Princess Principal

This is what happens when you stop drinking Dorothy's breastmilk

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Dorothy should have kissed her.

And shoot her, because this is the SUPAI WARUDO.

I want to marry Betty.


This series is full of megane characters...

I hate this breastmilk meme.
Episode preview by user
Radio shit with updates made by other anons
Let me know if anything else needs to be changed

You should stop that.


But Zelda is a boy name.

I want to marry Chise.

>general plotfag is actually Normandy's spy
>team dove exposed him with L's help
>go back to status quo
>teaser for second cour

Screencap this.


>Dorothy and Chise both disappeared in front of Ange
What does that even mean? They just vanish right in front of her eyes or something?

Best part of the episode was how completely unphazed Dorothy was by her friend's suicide. Guess the crush was one sided after all.

Dorothy is truly the heterossexual freedom fighter that will save us from the Monarch of Lesbion.

Stop that.

Why was it it too late for Iinchou when she only failed once?
What was she injecting herself with?
Why didn't she join the black lizards?
Who was the guy that saw dorothy run?
Why does this new commander want to kill princess?
What is the use of the bamboo water contraption?

Principal Ange, according to 7's report numerous pictures of you engaging in homosexual acts with Princess have been posted almost in every single thread. Explain yourself.

Every shot of this.

Delete this post too.


All 9/10 or higher though.

One shot is enough.

>next episode ends on a cliffhanger
>episode 12 is just a SoL episode with more Chise shenanigans
>"thank you for watching Princess Principal, stay tuned for S2!"
How mad would you be?

100% glad

So, why exactly did Ange become the autistic lizard she is now? Dorothy presumably underwent the same kind of training as she did, and didn't become like that. What's the reason for the personality change?

Sorry glasses-chan, Dorothy is a lolicon.


Baptism of fire confirmed.

>these perfect lips will never be wrapped around your dick

I want to believe

So they're actually going to warp up the plot in 2 episodes, hey?

There's no way this won't be rushed and disappointing, good thing we had a fucking laundry episode though, right?

>tfw some lesbot-loli with no prior training of any kind is more useful, participates in every mission, and steals all your screentime

To become strong enough to save Princess.

Why would I be mad if a S2 was confirmed?

It was definitely wrapped around someone's dick in a drug induced haze.

There is still the queen plot though that won't be wrapped up this season for sure now.

Thank God. I am not a huge Beato fan, but she's way, way better than Chise.

I've been mad since episode 7, in fact only my anger and sheer disappointment keeps me watching this until the end

Her own.

She devoted herself entirely to her goal of saving the princess by becoming the perfect emotionless spy. She didn't have the time to have fun or make friends every now and then. With Dorothy, presumably she was happy enough to escape poverty so she wasn't as serious about wiping away her emotions.

Ah yeah, THE plot. Which one was that again?

Unless Ange lied to Princess from the very beginning about the getaway scheme, and she is still set on carrying on Operation Changeling.

Sum up this episode using one word.

No milk, only pain from now on.

Dorothy was always honest and free with herself. That's why she was admired by suicide lesbian. Ange had to become an emotionally distant lie in order to protect both herself and the Princess.





She was crying.

>Chise does nothing
>still keeps getting quality fanart

That's some bias


She already saved this show.


Why doesn't Ange just punch princess in the belly and take her to casablanca?

>Chise does nothing
>episode is good

Really makes me think...

Have you thanked him for saving us from SoL hell, user?

I appreciate the fanart but what else do you expect from a character that was inserted only for NIPPON STRONG purposes?

Dorothy a best


She is Chekhov's Gun.

Ep 12.

Talented v.s. hard working

That'd be rude

I don't get the space lizards joke Ange keeps making, Is it some obscure Japanese pun I'm not getting? Is it Okouchi subtly exposing the British royalty actually being reptilian illuminati?

Both of them detest the aristocracy and want to bring down the house.

General plotfag will be the season finale boss while normandy will be the big bad boss for second cour.

When will we receive doujins featuring Ange, Princess and this handsome gentleman?

It's not SoL if the episodes in a spy show are literally about them doing spy missions. Chise's episode excluded.


Megane definitely got worked by her interrogators. She got worked so hard she had to kill herself from the shame of being un-lesbianed.

>3Hz/Actas making fun of nips again

They can't take down the general without taking everyone else with him. If they just kill the general, everyone else will find the team suspect. There will be a Baptism of Fire scene to leave no traces of conflict.

If you're sad remember Beato has two girlfriends.

>It's a Chise episode.
>It's good.

>Chise does nothing.
>It's good.

I think PriPri might just be a good show.


>Uh-oh, Team Mary Sue is getting boring, fast
I know! Have them fight a former grad of Mary Sue academy!
>Well, that was over quickly.
I know! Have them fight each other!


There won't be a second cour

>Final boss is the General
>He'll be killed by the final episode unless there's a season 2
So meta.

General will be revealed as Normandy's spy or someshit.

>Chinkse episodes
wew lad

Shocking truth.

>hello there fellow SUPAI DESUS
>Eru is taking a vacation for very top secret reasons lol
>I've read your reports, you did well in this mission
>oh, by the way, I know you're working with this broad but you have to kill her lol
>I have no reason to suspect that you are compromised in any way shape or form
>military genius here lol
Was he also hitting the breast milk, Sup Forums?

That makes absolutely no sense.

He drinks a different kind of milk.

Hory shit, she was injecting herself doromilk.

>no dad
>no girlfriend
Will Dorothy drink her own breast milk now?

>One of your teammates has become a liability. This is your new target. Eliminate Chise Todo.

She does that regularly.

>no girlfriend

Made in Normandy.

>Chise on screen for 10 seconds
>still makes the episode 10x better
Really makes you think.

Better that than milkphine to be honest.

Sorry, I should've made that clearer:
>no human girlfriend

Made by Normandy.

Robots can't drink breastmilk though.

Miss Dolothy where is my episode

Game theory: Ange will do the suicide