Is Susan Wojcicki possessed by demons?


jews killed christ
you tell me

those fucking hexagon earrings.

If by possessed by demons you mean jewish then yes.

>fucking hexagon earrings.
2nd that!

she looks like a demon

She's crypto-Jew, safe assumption.

nothing crypto about it.

No she's just a jappy jewgirl who got herself into a situation she probably won't know how to get out of. And believe me, she's got a whole team of control freaks egging her on.

I hope she gets indicted along with Eric Schmidt and the rest of the kike executives

That is a fucking dude. Looks like Marilyn Manson interviewed for an office secretary job.

Her sister is CEO of 23&me. Sister is married to CEO of Alphabet.

Major Jewry going on.

this, its pretty obvious she is a kike


This fucking kike deserves to rot.

She’s a Jew, so yes

(((She))) wants Alex Jones all for herself. What (((she))) wants (((she))) gets

Susan needs to kill herself.

possessed by jews is more like it


I'd like to bone her juicy jew jewel.
That's her face looking at my boner

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Susan Wojcicki
A shifty Jew