Is Jordan Peterson the greatest hope we had in a long while...

Is Jordan Peterson the greatest hope we had in a long while? He's being invited to the mainstream media and not afraid to speak out about the current white degenerate roastie problem of our society.

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His daughter is a roastie

The "far right" (gay republicans) are already sinking him.

dont just say it, post her you faggot

Elites are willing to allow him to speak because they know he actually is bluepill in many ways and will make men want to be productive and stay on the plantation without getting uppity

The fact that he's being shilled against so hard must mean that he's doing something right.

Thanks guys, I like JP now.

he is a well spoken anti depressant sales man

Not an argument

Back to lefty/pol/

hahahah faggot, hit nerve didn't i? go take your pills

>He's being invited to the mainstream media
Oh gee I wonder why.

Shamefur dispray.

Why the homophobia?

He is a shabbos goy. A shameful coward.


muh carpet
Don't you cucks ever get tired of it

>Oh gee I wonder why.
Because they can longer deny that we are growing day by day

>That pic
>Not a gay republican

He goes to the back of the line..

Not that special

How's that affiliate program treating you? Have you made enough to order your very own limited signed edition carpet yet?


Yes, but it's to do damage control, to pull people back away from awakening and asserting their own free will again.

This is what it looks like when they are afraid, they know not to touch the dragon while they are plundering it's gold.

Until you have watched this you will not understand the media, how it works or how they manipulate the minds of their chattel.
They don't need everyone to believe them, they have power over so many that it ultimately does not matter in a "Democracy" for they are the democracy makers.

This is advanced autism. Clean your room and get a gf.

his daughter can die if she has sex.

JP is pulling the Overton window back. He's showing that you don't have to suck the SJW shlong to stay relevant. He's showing how to discuss important societal trends without getting blasted away by identitards. He is Neo in the SJW matrix. Dont listen to the lefty haters. The perfect is the enemy of the good.

What did he mean by this?

Peterson is the perfect gateway drug. There's a reason why we there's so much anti-peterson shilling lately. The Jews are running scared that his book is the top seller, (((NYT))) even refuses to list him on their best sellers, and yet his power only grows.

>oh gee I wonder why
this, nailed it on the head. He's the light harmless "opposition" to pacify the hostilities, the hostilities that we need for real change.

JP represents the archeotype liberal position that the leftists abandoned 50 years ago. JP is what the left will look like after they defeated.

He meant you're a faggot

Neck yourself lefty cuck

Indeed, it's great. Sure, he might not be totally redpilled (or hiding his power level, I think) but it's great to see how he's actually addressing the problems of degeneracy and Marxists in our society while exposing normalfags to our thoughts.

>Neck yourself lefty cuck
I'm clearly the opposite you autistic sperg. You kekfags are the biggest cucks. You're so afraid of being anything but mild

He's getting me to clean my room

Now if we can get men getting /fit/ again we can claim to be a board of peace.

to be fair, You have to have a very high IQ to understand Jordan. The philosophy is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of excetansilsm most of the things he says will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Jordan's post-nietszhenz outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Alexandr Solzhenitsins literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these things, to realize that they're not just observations - they say something deep about LIFE.

As a consequence people who dislike Jordan Peterson truly ARE idiots.

of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Jordan's "clean your room " existencial catchphrase which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as his genius lecture unfolds itself on their iphone screens.

What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Jordan Peterson tattoo. It's portrait of him in a Kermit hat with the text "i clean my room" in italics below. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they have read Maps of Meaning beforehand.

NYT bestseller aint all it seems either. Most of the dirty secret of publishing is that when you sell to store distribution that counts as "sales" So if you get a deal to ship so many units per week it creates buzz and makes people think you are selling books, even if not a single person buys the actual book. Something like 3% of the public actually buys books in surveys. Even worse, Jews are the largest buyers, hence why the industry skews to the left, though they also sell a conservative angle, but its pretty tame like Bill ORiley or Hannity. The point is when they did pew polling they found that jews disproportionately buy more books and more often than the general public does. Most of the jackoffs you meet on the street just watch tv or play video games, school barely transmits info anymore, it's sad, all of the best info about jews is published in mainline publisher presses, they are in the library telling you whom controls you and in the bookstore doing it too, but people imagine that some small fringe publishers are where people get these ideas about the Rothschild or jews in general, this is the problem, people don't read, so when we drop a red pill on them about jews they immediately assume we are looking on the internet at fringe conspiracy BS. There's enough real stuff about jews for there not to be a need to make shit up about them that is truly disturbing.

I want to add I'm referring to NON Fiction. So yeah I understand the other fiction markets are huge in terms of the Stephen King or romance shit. But the facts are out there, it's just that nobody reads. The media are comfortable not telling or explaining the details. Plus if it doesn't seem exciting or bleed it doesn't lead. Also distribution alone causes a best seller status even if no one buys the book, that's how shit books like auto biographies seem to be best sellers but just suck shit. The distribution alone creates the best seller status, even if not a single person buys the book, these books later get remaindered for pennies on the dollar. They are write offs. It's a lot of PR and fantasy in terms of sales.

b u m p

One other point.
This might seem obvious.
But if most people buying books are jews.
A book revealing how jews
control the world and it's not
a good thing.
Will not ever wind up
in a major distribution
system for books.
But via independent publishing
and direct sales one can sell
as many books as a NYT bestseller
without the main system.
The main system acts like a gatekeeper.
The same as TV, RADIO, Cable
all gatekeep people.


He's the first step in the process. He's necessary for our movement