Kyoukai no Rinne

I wanted to get into watching these series seeing that it's quite popular with getting 3 seasons. Is it actually good Sup Forums? I liked Ushio and Tora, is this something alike?

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Same old Takahashi low budget comedy format as Ranma. Not bad actually. Will probably get 200+ episodes since there's so much source material.

that doesn't sound very appealing

Not like Ushio and Tora. The episodes for this are very one shot-y. If you like rumiko takahashi stuff you'll like it, but otherwise nah

It's just like Urusei Yatsura and Ranma in the structure and style of comedy, this time the protagonist is a perpetually broke shinigami who gets assisted on his cases to help souls pass on to the afterlife by a ridiculously stoic regular human girl who can see spirits. Give it a try.

Is all of it good though?

Watch the first 3 episodes. Now fuck off.

Do you like deadpan girls?



Sorry, she's too deadpan for the "INUYASHA! KAGOME!" thing to work.

I think that's the joke. Maybe.

You join in with the 20 IP crowd.

Why do I want to fuck her so much?

She has a very lewd body for being in a non-lewd show.


Did he plow his lolimom




When will he give Sakura his hobo dick?







I'm female and find Sakura refreshing (tho not all that interesting) with all the shit female protags there are.


It's slow as shit and pretty repetitive, but once you get locked into the pace it all melts together into something greater than the sum of its parts. It's fun.

>I'm female
You know the drill

I was born with a vagina and have even chosen female pronouns. Is it that rare nowadays?

Hope somebody enjoyed my Sakura pics!

Every single character is an unreliable asshole. That's why I love this show. The only problem is that it assumes you have a goldfish tier brain.

Any S4 confirmation yet?

Thank you, user.

Needs more lewd and hmanga


Sakura's not an asshole, at least not intentionally.

Will HS upload a batch for the whole season without ugly hardsubbed yellow subtitles when this season ends?

She will just stand there with her tsukkomi antics while you get pounded. That's pretty asshole-ish.

Forgot one.

He didn't make new content, right?
Based user

>Any S4 confirmation yet?
The only thing confirmed is Classicaloid S2 will be replacing this next season and probably planned for 25 episodes again.

Who knows. They still haven't replaced old Funi shows which are available on CR now.

How many volumes got released so far?

>Sakura fanart
I didn't know such a thing existed. I'm glad.

37 I think. This shit has been running for nearly as long as Ranma.

Seems like he made most of his stuff in 2016. Forgot some more.


I think 50 episode of this was enough. It's comfy and occasionally has a good laugh or two but it's the same shit every episode.

Is there anything particularly appealing about S3 or has it been just more of the same?

Jesus fucking deadpan christ. MMY SKR makes a do-M cuck like me wanna rag and rough the little cunt up.

This rumiko trying to return to Urusei Yatsura and Ranma days.
Personally, Its not as good as both of them as years of drawing Inuyasha seems to impair rumiko capability to write crazy ass hijink like the one in Urusei Yatsura and causing this series to be more "grounded".
But its still decent and if Urusei yatsura or some of Ranma crazy ass hijink turned you off and you like more grounded comedy series then this one is perfect for you.

Rinne's mother.

Two episodes until we know if there's a season 4. Or do we already?

I can believe you since Takahashi series have lots of female fans. What I think makes Sakura enjoyable is how her deadpan is played with almost zero malicious intent. She's just a good-natured and pretty boring person who doesn't get fazed by anything, and how understated her reactions are to the constant lunacy swirling around her is what makes her funny.

She's the Buster Keaton of the show.

I think part of the problem is the lack of larger stories. This season pretty much the only thing that even needed two episodes was the introduction of Rinne's mother, outside of that most stories only take one third of an episode. Ranma and UY had a larger number of longer stories in addition to quick one shots. In fact, Ranma rarely had complete one shot chapters. Most stories generally took two chapters at least.

>This rumiko trying to return to Urusei Yatsura and Ranma days.
I don't think so. It's silly to assume that making the series different and more grounded and mellow than the zay wackiness of UY or Ranma isn't intentional.

Are they dating yet?

It's like a Saturday morning 6am show, It's harmless and isn't bad at all, It overuses the gags and jokes way too much but I guess that's the charm of it.

It's worth watching if you just wanna laid back show, I hope we get more but I can't see it happening.

I don't read the manga, but this is Rumiko. The anime/manga will probably end immediately after Rinne and Sakura get together.

There's a guy who does summaries of each new chapters here:
maybe someone can dig around see if there's anything interesting.

Does the manga have no translation?
Also, is this Ichigo?

There is one. On tumblr.

Batoto had like 20 chapter added to it today or yesterday.

There is someone translating it, but the editing is terrible.


It's good

I thought Viz was publishing this in the US? Back when it first came out, they even did simulscans online for a couple years.

They stopped doing that a while ago.

Well your intuition is correct
I'm a huge Takahashifag

I know about them stopping the scans, it was following the 2011 earthquake (holy shit it's been a long time), but I thought they also physically printed the volumes. Did they never do it?

I guess they print volumes. I'm not American and here there is a different editor publishing it (and way beyond Japan).

Figures, I have multiple female friends who like her stuff even thought they're not big on anime as a whole. As for me, I've been an undying fan ever since I watched Lum and Ranma when I was a wee lad. I'll only stop following Takahashi once she dies or I do.

Was it rape

Me neither, I'm a pastafag. Up to volume 31, which isn't too far behind I guess.


Post yfw "I'm two years younger than your mother."

I was more surprised to discover Sabato wasn't lying when he told Rinne his mom was dead.

Is this the show where the love interest changes genders when the girl says sit?

Yes, also the guy who changes genders is a boxer as a male and a nun as a female while the girl is a poor shinigami from an alien planet and she needs to eat mermaid meat to survive.

Are they just going to rotate between Clasicaloid and Rinne from now on?

Between the last time and this time, it seems like that'll be the case.

And here I thought Rumiko had lost it.