
Surprise me the Jin doenst kick them from his room, then again, Hitomi is there so maybe he thinks the other are a acceptable price for her
When are we going to have another M episode about Panda?
>what exactly you have been telling him
I had the same expirience with a friend's parent when I meet them
No only is Jin getting a harem, most of his girls have other people tryibg to get them, man this is huge NTR bait, I hope we dont get flooded by those fags
I keep saying, the rejection happen to earlie, Jin at best just see Lanka as a friend, until the flashback chapter, was, IMO, the first time he show any potential of being in love with Lanka
But you will stay with ous despise everthing, right?
Sloth is cute there.
Giraffe-kun is the true end.