Because Sunday must be occupied.
3x3 Thread
Hello friends. My Sunday is occupied with being sick in bed.
How about a manga 3x3
>the "I'm a millennial who was introduced to anime by Adult Swim but still pretends my taste is superior" starter pack
My 3X3 is shit. (Dont worry Gundam purists, Im new to the franchise, but Im starting to watch better gundam shows that are far better than IBO)
What's wrong with the AS crowd? Those people never steered into the wrong direction.
Don't worry, user. IBO fits perfectly in your 3x3.
>Chaos; Head
How is Diamond is Unbreakable? I haven't seen the anime yet but the manga is one of my favourite parts of Jojo. I do love that third opening though.
I can't remember the last time I updated my manga 3x3. If I did it was probably end up including YKK, Holyland, GTO, Space Brothers, Sanctuary, Ten, Punpun, Nana and either Rainbow or Homunculus. I've been dragging my heels with Ashita no Joe, it's taking me forever to finish the manga
Chaos Head is there because of the combination of reading the VN and first watching it when I strongly related to Takumi on a social level. It resonated with me more than most people, but I can see why people think the anime isn't their thing.
I found it interesting in parts but was too ambitious in the grand scale of things.
Golden Kamui is the best thing I've read in like a couple of years, it's so much fun.
each 3x3 gayer than the last.
I have told you all you cannot beat me
You're forgetting an Ikuhara, Tomino or Dezaki series.
Boogiepop Phantom wasn't that bad. Is Cat Soup any good?
I'll give you Ikuni and Dezaki, but only /m/ watches Tomino.
You have a "TV show from the 80s" and a "somewhat popular TV show with a philosophical message" slots. Use your imagination.
song to prepare for my coming.
the 3x3 for all time
7:45 is my official entrance music.
Ya'll suck at this game. Try harder next time please and thank you.
can anyone identify center, bottom center, and bottom right? asking for a friend
Honestly man, you probably suck at mahjong, don't even bother posting.
I'm the best. Mahjong is actually my favorite game.
OP Here, I'd do a manga 3x3 but all 9 of them would be some combination of Yuu Watase and CLAMP.
wrong link
++Berserk,Mahoutsukai no Yome,Vinland Saga
I'm glad I picked up Akagi, got confused as hell then spent the week learning mahjong. Now if only I can learn the rules for lesbian mahjong
the rules are easy, and Akagi-while anime and played for drama- actually teaches you fundamental knowledge to help you improve. I once learned off the back of watching Akagi, too.
Most important skill it gave me is scoring with Chanta. Though I may have only truly learned that once I read Ten
Nothing in this thread worth responding to
if that were nichijou, you would be saved. excellence is a reward from Christ. give yourself over to the Lord.
this one should take you guys a while to listen to.
Nothing in this thread worth responding to
How much do I have to pay for a signature sensei?
I want you to give glory to God.
No one in this thread worth responding to.
Okay, I just speed read the bible. Now what?
Come. Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.
Too bad you can't fish up taste and intelligence.
Where are my manga user at?
3/9 +Cromartie, Champloo, Bebop
6/8 -JoJo, Kingdom
7/8 -Shigatsu
4/7 -IS, SAO, OreImo
2/8, +Haruhi, TTGL
6/7, -Slayers
Give an user a fish and he'll eat for a day
Give an user a fishing rod and he'll pawn it so he can buy Love Live figurines.
perhaps you can't
How profound
Luckily I was born superior with regards to both. I cannot imagine how desperate and small one must feel when faced with artistic expression that is beyond their comprehension.
I sincerely pity you.
you try too hard. nothing about you is genuine.
>every single 3x3 thread ever
you literal autists never get tired of this
The difference between your mental capacities and mine is so large that you are unable to conceive how I might have come to be. A natural reaction in the face of a superior form of intelligence, albeit irrational.
you're a thoughtlet living in a favela for the mind.
Ironic, considering you think linking to classical music on YouTube with no regard for the performance will make you look better. Try as you might, you cannot distance yourself from the juvenile and the superficial.
trying too hard.
Good bait
Out of breath already, kiddo? Too bad. Hopefully you now understand that your pathetic attention-seeking behavior is worthless in the face of highly intelligent individuals. Feel free to ignore your lesson in fear of losing face, and repeat the same mistakes as you usually do, that is the standard pattern of behavior displayed by those of low intelligence.
all you're doing is pontificating on how smart you are. can't you see how dumb that is?
I saw you hoist by your own petard here. did you forget?
Truthfully I was impressed that you know youtube doesn't post great classical performances. I once searched for a satisfying version of Moonlight all day and could not find it. I'm convinced youtube only spreads ugliness.
I like to use these threads to find anime people like and check them out. Am I using it wrong?
kind of. you should join in and sling shit. you will never grow by watching the opinions of others. inject your own to the discussion and see them torn down. only then will you see your own will to lift yourself up.
Thanks, user, that was borderline philosophical. These 3x3s are just a cock measuring contest of how good your taste is. Nothing like taking a barely distinguishable screenshot of some 80s OVA to show how cool you are.
You are projecting, little one. It would be ridiculous for you to brag about your supposed intelligence, as it is likely under average. However, you fail to understand that making a statement of my own while under provocation, when it so happens that I am highly intelligent and discerning, is perfectly relevant and serves as a prompt end to your poor attempt to drag the attention to yourself. Go on, and keep making yourself smaller, tinier, until you disappear for good.
A long sentence for a small mind.
Do you actually write posts like this and then think you sound smart or cool for it? Or is this how you talk in real life? Serious question.
no you're just not good so I stopped expecting a funny post.
I never post in these threads, and I usually want to strangle most fags in here for posting shit that'd make the author puke, like posting Hokuto no Ken next to K-on.
our tastes differ, but you're patrician
bottom right is meh and I forgot the name, bottom center is good historical viking story named Vinland Saga and center is a blessed glorious masterpiece named Dorohedoro.
Do you speak to adults as you do with children? I try not to interact with small minds in my line of work.
I don't know more than half the cases, but your tastes seem extremely coherent. One seems to like introspective atmospheres, and the other is a straight mecha fan.
Why did you get asshurt over me trying to guess the general tastes of people judging from their 3x3s ? You must like some pretty universally derided mangas or you must mistake me for someone else.
it's not your victory when the idiot drags you down to his level, that is to say if you weren't the idiot to begin with.
Are you even 18 yet?
In case you didn't understand the child analogy, know that it is impossible to reason with spoiled children without stooping to a point closer to their level of discourse.
Okay you clearly are mistaken. I opened the thread ten minutes ago.
if you know that it's impossible, then why throw yourself into the mud when you can just avoid interaction by not replying at all. any other discourse just implies that you're also a chuunibyou manchild with no intent to reason either.
Once again, your myopic perspective blinds you from properly understanding the mechanics of discussion. Would you allow your child to be rowdy all the time? They must be disciplined when they cross the line. This is key to building a society of well-mannered individuals.
here's your last (you). hopefully you self-reflect and kill yourself.
I'm glad you understand that it is time for you to stop posting. Please consider spending more time lurking and less posting.
>"prepare for my coming"
>fucking shit like KLK, One Piece and Lamu next to Akagi, Akira and Initial D
How does your grading system work? Looks like you just gave 100% to all these faggots.
Has one image ever been so accurate as much as this one?
there's also the longtime residents that literally spend the bigger portion of their day just searching for rare moments within obscure shows that no one actually cares about just to impress the newfags streaming in that would've posted pic related.
everyone who enjoys fate stay night or any of its variants, is, without exception, gay.
This chapter in the history of 3x3 threads shall be known as "In which High IQ Anonymous destroys Cuppy & Allies with cool headed retorts."
delusional theater.
let this thread be capped and saved for all time to make an example for the others that follow
Fuck you, fuck your stupid-ass file name, and 16/20
I have no idea how anyone who claims to be otaku can pick only nine.
9/9 perfectly acceptable taste
I think I'm going to make a TV channel that plays anime 24/7.