>seiyuu cosplaying as their characters.
Seiyuu cosplaying as their characters
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Its cute when the cute ones do it
I just imagined her attempting to bound up a steep wall while doing the noise.
Heart status: melted
someone post Imai as Kurisu
This thread lacks Sugita.
Rikiya still looking like a hot sexy beast since his days as Joe the Hawk from Kamen Rider Black RX.
This is aqua
Fuck yeah Mimorin!
>Not wearing pantsu
Better not doing it at all.
Good lord, she aged like wine.
>Mimorin is already in her 30s
My dick. Gonna need more Aoi Yuuki dress like Tanya, user.
I can never get over how short she is.
Totally will married her even thought i don't like marry someone older than me even just 1 years.
I love it. Just imagine manhandling her.
THAT'S Oreman? I'm disillusioned
Best Sheryl Mimorin
Shes not really cosplaying Aqua though
>you will never hear Mio's "GIGA DRILL BREAK!" ever again
Welcome to Japan.
>no oneechan
absolute fucking state of Sup Forums
Then who was ?
>Taketatsu Ayana is Mirakurun
What the fuck? I though it was just Ookubo Rumi
It has always been her.
At times Rumi Rumi sounds like Ayanacchi.
Rie Takahashi a qt
Everyone past 25 shouldn't do that.
Kazuma is best Rie Takahashi
>ywn do her like they do on the Discovery Channel
But what if it's like a really old character like Master Yoshi
Wonder why he didnt cosplay as this one
>seiyuu being cosplayed by their characters.
>only japs can dress up as nazis
Stop making America look bad.
Even 3D Kukuru is the best
Look at these casuals
Same. What the hell.
You own me a new glass of milk and keyboard
Seiyuu idolification was a mistake. I miss the good old days when a seiyuu was a cheerful obasan who could do 20 different voices both genders.
When will Aoi cosplay Shuten?
Only cute obasans like 17-sai and Hocchan are allowed.
She has manlier chin than i do.
If the girl is cute why not?
I think I was pretty clear.
I dont think they make that costume small enough for her
I still can't understand.
Is it just some angles that guys doing photos take or is there some predicament against male seiyu/production memeber standing near their partner?
how do you get the in to fuck seiyuu anyway
I'm the kind of guy that can fuck just about any girl he wants over in Japan, and I just don't really have a good in to that portion of the industry.
I know mangaka, illustrators, and a couple higher ups but no one that can introduce me to seiyuu
Why are you sure your cheerful obasan wasn't an idol back in the good old days?
on second thought, i should just contact them over twitter and insta
how did I not think of this
Is that a Jap Ian McKellen
I think it's just because you never see pre-reincarnation Tanya's face in the show. They're doing a bit.
We have the technology. jontyhurwitz.com
Makes sense here, but it's not the first time I see someone covering their face.
Not quite but yeah
Shinichiro Miki just doesn't want people in the streets spotting him, I guess. Koyasu is the same, he doesn't allow his face to be recorded at all.
He is a old man but apparently he still looks pretty good for his age.