Araragi is literally a lolicon.
Araragi is literally a lolicon
Other urls found in this thread:
>doll = 100 years
>snail ghost = 20 years
>vampire = 400 years
Not true user.
This. If anything it seems he has a thing for older ladys.
Don't blame him considering how hot his mom is.
On the contrary, he likes MILFs, that is why bat is the most precious and special woman to him. See this . The older, that better.
Really? You know I just thought he was normal dude. He's even got a gf he is loyal to.
Stop shitting up my Monogatari threads with your ESL-tier grammar.
Does this look like the body of a 400 year old to you?
Goddamn she's good at making me hard.
All her shapes by the way.
Araragi is NOT a lolicon. I'm sick and tired off you guys trying to put this couragous and attractive young man down like that.
The body might be not but her thinking & actions makes RRG want to come each time she mind fucks him. All that he could say is.
>what an amazing tease coming from a little girl .
It really turns him on each time she gets aggressive and when he finally is willing to ride along, she pulls back. It is like when you are about to come and then she suddenly stops and orders you not to come. She is really a tease.
>pretentious reasoning
Don't lie to yourself, you got a boner too. If you are girl then it got you really wet.
Her age keeps dropping. She's 598 when Araragi first meets her and over 600 by the the latest arc.
He's even the kind of pervert who gets off on knowing Gaen is reading her own Bimajo gravure.
She doesn't need to have the the body of an adult to make you acutely aware that she is one.
Araragi's strike zone is from Shinobu's physical age to her actual one.
>normal dude
I wold not want to consider him normal but guys like him are all around us. Those two timing kind, to be specific. But you got it right when you said that his gf is loyal. He is however is being selfish and just does not want to let crab go just because he does not want to. Similar to crab who likes mature older men, he likes mature woman who could have his back. Crab is no where near that. Bat is the only one who could be with him and understand what he going through.
P.S. Can someone tell me what this art suppose to mean? She is not crying because he is dead is she?
Araragi has a strikezone? Strikezone implies there is something he wouldn't fuck.
It's so broad as to be almost meaningless, but he does have one.
>Her age keeps dropping
That is what older women do in real life. RRG is too dense to understand why bat keeps telling that she is 500 years old.
>Strikezone implies there is something he wouldn't fuck.
>but he does have one.
>The simplest explanation is that she is his strike-zone.
His strike-zone seems to be broad because of her.
How tight is Shinobu's butt?
Loose as a worn sock.
Exactly as tight as she wants it to be. Shapeshifting etcetera.
>That is what older women do in real life. RRG is too dense to understand why bat keeps telling that she is 500 years old.
It probably hurts more that she is likely the oldest vampire alive. She did mention that most vampires die of suicide by the time they reach 500 years, and that she is only still around because of Araragi. You could almost classify her as Ancient, and she would hate that.
I had a dream a while ago, where I was in a threesome with Araragi and Shinobu, and a lot of really icky stuff happened.
Looks closer to 500, tbqh
Shinobu personally knows an older vampire. It's not a big deal, just some vanity.
Just for your information, Araragi is NOT attracted to lolis.
At most, he teases them. If he wouldn't be kind to a fault, he wouldn't have let Mayoi kiss him, you can see how he has no joy in that.
He would be in joyful state if not for the fact the kiss was a kiss of death. She was to die. Why would he be happy that she's dying/disappearing?
Define icky.
And so is half of Sup Forums, What's you point?
>Araragi is NOT attracted to lolis
>Araragi is NOT attracted to lolis.
It's just bantz.
He does that to snail because he literally wants to eat her. Since she is already dead, there is no problem.
>taste, smell, texture, ribs, upper arm, thighs, breast & collarbone.
This is plain predatory instinct and he really wants to eat her bones and all like what Kiss-shot did to cutter in Kizu.
>If only we could just dissolve into liquid and melt into each other!
We an all just disregard this weird and nonsensical part.
Also a siscon.
How sublime
>Define icky.
Orally cleaning Shinobu after Araragi was done with her, for example.
Are you saying this so that you can feel better about yourself? Trust me my man, liking lolis is fine, they ain't real.
>officer when I tongue kissed that little girl I was just joking
It's a classic joke. Uncle Tony loved that one.
RRG did not stop, he just does not want to force her. Bat just got shy because it was all sudden. They probably continued that after their pairing was repaired by Gaen. Araragi never bugged her again about kissing after that. In fact bat knows that he is fantasizing kissing her all the time and probably let him have some when they are alone in RRG's room.
You could refer to the doujinshi to see what happened in between that kiss and the time the darkness came.
>Implying everyone here wouldn't jump at the opportunity to lick Arararagis cum out of bat.
I get the impression you're trying to argue that Ararararagi isn't a lolicon, and thus not deranged, yet your rationale actually would make him more deranged.
That's pretty gross.
Some of us aren't homosexuals or cuckolds.
>they ain't real.
That is probably what your therapist instructed you to say to yourself but you could not avoid reality forever. They are all around us and live among us.
loli is a body type, not an age.
>That is probably what your therapist instructed you to say
f-fuck you got me
I'd eat Shinobu's pussy like a madman given the chance, but I'd prefer it sperm free.
>That's pretty gross.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Not everyone, only women like yourself. Men would rather lick bat's pussy after she absorbs every molecule of RRG's sperm. I would not want to taste his cum like what this user said .
I would honest to god, have passionate sex with all of those girls in pic related. Lock me up chief, I dont give a fuck. Jail just a room, age just a number.
>tip of the iceberg.
What else? Please do share.
>>Implying everyone here wouldn't jump at the opportunity to lick Arararagis cum out of bat.
Go home snail.
>Go home snail
>$5 ka ka
What did she mean by this?
Would pat head and watch grow up but nothing more. 3D lolis can be cute but there is nothing about them that would make me want to fuck them.
One cuddle and sleep together, one snowball fight, and one ka ka, please.
How much for doll to say W O W?
>hold hands
this is outright prostitution, Hachikuji
This guy is right.
Araragi says it at one point himself; he loves big breasts, and the only reason he gropes Shinobu/Hachikuji is because he knows their breasts will grow up big and strong
I've never met a 400 year old woman, so for all I know yes.
>Araragi says it at one point himself; he loves big breasts
That means nothing, I love big breasts too, I just love small ones more.
>5$ anal
Shinobu is perfection.
Reminder that his girlfriend used to have a harem of kouhai and is just as much of a lolicon as he is
Read the rest of the comment. Araragi prefers larger breasts, but he knows for a fact that Hachikuji and Shinobu have huge knockers when they grow up. It's an investment.
But Crab is in love with Hanekawa's monster bodonkers and Kaiki's pale specialist cock and abs. She even says she hates kids because she's autistic.
I fount that part fishy too. She might be referring to holding both of her hand down while doing it. $50 is way too much. As the toll increases as the fee get higher, it must be something more than "sleep together" for $20.. The $10 for "cuddling" was the clue to unravel what "hold hands" really mean. It probably goes along with "hold hands tighter" before climaxing.
>What else? Please do share.
Well, as far as I remember, Shinobus shapeshifting ability was taken advantage off. She went from an dominant loli to a submissive milf. And at one point, she shapeshifted into a futa, and even Araragi himself, so it was RRG x me x RRG. There was a lot of DP stuff, a lot of cum, watersports and biting.
But then again, my dreams are always like that, so it aint that special.
On the other hand, Hitagi Throwing has Kanbaru claim she has an entire harem following her around school, and Hitagi Neck has her claim that she's always strongly desired a younger sister and loves little girls.
>ka ka
Same old "Kaka". Try it for free here ->
>and abs
Having abs when you're emaciated is like having tits when you are fat.
It doesn't count.
Reminder that Shinobu is a shotacon
>tfw no doujin of Araragi and Shinobu using their age regression powers to please each other's fetishes
Is there a doujin with Shinobu doing Shotaragi?
>will grow up big and strong
Sadly, snail has no change of changing ever. Not unless she finds some godly powers to changed her current form.
Someone better tell Hanekawa, then.
He's an Omnicon
>change of
*chance of
But he knows that in some hypothetical situation that she COULD. That's the appeal.
hes to based and has good taste
Should Gaen add that info onto the rest of the BTFO she gave Hanekawa?
>I second that.
>and Hitagi Neck has her claim that she's always strongly desired a younger sister and loves little girls. I just assumed that she fucked araragis sisters, when they had that sleepover.
I just realized I phrased that wrong. Senjougahara is the one who claims that she always wanted a little sister in Hitagi Neck.
Of course, Kanbaru would also want to fuck Phoenix and Bee for the rest of eternity.
Is his skin really that bad? Some people even joke that he is dead probably for the same reason.
You might not know this but that word actually exist and coincidentally it is possible that he is one. I personally don't trust him that much.
>Someone who can go from being a nice person into a deceptive opportunist with in nano seconds. One minute they are your best friend, the next they are walking off with the copyright draft of your first novel.
>You never know someone is an omnicon beause they are deceptivley friendly and decisive in their plans. An omnicon could very well be classed as a visionary but due to their criminally minded behavior and outlook, they are never referred to by anything less than opportunist.
Wow, Im both kinds of omnicon then.
Undoubtedly best girl, tomboy + spats = happy penis
I would do unspeakable things to her asshole. And she would love it.
>no Valhalla Combination doujins
I don't get it. When you consider all factors, Kanbaru is basically the no.1 candidate for a threesome with Senjougahara.
this series was only passable during the first season. the rest is just derivative trash
I mostly just watch it because I enjoy the characters and that Araragi is the first MC i empathise ze with since Shinji Ikari
DS should do an ending animation sometime soon?
Now we know which side of the family Kanbaru gets those tendencies from now!
There was one, but it was futa.
>Araragi is literally a lolicon.
Is rrrrrrrrg a fucking legend? I think he is.
That's the one where Kanbaru rapes the Fire Sisters, right?
>Now we know which side of the family Kanbaru gets those tendencies from now!
Lets be real. The Gaen family is a family of degenerates. Kanbaru's father and his parents seem like well adjusted people so they were obviously not the cause.
As opposed to figuratively being a lolicon?